13 • Malva •

1405 Words
It has happened in a split second, and it has left me dumbfounded. The car blasts, and finding my way back to the fort. I left everyone awestruck when I arrived, but the other way around, when I arrived at the underground cell. I saw Mary kneeling dejectedly and broken. Nero did that to her, and he was supposed to pay. In the Mafia organization, we have a rule. With only a tangible reason, must we hurt one another, and I believe I have a tangible reason to grip Nero's neck and almost choke him to death. I wouldn't care less if he died. Even father knows he is as useless as he is a liability. But then Mary has stopped me from taking my own stepbrother's life. Her cry of plea had struck my heart and brought stability back to me. Now her hands are wrapped around me, her tears soaking my T-shirt, and her heart thudding against me. I didn't hug her back but I stood still to give her the support she needed. She is shaken at what has taken place. She is shaken at what has been going on in her life for those three days that she has been here. At last, when her sob began to subside, I reached out to her arms and pulled her back just enough so I could look at her. Tears stained her face, and her lips quivered, but even in her sorrow, she was still beautiful. I reached out with a gentle touch, my thumb tracing the curve of her cheek to wipe away her tears. As I did, my thumb brushed against her lips, and I felt the whisper of her breath. Her beauty was mesmerizing, and I found myself wondering how she could remain so attractive even in her distress. It seemed almost unfair that she could still shine with such radiance, even as tears streamed down her face. " I thought you were dead, " She finally whispers, new tears gradually forming in her eyes. " Your brother said you are dead. He said ... Your car was blasted off and you were in there " Upon hearing this I creased up my eyebrows in wonder. Does that mean Geoffrey didn't set the trap? It must be Nero since he knows the calamity that was designed for me. That is how he knows quite well how I should have ended up. I was lost in thought but then the soft sigh from Mary brought me back to reality. I turn to gaze at her to see her staring back at me with so much intensity. It was as though she was trying hard to see through me, but I knew she couldn't since I possessed this wicked ability to shield my emotions. " Come on. I will walk you back to the Rose Garden," I said to her, and without waiting for a response, I led the way, and she stayed close, her closeness making me aware of the fact I had been trying to ignore. At last, we both appear out of the underground cell and into the dark hall. We walked through from there and finally arrived at my territory. " Mary! " A lady, one of the Rose, suddenly called out immediately, and I watched as Mary rushed off to her, hugging her immediately. I nearly smiled at her. I can't believe she had made a friend with one of the roses just a few hours after she got there. " Boss. You are back, " Martina's voice cut through my thoughts, and I nodded without turning to her. She must have noticed my fixed gaze on Mary Because she explained. " That's her Roommate. Chiara " " Take her in. She is still shaken by what happened, " I finally replied to Martina, and she responded with a bow. It is a very tense day and the night is gradually upon us. I need to give the godfather a report. As I turned towards my bedroom, Marco came running up to me. " Boss! " He called, making me stop. " Boss, we received some information. The godfather wants you in his study " I stopped to think about what sort of information would have been available. " I will come, " I told Marco, and he bowed in response before walking off to relay my words to my father. I let out a sigh after he left and then turned on my way, but this time, Mary called out to me. " Malva " I stop abruptly, amused at her boldness. Even Marco, my childhood friend, won't dare call me by my name out in the open. Not even Martina who had been working under me for years. I answered Mary, however. I turn to see Martina already pale. The lady called Chiara almost fell while the normal chattering from the Tenty men's Abode opposite the Rose Garden suddenly stopped at once. Everyone is stunned at how she has addressed me and more perplexed at how calm I am about it. " What is it? " I questioned her, my voice barely above a whisper. I didn't race my voice, nor did I give her any reason to feel scared. I wanted to hear her out. " I'm... I... I have something to tell you... Please, " She begged, and I stayed silent. I didn't bother to reply to her. Instead, I headed towards the room beside the Jaws and she followed at once. The men guarding were surprised but they didn't try to stop her this time. Since it's clear I invited her in myself. It's tidy and bright in the bedroom. I headed towards the counter upon walking in to pour myself a glass cup of wine while I reached out to the cigarette packet that lay on the counter. I shook one free and secured it between my lips. Then, I reach out for a lighter. " Malva? " She called my attention, and I turned around to settle my eyes on her. I noticed her eyes go to the cigarette I was smoking and the glass cup of wine on the counter. A sharp contrast to who I am and who she is. " Hmm," I answered at last. My voice slurred and deep. It'd work on so many ladies, and I am Sure, Mary is also not an exception. I saw her suck on her breath and then began to fidget on her feet as she began. " When you are gone ... I keep wondering what would become of me... " " I am back now. Let's forget it, " I cut in softly, but she set her jaw up. " The terror I felt today made me realize something important " Abruptly I stop midway. I didn't smoke anymore as I waited to hear her out, wondering where she was heading. " Malva... Can you ... " She stuttered, scared. " Can you please make ... me a ... Woman? " Silence suddenly descended in the room and the atmosphere goes tense. At her request my heart steered. Not in my wildest dream would I ever thought it'd do that? Though I have expected this from Mary. At some point, I know if I continue to protect her as I have done, I will grow on her, but never have I thought it'd be so soon. " Why? " I asked, my voice laced with anger, as I struggled to comprehend her willingness. " Do you think I deserve the privilege of being your first? Has your virginity lost all value to you, that you'd surrender it to me without hesitation? " " Malva ... " " I disagree. If you think I have saved you because you are ... " " I know, " She said, her voice trembling as tears filled her eyes again. With a desperate, helpless motion, she went on, " I know I'm just a burden to you, a temporary guest in your life who will soon be forgotten. But to answer your question, Malva... yes, I think you deserve this. You've been my rock, my defender, my savior since the moment I arrived in this fort. You're the answer to my prayers, the one I've always hoped for. If anyone deserves my trust, my innocence, it's you. Please, Malva... don't refuse me."
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