EIGHT: Change

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He woke up and looked around as if he had not seen his room in a long time." Nancy what are you doing here in my room.?" He asked me bewildered. "Oh no , don't tell me we, oh my gosh, Nancy you know I'm married and you know how much I love Mariah. How could you?" He had a hurt look in his eyes. "How could you take advantage of me like this, was I drunk?" He gazed at me questioningly. I laughed while holding my mouth. I was happy he was himself except under a love spell. " Nancy, for the last time why are you in my room?" He inquired with a serious look on his face. " Oh my gosh Nancy, what have we done? Where is Mariah?" He shook his head in regret while dressing himself up. " Don't tell me we.....oh my... what am I going to tell her?" he's said getting dressed up quickly. He then paused. " You know I don't feel that way about you!" He coldly said. I was struck by those very words in the formation of an invisible danger right through my heart. But I retained my composure 'It must none the spell making him talk this way. No one can resist my charm!' " Ummm Cain don't worry nothing happened between us." I insisted. At that very moment, Mariah walked in on us. "Umm, baby I can explain its really not what it looks like!" He said and sounded surprised at his own words. Why was he apologetic towards the same woman he treated as a slave? "It's okay Cain, you weren't feeling well and Nancy was just here to see you. You were a bit ill this morning. How do you feel now, Cain sir?" "I don't remember feeling unwell at all this morning, i just got up now." He said in surprise. He then gave a quick glance at his wrist watch and exclaimed in surprise ab d annoyance. "It's already ten a.m.? !!! Honey, why didnt you wake me up early?" Mariah blushed in utter embarrassment and her cheeks turned a rosary red with a hint of pink. Even he was surprised at him self for the way he addressed her. Calling her honey. I smiled internally, but sought to keep a staring face. Mariah tried to make contact with me through facial expressions. "What are you two on about,?" He suspiciously . asked Mariah while looking in my direction. " Nothing, i gotta go now, I'm happy to know you feel better Cain!" "It's okay Nancy, no sickness can plague theee Cain." He boasted kidding and we both laughed at his cheesyness. Mariah looked down feeling hurt. She probably thought i had felling for her husband. I knew She had been feeling insecure about this for some time now Her golden simple earrings stood adorning her small ears. Her hair lay tangled in simple goarder notes behind her. She stood in her flat Jimmy-choos twisting her ankles in shyness. Her hands danged and their fingers were knotted together revealing the bright pink nail polish that was on her long nails. Her long dress- top bore intricate designs and was long enough to cover her legs up to knee length and so did Cain hate her style. He noticed how she was feeling left out as we joked around. He stopped talking and gazed her from head to toe the back. We were all silent. He seemed displeased. "Sweety what are you to me?" My heart started racing as soon as he uttered those words. Had he discovered what we had done to him? Did it not work? Was he going to slap Mariah? Would jugheir her like he always does in secret. Was he really honing to do this in front of me. I hated his sadistic ways. "Nothing?!!!" She answered uncertain as she was about to burst out into tears gazing at me. She clearly wanted me to leave as it would have been an emarassment for me to watch her being beaten by him. " Nothing? How can you say nothing, i know I have always told you that you mean nothing to me in the past and its just not okay that you have started to think that way too. Do you really believe that Mariah? That you're nothing to me?" She seemed confused, She did not know what to say, weather to nod or shake her head no . "Mariah do you you remember years ago you stood at the alter and took vows that you would love me and cherish us and that you would do everything to make me happy.?" She seemed surprised at his words. What was he going to say next. "Mariah all I want to say is if people see you like this they think you're my maid, not my loving , sweet and beautiful wife." He held her face with both hand and she broke into tears. "When i look at you, i feel pity , the way you dress and look makes me feel as if you hold your self with low esteem, maybe the way you have been treated by me makes you feel undeserving of such a title like 'wife' of Cain? " He said jokingly to her. Trying to make her smile and stop crying. "I would like you to dress like someone with high esteem. I want you to be confident like other women to wear make up.." He held her hand romantically. To wear high heels. To go to work. To kiss me good morning, to fall sleep in my arms every night!" "Bbb...bu ....but Cain sir? You never allow me to dress in such a manner and you don't like it when I sleep in the same bed as you." She stammered. "Oh yes! I've let you sleep on the floor all this time. " He said. I was shocked and sought to leave and give them privacy. "Nancy wait!" He gazed in my direction. "Mariah, i want you to go shopping with Nancy today. I want you to buy everything to your liking!" You can spend as much as you want on anything you want, here is my debit card." He opened his wallet and gave her one of his cards. She hesitantly took it. "Why are you still crying. Okay, i know I have not been the best husband to you. And I apologize for everything I have done to you my beautiful Mariah. Okay I know these very hands have hurt you so much." He was drawn to tears. "These hand have brought tears to the eyes of my sweet Mariah so I deserve to be punished." My skipped a beat. What was happening now? He was hopelessy I love under the sacred spell of the heart. He took out a lighter and started to burn his hands. He was st thing himself to punish himself while she desperately fought to make him stop. " Stop Cain sir! Your hurting your self!" " I deserve it!" He said. "I don't deserve your love my Mariah." He said. "How will we ever be happy knowing about everything I did." " I'm already happy sir, I forgive you. It's okay if you reprimand me sometimes these things are common in relationships!". "No it's not okay!" He said breaking into tears. I have never seen Cain cry that much He paced into his bathroom to vlen up his sooted hands and his tearful face. "I better leave." I said to Mariah not knowing what else say. I walked out on her. I was abour to enter my room when she grabbed my hand. "Nancy, thank you, he is self but he still seems a little off." "A little off because he confessed his feelings for you and he is treating you nicely?" "It's a bit strange." She said. "Tell me Mariah, is It true that you feel undeserving of his love because you hold your self with low esteem? Like he said?" She looked down," I know he would never be able to love some one like me, i mean heis Vain and im just...Mariah. So i know you are playing games with me as well. I know you did something to him To act that way." I slammed my palm hard on my forehead. This girl was clueless and naive. It was time to tell her how potions worked. " Mariah, i know you think Cain doesn't love you but he fully does. I never cast a spell on him to get revenge. I enchanted him with a love spell. The love spell cannot influence how one feel but it is to make one confess, admit the love he has for another. He will start acting tbewayhe truly feels about you. No spells or option can change how one feels about a certain individual. It's up to that person. I cast that spell because I knew he loved you." I looked her the eyes." She wept as we hugged. "Don't tell him anything about this!" I made her promise. I went into my room anf say overwhelmed by the day's events. Cain would leave for work and I would take Mariah out for a complete make over. Everyone was surprised at seeing the usual loving Cain descend from up thee stairs is into the living room bearing no memory of the dog incident what so ever. I was about to laugh thinking that Cain thought him and I had had intimate relations. Although at first I did not feel any thing for Cain or any other man for that matter, living with him and seeing him everyday aroused a sort of spark within me. I knew he was forbidden fruit. I knew he was taken. I knew many had their eyes on him, i knew he was married but to be fair, no one can control the heart when it has decided it wants to feel how it wants. I know his mother had paid me to seduce him but i was starting to feel the same way Mariah felt when he layed eyes on her, the way he caressed her hair the next few days after the potion had been initiated. the way he treated her bringing her breakfast in bed. hugging her, making future plans with her. She was living in bliss. Her aspirations that had bore no fruit of ever coming to were now unfolding before her very innocent eyes. Cain was hers and she was his. I fought very hard to murder that little demon called jealousy within me. That little ugly sensation that brought me immense shame and insecurity even though I knew only I knew about feeling that way. I would find my self loathing the rage that was aroused within me when I saw that Cain loved someone else. The felidae , feline instinct in me was becoming possessive, the wolf in me sought to make its mark, to mark itsterritolry, to imprint it's possessions so nobody ever dared to trespass its region. Cain had become that object of my aspirations that I was now thinking of possessing. The humane in me fought the wild in me. The animal. I was starting to withdraw from their relation ship. Whenever I saw them together, my stomach would turn in knots and I sought to break them apart but I always stopped my self. who was I to get in between true love? I know it really was true love, and that Cain was under a spell to act out his feelings but still I knew if he looked deep within him self there might some were in his stone cold heart a place for me as well. I ashamed To admit that I had started to love him. I had started to desire him with all my heart. I wanted to be his. I wanted him to spend tome with me to spend his money on me like he now did to Mariah who was now becoming a real version of her confident self. It was only into a few days after when she put Malacca into her place. She would now sit next to Cain, and acted as if Malacca did not exist. One night Cain even reprimanded his own mother for her. She sat the shocked at his audacity to raise his voice too her. "just because of that silly wife of yours!" She said. She immediately left the diner table but no body seemed to mind. That's how insignificant She was to her family. That very night. Malacca stood by the corner of the kitchen talking to her self. "It seemes like these sisters were just created to make my life a living hell!" She cursed. I took out my phone and pressed record. The video would forever be with me and would be used when tthe time was right. "It looks like, I'm going to have to kill her just like I did to that sister of hers Amira. Why can't I just have Cain to my self? Is that such an unreasonable request to make. Is it unreasonable for me to want him only for my slef when he was taken away from me? " She threw a tantrum. "I'm going to kill Mariah and Nancy and right before I end that Mariah's sorry life, I will have to torture her for keeping me away from my Cain for this long." She twisted her fists with her eyes bulged in an evil way. "Youre going to have to pay for this you little woman! You kept me away from Cain for so much time, you will also pay for your sister's sins Mariah Mark my words!" She said talking to her self. There I had It. The evidence that Amira was murdered. A confession from the murderer's own mouth. I wax ecstatic and scared at the same time. I walked into the kitchen pretending I had not heard anything. "What's up Malacca!" "Kick the bucket!" She said poking at her finger nails absent mindedly. My heart froze. Had she just told me to die? "Ummm, sorry, i didn't quite get that!" I said with my voice shaking. "Do not kick the bucket ," she looked up at me. "The one on the floor right there infront of your feet." She said as I nearly stumbled over the cleaning bucket, were a servant had been moping the floor prior to that incident. I exhaled in relief. I knew what she meant and that she still wanted me to die. As I left the kitchen , i was paranoid to what she wanted to do to me. I was paranoid to what she was thinking of doing to us both. How was she going torture Mariah? "Hello?" I heard her say on the phone as soon as she thought I had left and was far away from the kitchen. "Is this Adamm this is your boss. Carry out this simple task for me and I'm going to reward you handsomely." She said in a stern but devious tone,. "Gather your men about seven to eight of you. I want you to attack this woman, i am going to send you a photo of her on w******p. I want you to kidnap her and sexually assault her. I want her to suffer so much that she stands a huge chance of dying at your hands!" " I want here to have internal injuries thay she has multiple surgeries, i want her to remember what I'm capable of so that she never ever gets in my way ever again. I want her to suffer!" Her words echoed in my head. I was scared. Shocked. The depths she was willing to go to get rid of any obstacles in her dark path for a man who didn't even love her. "She will be out of the house tomorrow! She's visiting the ancient museum of Pikinong with a few of my family relatives. You're free to grab her away when she's alone. Plan the whole thing. I want results. I will come ever when you're about to do the deed and I will show her her place. Then she came be my pawn in this game of love and war! She will kill Mariah for me and take the fall. We will kill her to avoid any risks." That was probably her nemesis, her sidekick, the one who helped her drown Amira. I was scared. I hardly slept that night. My night was plagued by the sounds coming from the next bedroom. Cain making love to his wife and my dreams were disturbed by nightmares of Malacca wanting to kill me. I'd dream of her holding a dagger, comming closer to me willing to drive it through my fragile chest. I thought she was bold enough to do such a thing. In the morning I was hesitant about going out with Mariah and Cain with his sisters to visit the museum like we had planned. But I could simply decline them. I got ready and chanted a spell for protection. If only I knew that the events to occur on this very day weren't written by the hands of Malacca but she was just a pawn of Destiny,An ill We set out in Cain's private jet. He usurped me in with his hand around my waist and I was aroused so much th a it drew embarrassment to my fave and he don't even understand why. "Are you okay Nancy?" I nodded to his question. It could have been because I had heard him a me love to Mariah. I was happy they were enjoying their romantic time together but I was also fantasizing it was I Cain was making love to. It was I whom he carcasses with his ft touch and laude his soft lips on. 'Nancy, I love you!' I would imagine him saying. He would lie on me with his muscular body and and pave his hands on my plum breasts. The way the sultan did in my previous Life. Sultan Suleiman the third had been old, in his forties. Way too old to be with a sixteen year old. I had seen thing no other sixteen year old would have wanted to witness in this life time,. I had found my self thinking of the past that very night bed or the day of the outing.
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