FOUR: Forbidden Secrets

1486 Words
Morning had dawned in on the night. I blinked my eyes open while lying in bed. It was a new day. I woke up to loud voices echoing in the next room. A couple was fighting. It sounded more like the voice of a male, stern, cold and dominant, reprimanding a woman. Her voice was calm and somber yet panicked at the same time. What followed next was the sound of a slap, then a thud on what seemed to be something wooden, then a loud scream which was muffled as I assumed the attacker had quickly placed his hand over her mouth. "Shush!" I head a whisper. I'm not usually the nosey type but at that very intense moment, I paced closer to the wall near the wardrobe and placed my ear against it in order to hear clearer. It was Cain's voice. "Did you try to leave while I was away?" He sounded extremely angry. "Ummm," I head stammering. "No sir, Cain sir, umm, I just wanted to go and see my mother she was sick." I head Mariah intimidated voice ring in a flactuating tone as she tried to tell him engulfed in fear and sobs. "You think you can just leave and go were ever you please without telling me?" His enraged voice echoed louder than my beating heart. "You know you aren't permitted to leave this house until we are completely divorced, no matter the circumstances. Was your mother really sick?" Nothing but silence dominated the air, her silence was her answer or I assume she nodded. "Well I'm going to call your mother and find out if you're telling the truth." He said. I could not bear this atrocity. I hurt badly every time I heard her pitious cries.I decided to go take a bath. In the bathroom, the voices were inaudible but I still could not stop thinking of what had transpired. After bathing, I came back to louder arguing, only this time it was only Cain's voice that thundered through the walls and Mariah's sobs accompanying it. "So you lied to me about trying to run away from this house and when I questioned you about it, you had the audacity to lie to me about your mother being sick?" "Abel sir, please let go of my hair. I swear, i did it because I wanted to go see my mother, ever since we got married you haven't permitted me to visit any of my family and I missed the so much. You weren't there so I asked father-in- law before he left for England." I then heard more slaps and the sound of a cane as I got ready "You can't ask for permission from anybody else but me. You hear? You want anything, you ask me. When you're done with your chores you come back to this room." "Sir, I'm not allowed to be free in this house yet Malacca can do as she pleases?" "And how dare you think you can compare your self to Malacca? You know I don't even consider you to be my wife. I never wished to marry you, and I will never love you. Get that into your head." I head soft sobbing and a sigh. I could feel the artmoshere in there was tense as the sounds penetrated the thick concrete walls of the bedrooms. She even wept bitterly so much that it moved him because I saw him trying to console her. "Listen Mariah, I'm doing this for your own good. I do actually care about you, that's why I don't want you to leave this house, I'm a billionaire, I have many admirers as much as I have enemies. What if you were kidnapped, and taken hostage by goons who want something from us? What if some enemy of mine decides to harm you just to hurt me?" I had gotten ready and had snuck out of my room to go downstairs. Although I was not the nosey type, I decided to peak on them through the corner of their bedroom door to listen in on their unsettling conversation. Mariah was still sitting on the floor were she had fallen when he hit her. She still wept holding her cheek. "Listen baby, i didn't mean to lash out on you like that, i did it coz i was worried about you." Mariah seemed as shocked as I was to his words. I knew he had noticed me peering through the door through the corner of his eye, no wonder why he was putting up this audacious act. Whhhhat! stammered. I pretended to walk past the door and when he thought I had left, he continued. "Why are you such a pain in the a** , Why were you crying? You want everybody to know that i beat you? You want them all to see me as a bad husband don't you? If anyone asks, I didn't say or do anything to you because if you tell, I might hit the s**t out of you again!" He threatened and she sobbed even louder. "Now, I don't want to see those red marks and blotches on your skin, get rid of them!" It was on that day that I learned of Cain's true nature. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing. On the out side, he was kind, he was a gentleman. On the inside, he was nothing but a cold, heartless and cruel man. Behind closed doors his true vile nature was unveiled as he was the sadistic cruel husband who beat and abused his wife. I bumped into him as I was about to sit and have breakfast at the table. He smiled, but i dint return his smile. He understood why because he didn't seem unsettled by it. Later, he tried to justify his actions. "Nancy, you don't know what Mariah is like, i mean I love her and all but she's cheated on me a few times before that a why I get suspicious about her were abouts." He changed the topic as he noticed I was not really buying into his excuses. So I decided to consult Mariah about it. I found her doing the dishes in the kitchen. I grabbed a scrub and took a plate to wash. "Its ok you don't really have to do anything, you're a guest in this house miss, and you're hurt as well." She politely insisted. It's ok Mariah, i can handle it. I want to help you." I also insisted. I was going to do all i could to come to the end of this hidden war in their relationship. I know it was none of my business but this involved a woman being abused so I could not just stand by and watch. I tried to get her to confide in me but she resisted at first then she broke down and asked me not to tell. "You see, I'm going to tell you everything because he trusts you and you're his friend. I don't want you to tell him. She said, drawing a few tears from her cheeks with her hand. "Cain was forced to marry me by his father because our parents have been childhood friends. His mother opposed to the arranged marriage, so did he because I belonged to a middle class family. Back home we didn't have much money." She paced back and forth packing the dishes that were dry. "They didn't treat me nice here so I ran away, and whilst on the run I had an accident an I lost our unborn baby. He never forgave me ever since and wanted to divorce me." She continued. "So what's the deal with Malacca?" I asked. "Well , she was betrothed to Cain before we got married. Now that I'm getting divorced sh es here to replace me." She said with no pain or remourse. "Are you happy?" I don't know why but I asked. She gazed at me then laughed. How can I be Nancy, I love Cain with all my heart even though my love is unrequited. I guess we were never meant to be." I decided to stick to Cain to get to know about his true feelings for her. Did he really want to marry that brat Malacca over this sweet girl? Even though Cain thought he hated Mariah, he actually loved her. I felt it in his heart, the sensation dispersed through his aura was so great I was confused to the way he treated her. Us felidaes were born with a sixth sense to that could be used to sense feelings, and auras. We could sense your inner most sensations and ambiances. I wanted him to realise how much he actually loved her. We spent the day together, getting to know each other and discussed things in my grand room.
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