Chapter 56: perfect harmony

1846 Words

Ann’s pov The next morning, I went to training and nothing happened except the fact that now I felt more motivated than ever. I debated last night if I should call Conan and tell him about the wolf story Alec told me. But then I realized that I would have to explain a lot of things to him, like how did I even awaken it to begin with? Remember that I haven’t told him about my training, only said vaguely that I want to lose weight. One day I know that we will sit down and talk, then I will tell him everything. Not everything because honestly, certain information will only hurt him for no reason. “do you have anything to wear tonight?” Gwen asked me and I thought about it. “I do have an outfit in mind” I replied, “ohhh no, I don’t have anything to wear tonight” Khloe said overdra

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