Chapter 20: run

1354 Words

Ann’s pov “I came to say goodnight,” Natalie said but stopped when her eyes landed on me. “you are shaking, what’s wrong?” she asked me. Of course, I am shaking, I just found out that I am going to die. Knowing these Lycans and how everyone was brutally beaten before he killed them then he will do the same to me. I won’t be able to survive seeing my own intestine, just thinking of all the terrible ways he probably has to kill me just makes me want to hide under the bed. I have seen it first-hand what they are capable, Gwen even said that everyone is tired of me, does this mean I pissed everyone off? I mean I do know that I wasn’t exactly nice, but I didn’t step in everyone’s foot. Well except the Lycan King, he is going to kill me isn’t he? I am going to die; I am too young

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