Chapter 4: Quick question

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To those who read the book a few days after it was released, please go back and re-read the first chapter, second, and thrid because I have changed them completely. Alec’s pov I looked at her, she was scared to the point that I could see her fear. She is doing all of this because she would rather die than live in a world without him, and this time, she is even willing to marry her mate’s enemy to save him. Is this what people call love? Is this the result of the mate bond? I looked at Emily and she was just as confused as I was while on the other hand, James seemed to understand. Maybe its because among us he is the only one with a mate and that too a great woman who sacrificed a lot to be with him. James is mated to a werewolf, she was the daughter of an Alpha, and her father wouldn’t let her mate with him. How could an Alpha let his precious daughter marry a monster? A beast like James? A Lycan? And that too the beta to one. “Okay then, get ready to leave for your pack.” Emily said. “But I do have a question to ask you.” the girl spoke, and we all looked at her waiting for the question. “Are you okay with him doing this? He is your boyfriend, but you don’t mind him talking about marrying another girl.” she said looking at Emily. Emily frowned at this and then I could feel her anger towards the girl. James on the other hand chuckled at the girl’s assumptions while I honestly just found her ignorant. She is brave I will give her that, but she is also stupid and narrow minded from where I am standing. But I need to marry her, it’s the only way to keep her here and to achieve my goal. Without her, all my plans will fall apart and I really can’t have that. So maybe in a way, I am like her, because I am also willing to marry a girl who is ignorant and honestly stupid so I can achieve my goal. “You think that Emily and Alec are a thing? What! Girl, get out of here!” James said unable to hold himself. What happened to look imposing and scary? Because laughing like that right now, he looked like an i***t. I could even feel the girl’s fear slowly disappearing and being replaced with confusion. “Who is Alec?” she asked and then her eyes landed on me and then she looked at Emily. She didn’t say anything but bowed her head. “Look up little girl.” Emily said, and the girl looked up but then regretted it. Emily had her claws out and was slowly taking her Lycan form and the fear in the girl’s eyes was visible. I can sense people’s negative feelings, I can sense their resentment, their malice and anger. Even confusion at times can be a negative emotions because its kind of an indecisive feeling. Confusion has to do with a lack of knowledge or position, the way it feels is almost the same as doubt hence it’s a negative feeling. I think that anyone can see the fear in her eyes at this point, you don’t even need my abilities. “So, you are saying that the only way I can be by Alec’s side is if I was his girlfriend?” Emily asked her. The girl was shaking at this point. “Enough Emily, we need to get going before the Alpha Prince dies.” I said. At the mention of her mate, her fear disappeared just like that, and she looked up. It was as if she suddenly remembered why she had come here in the first place. “Emily is my gamma.” I informed the girl as I was standing up. Her reaction changed and she seemed surprised now at this new information. “I will go and save your mate, and you will marry me. Are there any questions?” I asked her and she nodded. “Can I stay with him? Just for a little while until he gets better?” she asked me. “Do we look stupid to you? What if you run away from your Mr. I can't live without him?” Emily asked her. “Yes, you can stay with him for a while I don’t see any problems. But Emily will stay with you, just for insurance.” I said. She didn’t object but looked at Emily. She tried her best not to stare but couldn’t help herself. I don’t know what, but she seemed to be lost in thoughts thinking about something. “Just make sure that those werewolves of yours don’t do anything stupid. It won’t be my fault if I accidentally kill them.” Emily said. James laughed when she said this. Emily doesn’t accidentally kill someone but does it with purpose, unlike most people. Ann’s pov He made a decision just like that and Emily didn’t even question him or say anything about it. She didn’t even say a word or even raise an eyebrow at what he said. I mean if he was talking about her going to stay over at a friend’s house I would understand. But he was talking about her going to the lion’s den, the home of her enemies, and staying with them for a while. Obviously, they must be both aware that werewolves won't welcome her with open arms. And I am still shocked at the fact that she is his gamma and not his girlfriend. I have heard that Lycans have female warriors as well, but I didn’t realise that they even had a female gamma. I can only imagine how powerful she must be, that would explain why she didn’t object to anything he said, and why she seemed so sure that she would survive and that too could accidentally kill people. “Let's go.” the Lycan King said, and I realised that I was left standing in the office alone like a lost puppy. I followed behind them and they got into their car, a few seconds later a woman came running with a bag in hand. I led the way with my car, and they followed behind me, I noticed that there was no other car. It was just their car that only had three people in it, how could they go to their enemy with only three people? They should really have asked for more people to guard them, not that I think that werewolves would try anything. Afterall these people are here to save their Alpha Prince, I think they will be able to bury their hatred even for a minute. We got to our pack border. “What the hell did you bring with you?” one of the guards asked. “They are here to save Conan, let them through without any drama. Okay?” I said to him. “He is going to give the Alpha Prince his blood?” he asked, and I nodded. “So let them through so they can save your Alpha Prince and my mate. You know how much I love him and would never let anything happen to him.” I said. He frowned but nodded either way and then let them through, but I could tell he felt uncomfortable. They followed behind me without any problems, when I stopped at the pack house every werewolf was there. I guess they were mind linked, and some sensed the aura of these gods that came with me today. Lycans smell differently from werewolves, so I am guessing that their scents also stood out making everyone alert. I got out of my car and shortly, they stopped behind me. Emily got off and opened the door for the Lycan king. I heard the werewolves gasp as they saw them. I mean knowing someone Is there and actually seeing them are two different things. I think its also because they didn’t expect them to be so good looking. They are perfect in every way, the way they are dressed and also physically as well. Emily has perfect blonde hair, she carries herself with confidence and walks in heels like she could fight in them. James has brown hair and brown eyes, that combination alone Is perfect, but he also has this aura to him. Unlike his Lycan King, his aura isn’t as dark as the others. The last is the Lycan King. I didn’t see his eyes because they were covered with a mask, but his hair, lips and skin were perfect. His black hair is almost shiny, and looks unruly but at the same time, I perfect. Almost as if he didn’t have time to brush it but just ran his hands and tried to brush it that way. “Follow me.” I said leading them to the Pack Clinic and the Queen Luna looked at me shocked. But there was also hope in her eyes, I guess they don’t care that I bought their enemy as long as their son is saved. “Go on in.” she said to them, she didn’t even hide the venom in her voice as she said so. I ran to Conan, who was now even paler than usual. “I am here, I am here.” I said and held his hand. He opened his eyes and smiled, “you came back. I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye.” he said. “Well, seems like he wants to die. Should we go?” Emily asked, and that’s when Conan noticed them. “What are they doing here?” he asked looking at them and I watched as he used his last energy to get up. Emily chuckled at this, “I am sorry, but you look like a zombie and not the good kind. And you think you can scare us?” “I am here to give you my blood, to heal you.” the Lycan King said calmly. They didn’t seem to be scared at all or have their guard up at all as they were standing there. “What? Why? what is the catch?” he asked them. “Ask your mate.” James said, and Conan looked at me. “What is the catch Ann?” he asked me, and quick question everyone, how do I tell my mate and fiancé that I am going to marry his enemy to save his life?
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