Robo Dune

760 Words

Robo Dune Herb really liked Dune, so he made a planet just like it. In the beginning it was just an amusement park costing something short of a quadrillion dollars, a rough estimate at that. As the colossal project went into development and years went by, people forgot what it was supposed to be and simply started living in it. His name wasn't Herb, of course. He changed that. But what does it matter what his parents named him? Herb was his true self. A genius, a lunatic, as one doesn't exclude the other. On the contrary, they usually go side-by-side. Herb made roboworms, since he couldn't genetically engineer living ones no matter how much he tried. Oh, he tried, and the dunes are literred with the rotting carcasses of his failed experiments. Giving up, he simply made them robotic and

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