CHAPTER TWELVE Friday, 1 p.m. – 1 day, 2 hours before the wedding It only took a couple of hours before Maria, of all people, found a space for Angie’s rehearsal dinner that very night. Maria might talk and act like a nun on a good day, but her husband was a dashing, formerly wild-living jazz musician, Dominic Klee. One of his biggest fans was the owner of the 100 Lusk Street Restaurant, a trendy place near the Giants Ballpark. It had a private dining room that could fit up to forty people, and he was able to make it available to Angie’s wedding party. As Maria gave her the news, Angie was speechless. The restaurant was beautiful. It might not be as much fun as cruising San Francisco Bay might have been, but at this point, its ambiance and the quality of its food was much more than she’