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I woke up with my head pounding and I feel like my brain is about to explode. The hangover medicine that I took did not work this time. And I knew why. My jackass friends and I got wasted till kingdom come and I did not even get to have a proper sleep. I might cancel the meeting that is about to happen one hour from now because of this throbbing head of mine. And I hate canceling meetings. That asshole of a loser named Ian. Why do we have to suffer with him every time he lost his damn balls? He just came back from the United States from checking his girl, oh scratch that, from stalking his girl, and after all he had gone through, umuwi siyang biguan. If I were him, I would have kidnapped the girl and live in a faraway land so no one could find us. Well, that was a creepy thought. But it's Ian we are talking about. That is his personality. And he might do it if we say so. But then again, even if he got this "ladies’ man" tag on his name, and a few were calling him a manwhore, he's good person. A good son. And that man, believe it or not, is head-over-heels in love with Elena. Sa aming magkakaibigan, siya ata ang unang nagmahal. We all just laughed at him whenever he starts wailing and telling us how much he loves that girl. Of course, none of us could ever relate, especially me. Love? I wonder who the f**k invented that L word? I don't give a f**k about it. I shook my head with passion. I don't even think I am capable of loving someone the same way Ian loves Elena. How am I supposed to love someone when I don't even know what it feels like to be loved? When was the last time I was loved? I could hardly remember. What I remembered were the series of motherfucking hell and hardships I went through as I was growing up. I lost my parents when I was fifteen. They were murdered right in front of our very eyes. If only I could forget that dreadful day, I would. T'was the most painful tragedy no child deserves to experience in his lifetime. Yet, it happened to us. It was life-altering. Because after that, things were never be the same again. They say kids have the purest heart and soul. They forgive and forget things easily. I might have agreed. But because of the tragedy, I thought differently. I can’t forget and there is no way I can forgive those criminals who killed my parents. Sure, justice has been served but in the depths of my heart, I loathe them all to the core. Because of what happened to our parents, I needed to grow up fast. I was just fifteen but the burden I had to carry was too much I almost gave up. Ni hindi ko nagawang magluksa because I had no time for that. I can’t even remember when the last time I shed tears. My father used to tell me that no matter what, I need to pull myself together. I need to have a strong mind and that my heart should be made of steel. My father embedded me the idea that no matter what it takes, the company should be remained in our name. And that we need to protect it at all costs. Because protecting the company means protecting the life of its people. So, for me, crying for our loss was just a waste of time. There were certain moments that I condemned my parents. There were times that I blamed them of my sufferings. I blamed them every time Veronica screamed from her nightmares. I blamed them for everything. If only they took the death threats they received seriously, things could have been avoided. Their lives would have been spared. Veronica and I would have had better childhood memories. They could have seen what was coming, but I guess they didn't try hard enough. Sana ay kasama pa namin sila ngayon. But I could only wish. I spent my teenage years studying how to manage my parents' business. At young age, I knew damn well that it wasn't easy. It would never be. I had given more than my blood, sweat and tears. I had given up everything. I almost lost the legacy of my parents. The company almost collapsed. I was more than thankful to the seniors who remained faithful to our family. They helped me. They guided me. They believed in me. I didn't have time to mingle with my other peers. I didn't have time to be in a relationship. I didn't even have time to love myself, how sure are you I have time to love others? I may be look polished and whole on the outside, but trust me, inside, I was a scarred man. Tainted. From all the bullshits I experienced in my life. Love? I don't love. I f**k. Women went into frenzy when I f****d them hard. I would like to believe that women prefer the f*****g and not the loving. That's the only way for us to meet. If you expect more from me aside from f*****g you to damnation, then, by all means, go find someone else to f**k. You are canceled. Should I be proud of what I have become? Maybe. I become cold. Distant. Shrewd. Cunning. Spiteful. I had to. Having all these made me one of the most powerful businessmen in the country today. By showing no remorse, the company was saved. By consoling and protecting Veronica with all I have, she was saved. But who saved me? No one. I saved me. I was pulled from my deep thoughts when the office door swung open. My brows furrowed when my head started to ache again. This is getting painful as hell. “Good morning, Sir Lawrence. Here are the folders that you have asked me to prepare for today's meeting.” He put a halt and looked at me with concern. “Are you okay, Sir? You seem under the weather.” Panimula ni Mr. Navarro. Umiling ako at umayos ng upo. “I'm okay. Kulang lang sa tulog.” And I skipped breakfast. My stomach was in turmoil. If I eat, I might throw up. f**k. Last night's drinking session was the worst. I am sure the other boys are feeling awful just like what I feel right now. “Did you happen to see Atty. Villaforte?” Umiling ito. “Wala pa si Atty., Sir. Nakakapagtaka din. Madalas ay maaga itong pumapasok.” A faint smirk crawled in my lips. He's probably still sleeping. I might cancel this meeting if I can't tolerate this headache any longer. I heaved a deep sigh as I opened the folder. Lumalim ang gitla sa aking noo. Inisa-isa ko ang mga papel na naroon. "What is this? I didn't ask for this, did I?" Mabilis na gumilid ang aking secretary para matignan kung ano ang aking tinutukoy. Natampal nito ang noo. “Pasensya na Sir Lawrence. Maling folder pala ang nadala ko.” I almost rolled my eyes at him, but something caught my eyes. A profile picture of a girl. Kinuha ko ang papel na iyon at tinignan ko itong mabuti. I don't understand why but there was something on her face that made me hard to breathe. I felt a sudden tug at my heartstrings that made me uncomfortable in my seat. Was she wearing contact lenses? I swear to God, she has the most beautiful set of emerald eyes I have ever seen. I didn't realize that my heart was beating wildly against my chest. What the f**k? I'm still young to experience hypertension. Wala sa sariling binasa ko ang profile ng babae. Emerald Fitzgerald. Eighteen years old. My mouth tasted something bitter that I coughed loudly. Eighteen years old? Too young for me. Jesus Christ. What the hell am I thinking? “Isn't she pretty, Sir? She will be one of our interns. Ipapasa ko sana 'tong folder sa HR Department, Sir. Do you want to check them? I can give it to the HR later.” I shook my head vehemently. "No need. Please cancel today's meeting. I'm not feeling well." “Okay Sir.” Mr. Navarro discreetly gathered the papers on the table. Nang maayos na niya ito, he excused himself. But before he could walk out of the door, I called him again. “Uhm.” I cleared my throat. Wala sa sariling nilalaro ng daliri ko ang aking ibabang labi. “These interns from different schools, do you know when will they arrive? Uhm. When will they start performing their duty?” My voice trembled. What the f**k is wrong with me? Why am I sweating? Why am I nervous? And why the hell did I ask a stupid question like that? I am not interested, really. It's official. I'm sick. Tila nag-isip muna si Mr. Navarro. I was glad he failed to notice the uncertainty of my voice. “They have a schedule for orientation this coming Monday, Sir.” He answered. Humugot ako ng hininga. Monday? Hmmmm. I nodded at him. “Okay. Thank you. I might take a day-off. Don't disturb me unless it's very important.” “That is noted, Sir.” Nang makaalis na ito ay pinaikot ko ang swivel chair paharap sa aking floor-to-ceiling window. From here, the view of the city was breathtaking. I leaned back on my chair while I took a deep breath. My hands were clasped together near my abs, legs crossed. I closed my eyes, but the face of the girl flashed before me. A smirk crawled to my lips. Funny because in that fleeting moment, I was thinking that maybe I was wrong—there is probably someone there that can save me.    
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