Liam's Rampage

1175 Words

GRAARRHRAWR! RRRAAHRRR! Two wolves jumped behind Liam, grabbed him by the shoulders and separated him from Harriet. Two more wolves jumped in front of Harriet and protected her from Liam, while another appeared and helped the first two wolves pull Liam away. "No, no!" Harriet reached toward Liam. Why did they separate him from her? Harriet didn't notice Liam nearly rampaged out of control in her arms and screamed hysterically at the Lycans who separated them. "He's in pain! Don't hurt him! Don't hurt my husband! Please! Please…” Harriet screamed, pleading desperately. “He needs a physician! Daniel! Daniel, Young Lord needs a physician–”  Harriet looked expectantly at a red-furred wolf that was slightly bigger than the others. "He's in pain, for God's sake, help him–why did you guys hu

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