Chapter 11-2

2419 Words

He stared at Clyde critically and quizzically while Clyde, feeling that he must be wrong in his notion that something was going to be done for him, began to quiet himself. His cheeks resumed their normal pallor and the light died from his eyes. "Yes, sir, I guess that's true, too," he commented. "But you don't need to guess in this case," insisted Gilbert. "You know. That's the trouble with people who don't know. They're always guessing." The truth was that Gilbert was so irritated to think that he must now make a place for his cousin, and that despite his having done nothing at all to deserve it, that he could scarcely conceal the spleen that now colored his mood. "You're right, I know," said Clyde placatingly, for he was still hoping for this hinted-at promotion. "Well, the fact is,

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