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"You do drink don't you?" asked Helen as they entered club Midnight that late afternoon finding quite a number of people already chilled inside. It was fast approaching 6pm and that was the time when the club would begin to start getting packed.  "Yes i do but i won't drink much today. I don't wanna go home drunk."  "Come let me help you." said Helen helping her sit by the usual spot near the bartender, "What will you have?" "Let me have a mulled cider. It will do." she said "Well i hoped we would drink to get drunk today." "And who will drive us home?"  "I will call my driver. So can we do it?" asked Helen persuasively  "That sounds tempting but nop." Julia responded with a laugh, "But you drink i will look out for you."  "Haha i should be the one looking out for you here so promise we will come again and have fun." "I promise." she said as the bartender handed then two glasses of the golden liquid. "You once came here with the boss didn't you?" the man asked looking at Helen "The boss..?" "Oh never mind i guess i mistook you for someone else I'm sorry." said the man just as Julia's phone rang "Is that Jo...I mean Raymond?" Helen was quick to ask "I guess...excuse me." "Will you be fine i can come with you." "No don't worry the club ain't packed yet...let me take this call." she said slowly getting off the long legged chair and walking out, her stick leading the way but what Helen found odd was the how Julia managed to tap her way out of the club without a single hiccup. ****** Richard peeped into Raymond's room all smiles getting greeted by serious Raymond who had been hiding behind his laptop all day "You have a visitor." said the man all smiles. He had heard a number of voices coming from the living room but ignored thinking it was his father's friends yet in actual was his worst nightmare in human form "Joshua?" he asked in reluctance wondering when Joshua had become mannered. Dude never knocked he came straight to his room. "No. Get ready and come downstairs. Be presentable." said the man before shutting the door leaving. Dragging himself off the bed he helped himself to a pair of sweat pants, vest and sandals before heading out. The more he went closer the louder the voices and just as he walked down the stairs his eyes found Muso before settling on the beauty smiling next to him. She was meant to land the next day but there she was, it was Grace and she was home. Poor Raymond was just about to become a very happy husband.  ****** Helen sat by herself hoping Julia would not come anytime soon but even the bartender did not seem to be making things easier for her. The man kept shooting glances at her and as much as she kept looking at the entrance door hoping Julia would not come in any time soon else her plans would be bashed again. Her eyes would constantly shift from the entrance door to the bartender then to Julia's half full glass before sighing in frustration. It was just a minute later that the man left his spot and she was quick to take out a small sachet with white powder which she emptied into Julia's glass "I'm back." a voice interrupted her scaring the hell out of her. She was quick to throw the empty sachet to the floor and fake a smile before helping Julia to her seat, feeling rather grateful for her blind eyes "Who was that?" "Who?Oh the call?That was my friend Amanda." she lied equally delivering an emotionless smile  "Your cider. Have it." said Helen positioning the liquid next to her just as the bartender walked back to his spot "I think this cider is not doing me any good Helen. My tummy feels weird." she said infuriating a hopeful Helen "No has low alcohol and i am sure you have had it before and had no complications. Come on have it."  "No Helen. I don't feel good at all. Lets home please I'm beginning to even feel dizzy." she said getting down from the chair and tapping her way out, an angry Helen following closely behind her. ***** "You came earlier than i thought. Was looking forward to coming to get you from the airport tomorrow." said Raymond voice drowning in sarcasm as they stood by the balcony their eyes feasting on the well lit city. "Well i wanted to surprise everyone. You, mom, dad and Helen...where is Helen? "She went out with Ju...she will walk in any minute from now. So what do you think about our union? Do you want to go through an arranged marriage?" asked Raymond all of him hoping she had the same mindset as his.  "Honestly, i have liked you for the longest of time. Our fathers have been friends for a long time Raymond and honestly i have had a crush on you since my teenage years." she said shying away just as Raymond's face fell. He indeed was about to become a very happy husband  "Oh...well i guess we will have to do this then." "What do you think? Don't you like me?"  "Uhm...Grace listen..." "I don't wanna hear it. I know maybe you may not like me as yet but i don't want to hear it from you it will hurt. I will go back inside i am sure father wants us to go home now." she said then turned to go leaving Raymond to take in and process everything. He had known Grace since their childhood days because of their fathers, she was the understanding type and was never one to force things but her determination to marry him was beginning to make him question the strength of his long planned motive. What if she never agrees to divorce him ever? It would definitely kill him. ******* Julia slowly twisted the door handle and slowly closed hoping to quickly disappear into her private room without bumping into the man she had married. As she turned to tap her way to to freedom, her eyes met Joshua standing by the kitchen counter who equally stared back at her. Blinking wildly she looked away attempting to play blind again. In all her years of playing that game, she had done it well and never had she succumbed to a hiccup and risked getting caught but who was this man looking at her as if he was seeing straight through her lies? She had thought playing along and marrying Joshua was not going jeopardize anything but it was beginning to seemingly become the worst mistake she had ever done. ***** So who is playing who and why?? Read further to find out! ****** Hey guys thank you soo much for following on this story i really appreciate and hope you still loving it. 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