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Tapping her way into the house Amanda enveloped her in a hug both of them almost taking to the floor "You are hurting me!" said Julia in between giggles but Amanda would not let go till a moment later "Do you know how worried i was? Why were you not picking my calls Raymond just left he was worried too!" "Relax okay?" she said locking the door and walking in, "The bus died down and it took over three hours for them to fix it i am so hungry what are we eating?" "Food? You better call Raymond right now poor guy is worried sick..! Wait is that blood on your dress?" said Amanda looking closer "I happened to nose bleed because of the heat its nothing worrisome. You shouldn't worry so much i can take care of myself more than you know Mandy. Now can i get something to eat?" "Not before you call Raymond. Call him and i will get you your food." she said heading into the kitchen leaving Julia dialing Raymond's number. She looked over at worried Amanda and sighed. If only she knew how protected she was she wouldn't have worry that much, but it was quite unfortunate and sad that she could not tell her or anybody about it, she too could not utter a single word about the turnout of events which had occurred about an hour back ******* Steven limped into his house blood oozing from the wounds beneath his shirt. Switching the lights on he threw himself onto the couch and sulked like a disgrace of a man he was. His memory traveled back to when he was about to take his revenge from Julia but it failed to move past that. Even his mind was unable to think of it let alone his lips utter a word about what had happened few hours back. His phone then ringed and he groaned as taking it out if his pocket tempered with his injuries  "What?!" he snapped feeling annoyed  "Boss we are still waiting why were you not answering your phone? You got the girl?" The mere sound of that question made him sick to the stomach. The embarrassment was way too much and he could not see himself saying anything about what had happened to anybody else and besides... "If you ever mess around Amanda ever again, you will not only leave with a few injuries, i will kill you and if you ever run your mouth about what happened between you and i just now Steven...i will hunt and butcher you, did you get that...?" The last words he got ringed in his head and it was then that he swore to himself like the coward he was to never utter a thing about the events of that embarrassing night. The most embarrassing he had ever had. ***** Helen slow paced out of the bathroom the next morning feeling rather drowsy after all the vomiting she had done. Throwing herself onto her bed she wondered how she had gotten herself into such a messed up situation. It was supposed to be one more night of fun but no, her drunken self forgot to take precautions now she was wallowing in self pity. What would Raymond say even worse her father. And the man she loved? She had to act fast because losing Joshua was the last thing she would ever want, it would kill her. While she was still contemplating a soft knock sounded and she jumped to her feet to open the door only to find the root of her problem  "What are you doing here this early morning?!" she whispered looking around for unwanted eyes. Timothy quickly pushed her inside and closed the door after himself  "You looked pale. Are you okay?" he asked Helen who rolled her eyes before sitting on the bed "What do you want Timothy? You do not want Raymond to find you here." "You are acting strange Helen, you are not taking my calls either what is going on?" "You should leave right now. I don't even know what you are doing here go leave!" she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the door but he would not budge "I am worried Helen. I know it was a moment of weakness between us but i really like you and i want you back please. Can you give us another chance i swear i will make it worth it." "Tim listen, I don't want this. I love someone else okay? Please understand and leave. You and i cannot date again so please..." "Is it Joshua?" Helen scratched her neck and looked away, "The dude doesn't even see you Helen! Why do you always hurt me like this is it a crime to love you? Tell me!" he yelled making Helen cover his mouth immediately "You should leave Tim, i want to be alone." Timothy hesitated before pacing towards the door yet not before sparing her one more glance "I will fight for us. I'm not letting you go so easily." he closed the door his footsteps indicating his retreat. If there was one person in the most messed up situation it was Helen and she knew Timothy would fight to have them be together again. Resting her back on the bed she let all sorts of thoughts fly in and out as she contemplated the ultimate idea, it was Joshua she wanted and Joshua she was going to get and besides, she was her father's daughter wasn't she...? ***** Days passed with Raymond and Joshua plotting their moves carefully while Helen on the other hand was plotting hers too. Timothy was still on her case but she would not have him ruining her picture perfect future for her and besides, her father would like Joshua more as a son in law rather that his plotting buddy. Pulling over at Joshua's house she walked out of the car straight into the house where she was surprised to find him and Raymond sitting on the couch glass of wine on each of them's hand  "Helen?" Raymond said looking rather surprised. She smiled at them her gaze sweeping around the room till it fell on the plastic wrapped navy blue tuxedo hanging on the other couch "Oh, i never knew you wore suits. Last time i checked you didn't." she said looking at Joshua who gulped the liquid his sharp stare signaling Raymond to answer  "Its not his its mine. Come join us." he quickly said covering the topic and Helen ignorantly abided. They eventually finished the bottle while chatting about anything and everything and laughing out loud. Helen kept stealing glances at distracted Joshua deep down wondering how she could get him into her bed as soon as possible because time was nolonger on her side. Her gaze then involuntarily fell on the glass of wine in Joshua's hand and it was then that an idea crept in. The last time she tried to make a move on him was after she broke up with Timothy and was about to leave for Qatar but he shoved her away. She knew Joshua wouldn't agree to be with her he literally viewed her as his little sister but she would not have any of it. If Joshua would not willingly be with her, she was going to make him and she knew exactly how to.
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