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As soon as they got home, Julia managed to get Mandy to sleep. She had cried the entire journey and she was grateful for the next day being a Sunday meaning no work. Sitting next to a sleeping Amanda her phone rang followed by a wide grin upon seeing the caller's identity  "Miss me?" "A lot. How was your day?" "Hectic hey it was a long one. Amanda left Steve." "It was about time. That pig did not deserve her. How is she though?" "She is trying. She is asleep now she really needs it." she said sparing Amanda a glance, "And how was your day?" "I wanted to come see you but got tied up at the office. A lot is happening these days i am sorry for my divided attention." "Its okay my love i understand." "Still grocery shopping tomorrow? I will come with you." "I will love that. I doubt Amanda would like to come with me she needs space." "See you tomorrow then. I love you." "And i you." she cut the call then got into the blankets sure to hug Mandy tight. She was not going to leave her all alone at that time, she was too vulnerable. ****** Helen got up early all in high spirits. It was a lazy yet chilly Sunday and all she wanted was to spend the day with her secret love. Quickly dressing up she marched out of the house but bumped into her father on her way out "Where are you going looking so pretty?" his voice startled her as he lowered his newspaper "Good morning father i did not see you there." she walked over to plant a kiss on his right cheek "Going out?" "Yes father i am meeting an old friend. I will be back later." she said rushing out "Be careful!" "I will!" she screamed back as she got into the car and drove off. Few minutes later Raymond also paced into the living room in casual wear looking good and dressed to kill "And then? Where are you going dressed like that?" "I have an outing father.Why?"  "We are meeting our potential investors today and its..." he looked at his watch, "Its two hours before ten. You cant go anywhere." "But father you are the chairman its your call." "And you are the the managing director, they will spend more time with you so we are both meeting them. I will go get ready and you go get dressed properly, we leave before ten." the man scrambled to his feet and headed out leaving Raymond to process his words. He had an appointment with his woman and now meeting issue on a Sunday. His father was not supposed to know anything about Julia else he would kill him. On the other hand they needed the deal else they would lose it to their rivals in business. Julia could not go shopping alone and he hated having to change plans last minute. He headed to his room calculating what else to do. ****** Joshua could hear the irritatingly loud knock from his study but chose to ignore it. His concentration was on the news on his laptop screen and it was not good news at all. The police were still sniffing around and the last thing he wanted was for them to come knocking on his door. He hoped his clients would not give away something that would lead them to him. He was the weaponry supplier to the underdogs and he hoped nobody would give a clue that would lead to him. He had hid well for over 5years and he wanted it to remain that way, a mystery. The knock sounded again and he dragged himself downstairs feeling rather annoyed now "What...?!" he roared but calmed down upon seeing the smile meant for him. Her smile faded as her eyes traveled to his bare chest then quickly back to his eyes where they struggled to remain "Helen,hie." he said, his gaze then traveled to her arms, she carried a grocery bag her car keys wrapped around her fingers "Surprised? Can i?" "Oh of course of course sorry." he made way for her to enter and closed the door after her. Helen walked over to the kitchen counter to leave the groceries before walking back to sit with him "Its a lazy Sunday. I thought lunch will do i hope you do not have plans."  "No no that would be lovely, i would love that. Do your thing while i go freshen up be back now now." he said pacing away and Helen's gaze could not help feasting on his shirtless body. She looked on till he was out of sight then went on to do her cooking. After a little while Joshua emerged in shorts, shirt and a some sneakers, car keys in hand. The sight of him making Helen almost cut her finger while slicing the vegetables  "Are you okay?" he asked moving over to her "Yes i am okay. Car keys...are you going somewhere?" "Unfortunately i have to clean after your brother's mess. Want to come?" "Where?" she asked eyes glimmering with enthusiasm  "To help his annoying girlf....i mean to help a friend with something. We will eat out except if you...." "No no its fine i want to go with you. Lets go." she quickly switched off the stove and hurried to get her bag "Your car?" "Lets use mine." and that was music to Helen's ears. It meant them coming back together to his house in the name of getting her car. ***** Amanda emerged all ready to go much to the dismay of Julia. The last thing she wanted was to be alone when Steve looked like he wanted to kill someone the previous night  "You need to rest Mandy, and think!" "I need to go out have fun and get my mind off things, i am coming along lets go." she led Julia out and they waited by the gate "Just don't make me a third wheel." "That would have been better than being in the same space with that annoying Joshua." she spat making Amanda laugh "I thought we were going with Raymond." "Me too girl, me too." she sighed as the black hammer parked before them the sound of it making Julia cringe. Joshua quickly got out of the car opening the back door for the girls to enter. "Come let me help you." Amanda said to Julia "No its okay i will do it." Joshua said then shifted his focus to the annoying beauty. The sight of both of them together somehow triggered negative emotions for Helen. She looked on, her anxiety shooting out the roof "I will do it myself." she whispered moving away from Joshua and at the same time annoying Helen. She folded her stick then handed it over to Amanda. Joshua watched her slowly move over to the car and felt her way around it before finding where to place her leg. Holding tightly to the car seat she stepped inside but her grip loosened making her lose balance and fall into the arms of amused Joshua, her black shades taking to the ground and that was the first time he had looked straight into her n***d eyes. Her stare pierced through to his very soul and he felt like she was clearly looking at him. The feeling of her in his arms felt rather familiar, divine, it gave him comfort it gave him closure and for the first time in over ten years he felt the same, the same way he felt when he was close to his first and last love, the very same way he felt whenever he held...Melissa.         
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