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It was now night-time and all Raymond wanted was to finish up the whole bottle of whiskey and then slip into dreamland but his father would not have any of it. Dragging himself out of his room heeding his father's call he walked into his study, knowing fully well what they wanted to discuss  "You look like a mess." he said but got no response. Brushing it off, he sipped the last bit of the blood red liquid then placed the glass away, ready to talk business  "I hear Joshua got married. How come i know nothing about it?" Raymond took a moment to craft his response, trying hard not to show his frustration  "It was a private wedding. You know Joshua does his own things."  "I see. I never thought he would settle for a blind girl but i'm just glad it is not you. You have Grace to please so no funny business." he said voice firm and commanding making Raymond nod with hesitance. All his life he had always done what his father had asked and there was not a day he had not denied him anything. Staring back at the old man staring back at him he swallowed hard, realizing he had actually outsmarted him this time. Richard had always had someone following up on Raymond ever since his university days and was determined to keep him away from other women because of Grace. He was hell bent on making Raymond marry Grace because if he didn't, it would mark the end of him "Muso said Grace lands day after tomorrow. Make sure you go get her from the airport and take her out for dinner. Be sure keep her happy, she is your ticket to the Havani mine." Raymond managed another nod before getting up to leave. His heart was heavy and his thoughts were all over. The trauma of having to stay away from Julia for a very long time was getting the better of him and Grace's arrival made it all even worse. He closed the door on his way out and paced down the corridor on his way back to his room to gather his thoughts and get his head in the game. At that point he realized how lucky he was to have Joshua in his life because if it was not for him, he wouldn't even have been able to be with Julia in the first place. It had all been a cat and mouse game between him and his father ever since he noticed that he was always being trailed. Once word reached his father that he was seeing another girl he had lied she was Joshua's girlfriend and that lie had stood the test of time. Getting into his room he threw himself onto his bed and closed his eyes for a few, dreamland being his most loyal escape plan. He hoped he would get up mind feeling refreshed and ready to get back in the game **** "How was your day?" asked Julia her head resting comfortably on Joshua's chest. She smelled good and Joshua could not help running his fingers all over her hair "It was good. Just work nothing new. And how was your day?"  "It was lonely. I missed you." Joshua was not sure about what to say next. His playboy tactics always had a way of disapearing whenever he was with Julia "I am sorry its just that there was an emergency at the office. I am here all day tomorrow we can spend time together and get you the room you requested." "Really? I would love that!"  "Anything to keep you happy." he said making poor Julia smile more, not realizing the sarcasm behind that bold statement. ***** Later that night, Joshua crept out of bed sure not to disturb a fast asleep Julia. He tiptoed out of the room disapearing into the secret room in his study before releasing a loud sigh of relief. He now had to play hide and seek in his own house all in the name of friendship, he had helped make the bed remember? He switched on the lights, his eyes feasting on the different sized guns hanging all over the wall which took him down memory lane. The man he met at the club, he had not given him an answer yet. Quickly taking to his seat and switching on his laptop, he typed an email blatantly rejecting the offer. Being the master of the guns for over five years had earned him all the wealth he needed and it was time he concentrated on the main goal, finding the person who murdered his family. He had acquired all the weapons he could ever need and sold enough to give him a lifetime fortune. It was by time he left one job and that was being an illegal weaponry supplier. It was time he stepped down, and allowed a new face take over the reigns. ***** Having booked an appointment with the doctor couple of days back Helen walked into the doctor's office all ready to put her plan into motion. Keeping the pregnancy was going to ruin everything and it was best to get rid of it before anyone else found out "Are you sure you want to do this? You are free to change your mind." said the doctor, her worried gaze evoking a bit of regret in Helen "I want to do it. I can't keep the pregnancy please start." she responded, carefully resting her back on the bed "Judging from the scan you sent me, you have aborted before." Helen shifted in her seat before nodding. If her father ever found out that her womb once accommodated a white man's child he would kill her. It was one university mistake she still regretted. "Madam, if we remove this pregnancy, it may cost you your womb." This revelation shocked her to the core. She looked on hoping the lady would dismiss it as a joke but she didn't. She meant what she said  "But i have aborted only once, how..." her thoughts reeled back to her teenage years when she was in her fourth form. The abortion in the university was not the first, it was the second. "Aborting again will cost you this time. My advice is you keep the child madam because if we abort it, you may never carry another.        
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