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Awkward. That was the exact word to describe the happenings in Joshua's house. After hearing from Raymond about what Julia had said to him, he had tried his best never to cross paths with her within the house. They were hardly in each other's company and Joshua had relocated into the spare room. Now that was the sudden definition of awkward "Avoiding me won't solve anything you know." her voice startled him just as he was about to walk out of the house. That was the first time they had spoken in almost a week thus ever since he found out "Why did you do it?"  "What?" "Why did you lie about being blind since birth? You may have swayed Raymond off that topic but i am not Raymond so why did you lie?" "Like you said you are not Raymond, so i am not answering any question coming from you." "Why do i get the vibe that you are hiding more than you have let out Julia? My gut feeling is never wrong." he asked making her shiver from within. The last thing she would ever want was anybody finding out who she was and what she was about. It would ruin what she had worked ages to accomplish, she was almost there just, almost.  "I don't know what you are talking about." "Well listen to me, you are right i am not Raymond and similarly i am not love struck. You have absolutely no idea what you have gotten yourself into by marrying me, but you will find out soon." he said heading out banging the door after himself. Julia was left to ponder on the man's words as she realized she may have gotten herself into one total mess. She knew Joshua was no ordinary man, he had no proper job, yet he had a fat bank account, he had a huge house and a fleet of cars, so who the hell had she married? Feasting her eyes around they settled on the cameras within the house, that was the very first thing she had noticed when she first walked into that house and with the type of work she did, she was trained to scan each and every area she stepped into and Joshua's house was not exception yet because of that she managed to keep up with the pretense. The presence of cameras in that house had her wondering why he had those, but she had brushed it off and now she knew that there was more than what met the eye when it came to her husband, so who was he? ****** "Can we talk?" asked Helen as she entered her brother's room, locking the door afterwards  "What is it ?" he asked sitting up straight feeling the tense atmosphere. She settled on the bed right next to him her stare never leaving him "Did you speak to Joshua? I'm running out of patience." she asked escalating Raymond's annoyance. He was in bad books with the woman of his dreams and about to marry one he did not care about yet here was his sister asking nonsense  "Helen i am in a very bad place right now so if you have nothing proper to say to me right now please leave." "No Raymond we had an agreement. I am desperate and i am in a very bad place too you have no freaking idea!" "So what am I supposed to do? Huh? Helen don't annoy me just leave my room!" he snapped scaring her yet she wouldn't budge, she was equally in a bad state "We had an agreement. If you do not make Joshua marry me, i will leave this room and go straight to Julia and tell her what you have done." she hissed making him laugh. He looked at her and laughed his lungs out his misery getting the best of him "She already knows. Go ahead and tell her lets see if it would yield anything go!" those words sent her world crushing down as it was the last and final card she had up her sleeve. Her heart raced and temper flared realizing she was back to square one with nothing but the feeling of defeat "Why are you doing this to me? I am your sister! I love Joshua i do!" "But he doesn't want you Helen! I am your brother and i do not want you stuck in a loveless marriage with any man so stop!" Anger crept in her breathing rate escalating as she stared down Raymond. Her pregnancy hormones seemed to be playing around with her temper and there was little she could do to stop it "You know what?" she said getting off his bed, "You might just be the dumbest man i have ever met Raymond." "Helen..." "Yes you are. How strong is your friendship with Joshua? Do you trust him? He is way richer than you through the money he made on his own and certainly more good looking brother no offense. He is a fighter, a protector and man took out over five men on his own just to save me so are you sure its strong enough to not make a woman come between you two?" "What are you talking about?  "During that dinner we had as a "family", just know that you were not the only one smitten by that blind girl all night." With that she walked out of the room leaving Raymond alone with his confused thoughts. There was no way Joshua would betray him in that manner and besides, they wouldn't fall in love with each other they were two very different people, right? ***** Helen marched straight to her room seething in anger her temper knowing no bounds. She viciously shut the door and paced to and fro wondering what to do. She was never the type to give up and what she wanted she would get. She had known and dream t of being with Joshua for ages and there was no way another woman would catwalk into their lives and snatch him. Deep down she knew the venomous seed she had planted into Raymond may just work but it was a 50/50 situation. She needed a new plan, a solid one. She grabbed the glass of water by her dressing table and gulped the remaining half before an evil idea crept in. She wondered how she had not thought of it all this time and realized that the entrance of the police into her life was just a hint, she had had Joshua tied onto her tiny finger all this time yet had not realized it. She scurried to her bed drawer and took out her phone and called the man who had been giving her sleepless nights. She had him this time "Hie Josh are you good?" she screamed out, her voice competing with the loud beats from his background, "Where are you its noisy." "What do you want Helen?" he asked annoyance decorating his tone. He had grown tired of her unending advances, and she was adding up to the women problems Raymond had drowned him in "The police came to my place. They know i was at the warehouse that night Dominic told them." she said managing to get his full attention. He got off the arms of the lady he had familiarized himself with in that club and rushed to his soundproof office, away from all the noise "What did you just say?" he whispered hoping he had not heard right. The police were the last thing he wanted to worry about, he still had a lot to do and definitely could not do it behind bars. A knock from the police would definitely open a can of worms and destroy him forever  "The police want answers, and i just might snap you know." she said her voice drowning in sarcasm. She could hear the fear in his tone, which was exactly what she wanted  "You can't do that." "I can we both know i can. You can bribe me not to." "Are you threatening me?" he hissed "No i would never! I wouldn't do that to you my least don't make me."    
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