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Dylan walked into the prison gates his thoughts wrapped around the two mystery cases he was taking too long to solve. For the longest of times a part of him had told him he had convicted the wrong man, but the evidence was too strong to conflict that idea. Greeting the officer in charge, he was led straight to the man he had requested to see, finding him already awaiting him "Dominic...You don't look too good." he said taking the opposite seat "What do you want?" asked the poor fellow looking quite unpleasant, a bushy unkempt beard covering the most part of his face "I know non of us believed you when you said you did not murder that man, but I have been looking into you Dominic and a whole lot of things do not make sense to me at all." "I did not kill anyone. Darian approached me and offered me money in exchange for my boss' daughter Helen. The money was a lot i could not refuse so i agreed and that was the last time i saw the man. I can even give you proof of the transaction i swear i have no hand in any of this and neither do i know the so called master of the guns!" "Okay okay...i believe you Dominic. Somehow I do." he sighed realizing the connection between the death of Kenneth and the death of Darian and his men. The women who were saved from being shipped spoke of a masked figure who saved them by taking out numerous men in the ship who were working for the late Kenneth Khetha and the men who were killed alongside Darian were just as many. Somehow he found the two cases very similar, and his suspicions flew right straight to AS2, a masked figure he had once came across but failed to capture. At that point he knew something was a amiss being fueled by the other man on whose dead body he had found the tatoo AS3. He was positive it was a code of some sort and could bet there were many more of them but not just that, they were what he had been looking for all this time ***** Following a soft knock Timothy walked into the Minister's study finding him all smiles which was rather weird considering the foul mood he had been in after he had been denied the Vice Presidency seat. Taking a seat opposite him he could not help his curiosity bearing in mind that he had brought him bad news " look quite happy today." "Its a happy day today Tim. Join me." he said pouring whiskey into an empty glass and handing it over to him, "Tim my man, lets have a toast to a good life and to achieving goals." he said raising his glass for a toast which Timothy reluctantly obliged to  "Boss, what are we celebrating." he finally asked. Releasing a manly laugh, Richard got up and walked around before facing a curious Timothy  "I got a call from the president. He called for another meeting to crown the next Vice President." "But boss, what if it is not you?" "I have been cleared from the lists of suspects for Kenneth's death and it is the president himself who told me. Timothy, there is no better deserving candidate than me, and when i come back from that meeting, i would have transformed into Vice President Richard Mathe." "Boss before we celebrate further i unfortunately have bad news." "No news can surpass the ones i am yet to receive from the president Tim. Tell me." "Word has it that there is a new guns supplier. It seems master Jay has left the business so i was thinking i could link you up with the new one to replace AS3." "No you cant. Its the old one i want and the old one you shall get me. Now that he is an independent man, it should be easier to track him." "How can i track an unknown man sire?" "That is what i pay you to do Timothy is it not? So find him!" ***** Completely sure that her husband had disapeared into his study, Julia too walked into her private room sure to lock the the door after herself. The room had been neatly decorated but some of the things she needed were amiss. She could not bring them into the house but they were safer at her old house. Neatly folding her walking stick and placing it on the table, she lit the PC and went straight to the Internet, her eyes feasting on the latest news. It was then that her phone rang and she was just but glad to pick it up, she hadn't heard from that soul in a very long time "Amanda!" she exclaimed her sense of relief evident in her tone "Julia, Julia how are you?" "I should be asking you that Mandy! I was so worried and your phone hardly went through how is everyone are you okay?" "I am fine Julie. I am so sorry for not attending your wedding i promise it was never on purpose i swear. My mother was not doing well and i know this sounds like a miracle but i happened to get offered a really great nursing job here and the money was enough to take care of all the hospital expenses so i had to take it. I am truly sorry Julie but i promise to come see you soon." "Oh Mandy why are you sorry? I am glad mother is doing well now just come see me soon okay?" "I will. By the way i wanted to tell you something. Few weeks back Steven called me. He was apologizing and promised to never set his sights on me ever again. Did you tell Raymond about it?" "Oh no i didn't." she was quick to say, the events of that night flooding back. She had totally forgotten about it all, "I guess he realized his mistakes and grew up. I am glad you are completely safe now."  "Well that was a really strange call but i am happy. Forgive me i am attending a night shift i will call you tomorrow okay? Have a good night." "Goodnight Mandy." With that she cut the call glad Amanda was fine. Although she expected Steven to run his mouth about what she had done to him that night she was happy he was indeed a coward. She had hid well and played her cards well. She, was blind Julia and nobody was ever going to ruin it for her, not when she was now so close.         ***** If you think that was a shocker then you haven't seen nothing yet. Thanks for reading! 
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