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Timothy walked into Richard's office hurriedly upon being called  "You called sir." "Lock the door and sit." he said while clicking a button on his laptop and Lucas popped up on the screen "Tell us." "Kenneth has a secret cargo traveling to the East in two nights. My men are not sure about whats inside but whatever it is its illegal." "How sure are you about that?" asked Timothy  "Its heavily guarded, and nobody is allowed to touch it. Even the driver of the ship does not know whats inside only a few if not just one man on guard knows what it is." "What does it look like?" "Its a tank. My men managed to send me a picture check your phones i am very sure something really catchy is inside. Richard sir, this is the chance we have been waiting for we cant miss it."  "Thank you Lucas i will keep you on the loop." he cut the call his gaze shifting to Timothy  "I have waited for this for five full years, its about time this nation had a new Vice President Tim, my dream is just two days away. A.S.1 and A.S.2 should be able to handle this. Get them ready." ******* Raymond walked into Julia's workplace late afternoon to get her. He had no time, even for wedding arrangements but he had to trick Julia into marrying Joshua quickly else it would be game over for him "Where are we going?" she asked as soon as they got into the car "Just somewhere nice. Its a surprise."  "And i love surprises." "Exactly." Soon they pulled over at a dimly lit restaurant considering it was already dark outside. He helped her out and they walked in. It was empty, just him, her and the waiter on duty "Where are we? Its unusually quiet."  "Its a surprise. Sit here." he helped her to her seat and the waiter brought the already ordered food. He loved Julia and since he was not going to give her the wedding of her dreams, he would at least give her a massive proposal. They dug in whilst joking about anything and everything. Later dessert was brought for them and it was when Julia almost swallowed the diamond ring "Is this...?" she asked feeling it her eyes already teary. Raymond took to his knees and took the ring from her "I know we haven't been together for even up to a year Julia, but this just feels right. I am on my knees right now and asking the most considerate, most beautiful woman i have ever met to marry me. I know i may not be the best but you complete me Julie and i want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Julia was already in tears even before Raymond could finish his statement. She stretched out her shaky fingers and he inserted the ring which fitted her perfectly  "You know you didn't have to book the whole of this place just for us right?" "I only want you to have the best. I love you and thank you." Julia smiled wiping the tears threatening to fall out. She felt so happy, or did she? Now that, was the beginning of disaster  ****** Upon being assigned his next mission Joshua could not believe the dates clashed. It was going to be in two days, but in those two days was Melissa's, rather the whole of his family's death anniversary and he would always visit the farm turned into a mine where it all happened. He had never missed it but now he was going to. The blast was still fresh in his mind and he remembered it all like it had happened the previous day. Logging onto his laptop he studied his next target, Kenneth Khetha. The man had a lot to him, a lot of r**e accusation, bribery even human trafficking cases yet he was still roaming free. While scrolling down he came across what triggered his attention, the Havani mine. He had shares there which meant there was a chance he knew something about the blast. Strangely in the past years, his targets had been the shareholders of the Havani mine and he had killed about five of them per his unknown boss' request and it somehow benefited him in that he too was looking for answers. At times he feared for Raymond's father Richard because he too owned shares there so there was a chance he was going to be murdered too. The man he was working for was quite dodgy and as mysterious as he was because Joshua was sure he too knows something about the blast of over ten years back. The past two years of his life he had tried to figure out whose orders he had been following but he couldn't. He had even gone after the men who worked for him but non of them were snitches, they all chose death. Keneth Khetha was his last and final chance of finding out who killed his family and this mission he was going to carry out wholeheartedly.  ****** "I am traveling tomorrow. I asked for some days off." said Julia over dinner  "I can come along if you like. Are you sure you will be fine?" "I will. I always go by myself so don't worry. Just be good and when you see Steven run!" said Julia making Amanda laugh.  "But really Julie, let me come with you its not safe especially after we wronged Steve. I am scared for you that man never forgets." "Its okay. I will be fine he wont do anything. The day after tomorrow marks their thirteen year death anniversary. I lost everything and everyone in one night and just for memory's sake i go there every year to relive the good old days. You wouldn't understand Mandy." "Then at least take Ray...wait is that a ring on your finger?" she asked Julia who nodded making her scream and jump to het feet viciously grabbing Julia's hand in the process  "This is beautiful Julie why didn't you tell me...when when?!" she cried "We went out for dinner and he proposed. I am so happy Mandy." "Of course you should this ring must have cost him a fortune! Oh my God this is beautiful i am so happy for you." she said hugging Julia who hugged her back but her smile was not so sincere and she was not ready to tell anybody about what Raymond had asked of her. She was ready to be engaged but marriage so soon? Her thoughts unwittingly traveled back to the dinner table where Raymond had asked her to take one huge step "Julia, i don't have time." he had said, "My father is planning on getting me married to someone else and i only want you." "Ray what are you saying how do you mean?" "If we do not get married soon we might never get married at all. We do not have time." "I don't understand any of what you are saying. Please be clear Ray." "Next week. I want us to get married as soon as this coming week Julie, i don't want to lose you so please one more time say yes and i will make you the happiest woman alive."       
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