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"Who was that?" Helen asked as soon as Darian got off the call "Your savior. He is coming to save you, happy?" "Raymond?" "No. Joshua. He likes to play hero and parades himself like he is the king of the underworld. I will show him i play better than him when he gets here. He stepped on the wrong toes this time." Helen could not help but gawk at the monster standing before her. She was worried about Joshua the most now and hoped he brings someone along hopefully the police else Darian would hurt him  "Why would you want Joshua here alone and what has it all got to do with me...with us? Who are you?" "Well darling you will get to know soon. If he does not show up here by seven i will feast on you in a way that will haunt you for life. So pray he shows up!" "But why do you have so many men to capture one person? Please, please don't hurt Joshua please i am begging you." she said struggling to control her tears. Scary looking Darian shot her a sharp stare clearly dazzled by the request. "Don't allow me to think that we are talking about two different Joshuas, don't!" With that he left the room roughly slamming the door after him. Helen was left muttering silent prayers her body failing to suppress its vigorous shaking as a result of being scared. She had happily come home for the holiday and looked forward to having a great time with her loved once but here she was viciously tied to a chair at an unknown location and calculating her fate. She blinked hard letting the pool of tears soak her already muddy cheeks as she at the same time hoped Joshua showed up with backup. She was not ready to die and neither was she willing to lose Joshua, he was way too precious to her, way too precious. ***** "Hey Mandy, yeah i just got home." said Julia locking the door after herself  "That's good. I wanted to say thanks for the money i really needed it." "Its okay i mean what are friends for? Are you home yet?"  "No but almost. Talk later?" "Sure be safe." "I will." Julia then cut the call and let her fingers roam around the wall till they settled on the switch though her world was always dark. She believed it was a leap of faith, maybe someday she would actually be able to switch on the lights as a very necessary move and see the lovely apartment she had secured for herself, just...someday. With her glittering silver walking stick leading the way she threw her handbag on the couch and headed to the kitchen to make herself something to eat. It had taken her a while to be able to get used to knowing where all the necessities were located but she was now good and needed nobody to assist her with anything. A burden is what she had worked hard to avoid being called ever since she lost her sight, and that is just how strong lovely Julia was. ***** Joshua pulled over by the roadside a little distance near the warehouse. He looked over and saw several men lingering around the entrance door then Darian walked out to speak to them. Looking at his time it was at fifteen minutes before seven so yes he was on time, Darian never said anything in vain hence he meant it when he emphasized on time. Opening his car drawer he took out his three pocket knives and stuffed them into his jacket's inner pocket then let his hands hover underneath his car seat taking out the third short g*n which he stuffed onto his waistline before settling a black glove onto his right hand. As he attempted opening the door a call came in and he cursed not switching it off a while back, these were his moments and he considered talking to someone on his way to pull a trigger a distraction "Raymond." "Where are you I'm at you apartment, don't tell me you left alone." "I can handle it so just chill there and Helen will be with you by eight." "Joshua we agreed to go together Darian can be sneaky!" "Gotta go talk later." "Josh...!" but by then he had cut the call. Carefully opening the door such that it doesn't make a sound he tiptoed out of his car and locked it up after himself, all ready for a fight. ***** Darian budged into the room looking frustrated and scaring poor Helen. He looked at his time and it was a few minutes past seven. Sighing in annoyance he paced around hoping Joshua would show up in seconds but no, few more minutes passed with no Joshua to be seen "It seems your hero is no hero after all, so what shall i do with you?" he asked smiling coyly at Helen who swallowed hard. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think that she would encounter such a fate but here she was about to get rapped to death "Its sad how you were never supposed to be here but hey revenge is sweeter with many involved. The more the merrier right?" he said resting both his hands on the arms of the chair his face mauled face slowly drawing closer to crying Helen "I'm here." a voice interrupted causing Darian to abruptly turn to face his target while Helen smiled releasing a sigh of relief.  "How did you get past my men?" he asked looking at Joshua who simply closed the door and made no effort to move closer  "You should hire professionals to help you with your dirty biddings. I am a very busy man Darian and i do not appreciate disturbances. Untie Helen." "Whoa not so fast champ! You think i called you here to come play a words game?" he spat taking out his g*n and pointing it at the Joshua. Helen shifted in her seat her heart's beating palpitating yet Joshua did not look surprised at all "Let the girl go Darian she has nothing to do with this. She is just a harmless young woman since when do you capture women? I never thought you were such a coward."  "Shut up!" Darian screamed releasing a bullet which went out the roof scaring Helen yet giving her a sense of relief because nobody got hurt. Darian walked over to Joshua and angrily grabbed him by the collar  "Do you see this? Do you see my face? Even this b***h cant look at me how do you expect other women out there to look at me?!I got hurt while fighting for you yet you do not care for me at all!" "It sickens me to think you once worked for me. Where are the police now Darian? You sure did not think they would turn you into a police officer once you rated me out now did you?I warned you." "Shut up...shut up! I am in charge right now and you will do as i say. Un-arm yourself." he said g*n still pointed at Joshua. The man slowly too out his weapons throwing them to the ground one after the other "The knives in your inner pocket take them out, you trained me well." Joshua did as told removing all three of them then raising his hands in surrender "What do you want Darian?"  "A share, a share in your supplies. Take me back i need the job else i will blow her brains out!" he said placing the g*n on Joshua's head and the next thing Helen heard was a gunshot and a body taking to the ground making her involuntarily shut her eyes. What a way to kick-start her long awaited holiday.
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