A Betrothed For You(I Love Yelena!)

1115 Words

Your Betrothed (I Love Yelena!) "s**t!!!" Maya exclaimed seeing how tight his grip was on her arm. She looked up to his face and seeing his eyes so close to her made her scared for a minute. 'I haven't seen him this mad before! What have I done to him?' she thought to herself , realizing the harm she had done. She had turned Paxton from a calm Billionaire which he has always been to a demon Billionaire. "You are hurting my arm Paxton!! Let me go!!" She demanded as she struggled to escape his grip on her arm. "Your dad would surely get to hear this Paxton!! I assure you that he would never let this off the hook no matter what you do!!" She threatened with a stern look at Paxton who was standing before her. "Speak Maya!! If you wish to live, you have to speak!!" He warned not minding

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