Heart Strings

1789 Words
The cold winter breeze blew so strong that it reminded everyone in Los Angeles about the Christmas season, or holiday as they called it for a while. It was so cold that one could turn into an ice man or lady because of the breeze that blew outside one's home. The squirting sound of the squirrels that were hopping from one branch of the cinnamon tree to another were quite disturbing and displeasing to the ears, not to speak of the birds that had kept on hitting the windows like they were blind while they flapped their wings. A young lady in her early twenties was laid on her bed in her transparent white gown, which exposed almost every part of her body to the public. She was trying to get a sweet morning rest without minding how cold it was outside or the fact that the cold breeze had kept on finding its way into her room through the tiny hole in her window which was made by the birds that had kept on hitting the glass so hard. “Make it stop please” She grumbled in a cold room, grabbing her pillow and placing it on her ears to block the disturbing noise from outside the room. The birds were actually making it quite difficult for her to get a good morning rest. She was still struggling to get back to sleep when, unfortunately for her, her Mom’s voice was heard from the sitting room. “Yelena!!!” Her mom yelled out her name so loud that it had actually given her a shock on the Inside. “Not now, please!!” she mumbled as she felt so weak to even get off her bed. “Don’t tell me it’s dawn. Why so quick?” Yelena muttered as she sat up on her bed, looking so pale. She had worked all night just to feed her mom and herself that she wasn’t aware it was dawn. Meet Yelena Toole, a young, beautiful and talented smart lady who could sing beautifully and make a thousand people fall in love with her just by listening to her melodious voice. Plenty of people adored the fact that she had taken over singing from her dad Mark Toole. She sings in a bar all night just to make sure her mom lives and gets healthy for her sake, she wouldn’t want her father’s fate for her mom. Her mom had actually gone through a lot after her father’s death, which still felt like an illusion to her. Yelena had lost her father while she was still in high school. It was a day she would never dare to forget so quickly in her life because he was so special to her. “Yel Toole!!! I know you heard me !!” Her mom yelled out again, making the young lady pull out from her imaginations of going back to sleep. “Goodness!! Why does she have to be this annoying? She knows I hate it when she calls me that!” Yelena immediately climbed out of her bed to go meet her mom, so she wouldn’t be called Yel anymore, not even once. She stood up from her bed and had to reach for her good clothes, which were not transparent. They were hung on her wardrobe, so it was pretty easy to grab them. She walked out of her room, slamming the door behind her without minding if it would shatter into different pieces or cause the cracked wall to come crumbling. “What do you want from me, mom?” She questioned with her maturing fingers, rubbing her eyes gently, so she could see her mom clearly. “You know it’s almost the Christmas season, and we barely have enough to eat, Yel. Why don’t you help out rather than sleeping all day” Her mom scolded but with a calm voice. Hearing what her mom had just said to her actually made her feel more offended. “What the hell do you mean, mom?” Yelena asked, waiting for a quick response from her mom as she walked closer to where her mom was sitting on a couch. “Come on Yelena” She suddenly swapped into a pitiful tone, so Yelena won’t be mad at her. She knew what her daughter was capable of doing when she got angry or pissed. “I know you are trying but come on, singing only at night won’t put a meal on our table, Yelena.” She explained as she turned all innocent. “Wow, mom, I never knew you were this ungrateful until this day. You mean I work my ass out every night just mainly for your sake and all I get from you is this?” Yelena felt disgusted as she spoke out to her mom. “You work your ass out? Oh Yel, don’t make me remind you of how much you make a month. We could barely feed with that Yel” Mrs. Mira Yelena’s mom revealed in a rude way. Yelena became astonished as she couldn’t understand what her mom was saying to her anymore and her reasons for saying such to her so early in the morning. Yelena really felt she was trying her best to help her mom after her father’s death, but little did she know that all her efforts had proved abortive. “I guess I can’t please you, mom. At least not like that did, right??” Yelena scoffed as she darted her gaze from her mom, who was still trying not to piss her off. “Oh please, Yel!! Stop acting!!” Mrs. Mira spoke out clearly, with a mean stare at Yelena. “Look at you Yelena, your mates are out there making money every morning, ensuring that their family feeds well but all you do is sleep all day and wait until nightfall, so you could go carry that your scrap you call a guitar and head out to a bar!!! For crying out loud, Yelena, you are a girl you shouldn’t even be seen at a bar at night!!” Her mom scolded as she stood up from the weary looking couch which she was sitting on. “I see the problem here, mom… I see it!” Yelena kept on nodding her head as she tried concealing the tears that were threatening to fall off her eyes. “You don’t see any ….” Her mom was about to say, but Yelena had chirped in without waiting to hear her last statement. “No mom… I really get it, you are just upset with the fact that I’m doing what dad did while he was alive. Do you think it’s easy for me too?? You think I don’t miss him too??” Yelena screamed, yelling at her mom like she was a kid. Mrs. Mira was only trying to prevent Yelena from doing the same job that killed her husband and took him away from them. She loved her daughter so much and was just trying to make her change her mindset about singing at night bars alone. “You know what Yelena??!!! I forbid you this day to go sing in a bar” Her mother pronounced as she tightened her fist in regret. She knew what that Statement alone was going to do to her daughter, but she just had to do it for Yelena’s good. “What??! Mom, that's not fair, and you know it, it’s my life we are talking about here mom !!” tears had suddenly filled Yelena’s eyes listening to her mom’s decision about her life. “Don’t dare me, Yelena!!” She warned as she went closer to Yelena with a pretentious, fierce look on her face. “No mom!! There’s.” Yelena choked on her sobs as she tried speaking up to her mom. “I’m sorry mom, but I don’t think I can obey you anymore” Yelena immediately grabbed her black jacket which she had left on the couch the night before. She meant to leave the house, but her mom held her back with her words. “If you leave now, Yelena, don’t you dare return,” Mrs. Mira threatened. Yelena, hearing this, still didn’t give a damn what her mom said, she had her life to live and wasn’t willing to give it up for anyone yet. “It's better I keep doing what’s nice in dad’s sight than leave it like a coward!!!” She responded rudely with a painful smile on her face. She ran out of the house as she slammed the door behind her angrily. “No one tells me what to do” She immediately stopped a cab and zoomed out of sight without hesitation. “I just want the best for her Mark, please help me change who she is, she can’t end this way, ” Mira sobbed as she fell to the ground thinking about Mark’s death. After a few minutes, Yelena finally got off the cab and walked into a bar which was called the teens bar. It was the bar her dad sang in every night, and she desired to continue, but seeing how her dad died, her mom wished to make her stop. ‘I miss you dad,’ Yelena said Inwardly as she found herself a quiet spot in the bar and sat down on a seat calmly with tears still rolling down her eyes. She placed her head on the desk and began to cry like she was a child. She loved her mom so dearly and disliked the fact that she had to go through a lot just to make her stop singing. Jelena wept silently that she wasn’t aware of when she dozed off in the bar. She woke up a few hours to twelve PM and was shocked that she had spent almost all day in the bar without even taking her bath yet. “f**k!! It’s late already!! I need to go back home, I have a big jam today with the band.” she concluded, knowing she had no other choice than to go back home. She stood up and hurriedly ran over to the highway, so she could get a cab back home. She tried flagging down a cab, but none wished to stop. Not only that, but she was still standing at the cross-walk when she suddenly saw a red Range Rover car pass by her front And when she looked inside the car while it moved, she saw him, her enemy back then in high school. “Paxton?” She called out softly, looking bewildered as her heart skipped a beat.
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