Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Week 3, Instructor Calendar, February 1898 After the other guests had left the reception at the Adams' house, Concordia went looking for Sophia. She found the new bride in the sitting room, slumped upon a chaise, shoes tossed aside and stockinged feet tucked under her. Concordia grinned at the sight. “Getting a respite at last?” Sophia grimaced. “You have no idea how my feet hurt. And I am tired of talking. Who knew these functions could be so exhausting? I’d rather address a hostile auditorium of people who think women have the intelligence of dairy cows than chatter on with genteel society over punch bowls and cheese plates.” She closed her eyes. Concordia remembered the early demands of her sister’s marriage. “You’d better get used to it.” Sophia opened her eyes briefly and waved toward a chair. “You should sit, too. Your shoes don’t look any more comfortable than mine.” Concordia didn’t need a second invitation. She set down the plates she’d collected and sank gratefully into a padded chair. Neither spoke for a few moments. “Have you seen Aaron?” Sophia asked. “He and Eli are out looking for the cat. The animal hasn’t been seen since it bolted from the church.” “It’s as good an excuse as any to get some fresh air, I suppose,” Sophia said. Concordia nodded. Although fresh air in mid-February was bound to be quite bracing, she knew young boys could get restless at public functions. She noted the lengthening shadows outside. “I hope they return soon.” “I know Eli’s attached to the animal,” Sophia said, “but I’m not looking forward to sharing quarters with it.” Concordia sat up straighter. “You’ve decided to adopt Eli? How wonderful!” Sophia smiled. “Once we’re back from New York, we’ll get the process started.” “The ladies at the settlement house are under the impression that you’ll still be working there,” Concordia said. “Is that true?” Sophia nodded wearily. “Aaron and I have had several discussions about it. I must continue my work.” “What did he have to say to that?” Concordia asked. Sophia sighed. “It took a little persuading, but he understands that my work is just as valuable as his. He is summoned at all hours, investigating cases. Why should I sit at home alone, of little utility, when I’m needed as well?” She gestured toward the darkening windows. “Would you draw the curtains?” Concordia crossed over to the windows, lost in thought. Capshaw’s willingness to adapt to such an unconventional arrangement was surprising to say the least. In the two years she'd known the man, she had lost track of the number of times he would sigh, shake his head, and claim not to understand the unorthodox ways of “college people.” She tugged at the draperies. “I hope he knows how to cook his own supper.” Sophia laughed. Concordia turned back from the window. “But seriously, Sophie, how will you manage a child, a new marriage, and your settlement work? That seems a formidable challenge.” “Not that it’s any concern of yours how I run my life,” Sophia answered tartly, “but Eli will have his lessons along with Amelia, here at my stepmother’s house. He can stay here whenever Aaron and I both have to be out. We’ve found a brownstone a few blocks away that we can afford.” “I see.” Concordia sat down again. The silence lengthened. The mantel clock sounded unnaturally loud in the stillness. Sophia grimaced. “I’m sorry." “I know, dear.” Sophia got up and began to pace the room. “It’s all so nerve-wracking. I cannot believe I’m...married. I love him. I couldn’t imagine ever walking away from that. But so many changes…. I should be braver than this.” “You’re the bravest person I know,” Concordia said firmly, “but you cannot pretend this isn’t going to profoundly affect you. Your life will never be the same.” Few among us heartily embrace change, Concordia thought, even when we know it’s what we want. We cling to the familiar. Even those like Sophia, who crusade for change. Because when it’s your own life, it’s different. The parlor door pushed open and Capshaw walked in. He smiled briefly at Concordia, but made a straight line for Sophia, joining her on the chaise and planting a kiss on her forehead. “I should go,” Concordia said, starting to get up. Capshaw waved her back into her chair. “I need to speak with you.” Sophia sat up. “Where’s Eli?” “At the settlement house. We did find his cat—finally. But it was getting late, so I brought him back there first.” “Sophia tells me you two are going to adopt Eli,” Concordia said. “Congratulations.” Capshaw smiled. “He’s a wonderful boy, and deserves a family of his own.” “What did you want to talk to me about?” Concordia asked. “I have a favor to ask you.” Capshaw glanced over at Sophia before continuing. “When Eli and I went out, we saw that same stranger—the woman who was staring at us after the ceremony, remember?—lingering near the side gate. When I approached to find out her business, she ran off.” “That’s certainly disturbing,” Concordia said. “What do you want me to do?” “We take the nine o’clock train tomorrow morning, and don’t return until next Saturday,” Capshaw said. “I’m uneasy about Eli during that time. My impression is that the woman is interested in him in particular. It will be difficult to reach us in a timely way. Since Sophia’s family will be gone this week as well, I told Martha at the settlement house to contact you if there’s a problem.” He gave her a small smile. “You’re the only family we’ll have nearby.” Concordia was touched. “I’d be happy to help. Did you tell Martha about the woman?” Capshaw shook his head. “I didn’t want to alarm her unnecessarily. I merely asked her to keep an eye on Eli. He may feel lonely with us gone. And I told the boy to stay close to the settlement house in the meantime, and not wander off.” Sophia’s brow creased. “Should we cancel our trip?” “I’ve asked the district patrolman to keep an eye on the settlement house,” Capshaw said, “and I’ll send a note to Sergeant Maloney before we leave, to see if he can find out more about this woman.” Capshaw patted Sophia’s hand. “Eli will be fine.”
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