Chapter 2-1

180 Words
Chapter 2 Week 2, Instructor Calendar, Valentine’s Day 1898 What, have you lost your wits? Othello, I.i Concordia slipped the card from Ruby’s grasp and tucked it into her skirt pocket. “If it’s all the same to you, Mr. Maynard, I have themes to grade,” she snapped. The nerve of the man, holding her up to ridicule in front of everyone as if she were an errant schoolgirl. Maynard’s lip curled. “One would hope so, Miss Wells. That is what we are paying you for.” Concordia turned away without another word, remembering on her way out of Sycamore House to retrieve her coat. And a good thing, too: the snow that had been threatening all day was coming down in earnest. Several inches covered the ground already. Ruby followed right behind. “Too big for his breeches, that one,” she huffed. She wrapped her scarf more securely around her head and planted her feet in Concordia’s tracks in the snow. Concordia nodded miserably as she thrust her hands deeper in her pockets. What a horrible man. It would be a relief to get back to the cottage and work in peace and quiet.
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