10 Khalid

3064 Words

10 Khalid I watched in surprised awe when my muse grinned, turning away and walking to the dining area with a bounce in her step. Valeria Dunne was something else. She made me feel everything that had been dead and buried under my rotten body for so long. I had to remind myself that we were there for the painting. And nothing else. I shouldn’t—I couldn’t have feelings for her. I followed Valeria, entering the lantern lit area. The table was low and, on either side, deep red satin coverings were placed. Valeria was moving her head in a different direction when plates of steaming exotic food with delicious scent were placed on the carved table, teasing both of us to devour everything. Instead of sitting across her, I sat beside her, crossing my legs which brushed with her bare knees.

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