Chapter 5-3

1646 Words

“Keep a look round to see that no one is watching us, there’s a good girl,” Bing asked her. She wanted to resent his tone because it was so casual and yet authoritative, but with a mental shake of her shoulders she told herself to remember that he was her employer. If he gave her an order he had every right to do so. But somehow, in that moment, she resented his ceasing to be the charming companion and becoming suddenly aloof and nearly a commanding officer. Then she knew that this was a Bing she had not seen before – a Bing at work, concentrating to the exclusion of all else, a man dedicated to the task that was at hand. He kept his head down as low as he dared and the binoculars were almost against the ground. It was a wise precaution, Melina thought. Anyone approaching him, except fr

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