
Gjergj Elez Alia

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The legend highlights the heroism of the Albanian fighter who, although with many wounds on his body, nevertheless, rose to fight

The legend further highlights the powerful role of the individual who, being supported by the people, moves the "wheel of history!".

But, the legend also highlights the attitude of the passive and disorganized community which, although it adores its hero, is still mostly contemplative.

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Gjergj Elez Alia
Gjergj Elez Alia   Brave over brave had always been Gjergj ElezAlia. For years he had ruled the land of his ancestors, he had defended his honor. He had fought with a mace. and the sword against the enemies poured out here from the sea and from the land to trample the land, to r**e it n***d. And all these enemies Gjergj Elez Alia had laid on the ground breathlessly. But in the many battles with numerous rapists our hero had received nine wounds in the groin and had now for nine years been lying in the tower. Everyone had forgotten him and left him to fate. He had not forgotten only his sister who stood above him day and night. She washed the wounds with the water of the nine-year-old well, rinsed them with the tears of her eyes, dried the blood with the hair of her forehead; he tied his waist with his mother's handkerchiefs, adorned it with his father's old clothes; he lined up his belt weapons. Because when he saw the weapons nearby, Uncle Gjergji felt his heart still warm, a thread of hope arose in him. As a man, he endured the pain of his wounds when his sister changed his height. Only one pain could not be endured by Gjergji. The grief for the beloved sister buried alive next to him, in the high tower, to heal the wounds, to take care of her. This pain stretched Gjergj as if dead, breathless. George's sister had no cure for moments of joy. While her friends were enjoying their youth, they were in love, they were married, they had children, she was always locked in the tower next to the sick George. Thus passed the nine years. In the ninth year it was opened and the word was given that a great i***t had come out of the sea, brave and strong and naughty, worse than all the other idiots who had trampled our land until then. This naughty bastard had thrown the country a heavy kick; every door gave him a roasted ram, every hearth sent a young maiden Bajlozi killed day by day, burned week by week a province. He had killed so many knights that now no one had the heart to come forward and wait for his rush, because his mace was very heavy, his sword was very sharp and his arrow pierced the body of the knight. . So the whole place hurt under his hoof. Gjergj Elez Alia knew nothing; he lay in bed as if dead and unburied in the grave. No one came to cry for help because they knew he had no strength to even go to the doorstep. When it was Gjergji's house to give Bajloz the tribute, the roasted ram and the sister, she, the sister, cried with tears and complained - Brother, how long did death forget us and not take us Tata mother rots dead under the lime. The brother's stature rots alive inside the house. The sister's stature will fall into the hands of the black baloz ... Why does not this tower collapse to take us inside dead? Why does not our house become a ruin? Death is sweeter my black mother than life without honor. Then George woke up, looked around and did not know what had happened. He had felt his face wet and had suspected that the tower had collapsed so much that it was raining inside. Her heart sank, she looked at her sister; two lines of tears crossed his wasted cheeks. And out of grief he cursed the tower; - Hey, you i***t my tower! To cover bottom and top lemashku. Peace be upon the serpent! How did you drop the raindrops on me in bed so quickly? The sister wiped her tears with a trembling hand and said: - No, brother, it does not rain outside and not the piconcata of the tower. You are very tired from the wounds of your stature and desolation, therefore he does not know what he is talking about; my eyes are dripping tears brother! Then George shook his hand with that dry palm, smoothed his face sweetly, looked at him with those longing eyes and spoke to him with fire, as he had never spoken: - Why is my sister crying? Why does it break my heart so much? My stature has been rotting alive for nine years. In these nine years your George has never had a break e has always fluttered like that beech leaf on the cheekbone. Have you not had to eat and drink in these nine years? Has not your brother kept you clothed and clothed? Has it ever bothered you with words? Or is your brother upset and you have a desire to get married and leave him? Then the sister took his hand, put it on her forehead, and answered him kindly: - Oh brother! Is the suffering that speaks to me so upsetting? I went underground while I was thinking of getting married. I had enough brothers to eat and drink. Even dressed and undressed I had plenty, You have never burdened me with words like today. I have a father for you, I have a brother for you. Yes, today, Gjergji, I want to cry a great worry. How can you not step on the seventh in these nine years to get to the door? How could your sister not say - good summer! How can I endure the shame of black and go to the bailiff at the door? When he heard these words, Bacë Gjergji forgot all the wounds of his stature, he forgot all the pains of his body, and he went straight to his feet as if you had never been sick in bed: thin, tall, as he had once been brave above the brave. He said to his sister: - O sister, take the war weapon now and go down quickly to the blacksmith. Tell him: "Goodbye, George, to flee well from the horseshoe with the horses, the wrought iron and the stinging nails, because the bailiff will come out in the men's square". If you do not want to run away from me, nallban valami, hop again and go to the door of the nallban lover. The girl got on the horse, drove it quickly, went down to the city and went straight to her brother Nallban. - Good job o nallban brother! - All right, my distant daughter! - Brother, goodbye Gjergji, thank you for your good luck with wrought iron horseshoe and trunk rivets, that the ambassador will appear in the men's square. But in these nine years, since Gjergji was buried alive inside the tower, nallban vellami had completely forgotten the old brotherhood. He started talking back to his aunt Gjergji. - If you forgive me - he said - my daughter, those forehead eyes, I will save your George: I will run away from him and make him fly like the wind. George's sister replied angrily: - What are you saying like that, o blacksmith, shut your mouth? I thought I had come to my brother's door, I see that I have fallen at the door of the sorcerer. I have forgiven these two eyes once and for all the mother of the father who rots under the ground, I have forgiven my George who rots with nine wounds on the ground! That is what Gjergji's sister Nalban said to her brother forgot the brotherhood and fell on his horse and went to the loving nallban. - O nallban dashamiri - he said - sends greetings bacë Gjergji, to run away from the horseshoe well forged and riveted trunks, that he will go out to fight the sea urchin. Nallban the lover did not say a word to the two, but ran away from the horse, which was beautiful and beautiful for himself. "Tell him," he said. - Live and be a loving blacksmith! ... - the girl replied. In the evening the girl returned home and found Gjergj waiting in the shade of the linden tree. : dressed and wearing weapons nearby. He had overcome the pain of stature to maintain the honor of his home and the whole country for revenge. What did Gjergj Elez Alia do? He sent greetings to Bajloz of the sea and said: - I have no daughter for you, Bajloz! I did not fatten the ram of the earring for you. I only have one sister at home but I can't afford her that there is no one to bind my wounds. So I expect you to go out to duel in the men’s square. When the light came on the peaks of the two of them, Gjergji and Bajlozi of the sea went out on the battlefield and started biting their friend with words. Bajlozi was wearing heavy iron armor, he was wearing a steel helmet, he was armed with heavy shoes and long sword and horse had loaded with iron plates. The ground shook where he stepped. As soon as he saw the emaciated and wasted Gjergj, passing over the gjog, Bajlozi laughed out loud and called to him: - You have risen from the grave, George! Why did you waste me, man on the battlefield? Do you not know that I am called a sea urchin? I have knocked down many knights from the horse and sent them to the other world. You will collapse with your little finger! Gjergji replied nicely: - Well you are saying o bajloz happy mouth! True I have nine years since I took the path of the grave that I have nine wounds in the stature, but have not yet reached the grave you sent me back, because you asked for my sister before you ask me to fight, you asked for berat before you asked for the shepherd, I have come here to tell you what the canon of our forefathers tells us; not to let go of the thing before we let go of the guns, to never give the sisters to the bajloz before we are killed with the sword on the battlefield. Get ready for the last day of your life. Here they call him Gjergj Elez Alia. They let the horses run on the battlefield smoke by smoke. The naughty Bajlozi took aim first and threw the ball. Gjergji i Gjergji bent both knees and sat down. The heavy mace of the bajloz flew over George and landed twelve strokes deep beneath the lawn. The dust rose twelve strokes upwards. When it was Gjergji's turn, he threw his mace nicely and shot Bajlozi in the forehead. Bajlozi bent down and collapsed dead. When it collapsed the whole field shook. The horse took flight. George immediately drew his sharp sword and cut off his head from the trunk. The head hung in the saddle fashion. He tore the trunk to pieces across the field through thorns and thistles and threw it into a stream. The blood of the black bajlozo flowed through the stream, blackening the whole river. For three years in a row, the country smelled of carcasses ... How he killed the black Bailey, the brave man returned home victorious, gathered all his friends and said: -Listen, oh my friends, may you be my towers, may you be all my money, may you be all your goods and things my trust to the sister of Gjergj Elez Alia. And the brave man jumped to embrace the little sister who awaited him with joy. Both hearts rested at once. Brother and sister fell to the ground dead. Easier and sweeter death never seen. The comrades mourned with great sorrow, then opened a grave wide enough to bring out both embracing brother and sister. The tomb was surrounded by a beautiful wall so that it would never be forgotten how much the brother loved his sister and sister, not to forget the great hero Gjergj Elez Alia, who defended his honor and that of the house and who saved the country from violence of black bajloz. On top of the friends planted a beautiful lime for them both, there the summer bird always rests ... When the mountain began to darken, the cuckoo stood on the wall of the new grave because it found the dried lime. He flew over the black palaces and found the entire roof collapsed to the ground. Then he sat down at a window and swore to the traveler on the road: - Listen, O mountain wanderer, if you are singing when you get close to this side stop your song, if you are crying when you approach this side add even more mourning and calamity. I sought mountains upon mountains, summer after summer, I was miserable house after house but nowhere did I see a brave man like Gjergj Elez Alia. They all went and died, Gjergj Elez Alia died, the compassionate sister died, the high tower collapsed and the wall of the tomb is no longer known, nor the former tower, the song is coming out that goes like a star of light through the centuries to sing brother's bravery and sister's love, the nobility of the great Albanian soul and the song never dies .... (INTERPRETING The legend highlights the heroism of the Albanian fighter who, although with many wounds on his body, nevertheless, rose to fight The legend further highlights the powerful role of the individual who, being supported by the people, moves the "wheel of history!". But, the legend also highlights the attitude of the passive and disorganized community which, although it adores its hero, is still mostly contemplative.)

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