Chapter 3 – A tensed celebration

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Driving back home with Jack was not that easy with a tensed mind and shivering hands. After telling Dr. Hershman that I will let him know in two days, the date by which I could take Jack to New York, I said goodbye and left his cabin with Jack and his results. Jack was so happy that he never stopped talking until we reached the car. I couldn’t pay attention to Jack’s words as I was immersed in my own thoughts that I tried to unlock someone else’s car instead of mine. If it was not for Jack pulling me back to reality, I would have caused huge damage to that car. I somehow pulled out of the parking lot. I just wanted to reach home so I could think properly. “Mummy, why are you so upset? I will be alright after the surgery. It’s party time. Let’s celebrate.” Jack said jumping up and down on his seat. My boy is so happy to know that he will be able to live a normal life like other children. But he doesn’t know that it’s going to change his mother’s life like a hell. His surgery is pulling me back to my past which I had left behind 6 year's back. I have no idea what I have to decide- should I take Jack to New York or not? If I don’t, then I will be risking my son’s life. If I do, then he will not do the surgery after knowing that Jack is my son. I can’t just risk my baby’s life. I have to think of a way to make everything alright. I need help and for that, I have to talk to Bella. “Mummy, did you inform Aunt Bella about the good news?” Jack asked and that’s when I remembered that I have put my phone on silent mode. I stopped the car on the side and checked my phone. There were 10 missed calls and 20 messages from Bella. She will be really worried. I should have called her. She cares for Jack even more than me. I quickly called her and she answered in just one ring. “Hello, is everything fine Eva? How is Jack and what did Dr. Hershman say?” Bella asked in one breath. “Yes Bella Jack is fine and I am sorry that I didn’t answer your call. My phone was on silent mode.” I replied. “What did Dr. Hershman said?” She again asked. “He gave a positive view. Jack is really happy. I will tell you everything once we meet. Come over to my place after work. We can have a night's stay. Jack will be really happy to see you.” I said. “Fine, I will inform mom that I will be staying with you tonight. See you in the evening then and tell Jack that I will bring the pizza and it’s my treat. He can spend his savings once he recovers.” She said and hung up the phone. It took about an hour to reach my apartment. I was not in a state to cook anything and so I bought lunch before going home. After reaching home I asked Jack to go and play some video games and not disturb me for some time. I went to my room and fell on the bed without even changing my dress. I had lost in my own thoughts when Jack came and knocked on the door. “Mummy, I am hungry. Can we have our lunch?” I looked at my watch and jumped at once seeing that it’s already 4 in the evening. “I am sorry dear. I lost track of the time. I will just heat the food and arrange the table.” I said while opening the door and hurried towards the kitchen. After lunch, Jack went to take a bath and get ready to welcome his Aunt Bella. I too went and took a shower. I decided to keep my worries aside and enjoy my son’s happiness. I am sure Bella will come out with a solution to my problem. We both sat and watched Jack’s favorite cartoon until someone rang the doorbell. Jack hurried to open the door before I could stop him. By the time I reached the front door, Jack was hugging Bella. She is carrying two boxes of pizza and a carton of fresh juice. She never brings coke with pizza as she knows that Jack can’t have it. As far as I know she herself never had a coke after knowing about Jack’s condition. She is more than a friend to me. “Jack, let your Aunt Bella come inside,” I said. “Come, Aunt Bella, let’s party. I am going to be normal very soon. Mummy is going to take me to New York for that. I can go to school.” Jack said and danced happily. “Jack, don’t exert much. You can do your dance after your surgery.” Bella said and stopped Jack. “Then let’s have the pizza party. Mummy, go and get the plates.” Jack said pushing me towards the kitchen. Bella followed me to the kitchen while Jack went straight to the living to put on some music. “What happened Eva? You don’t look as happy as Jack. Are there any complications? Does the surgery have a very low success chance?” Bella stopped me from washing the plates. “Bella, I am tensed but that’s not because there are any complications in Jack’s surgery. The matter is something else and I don’t want Jack to hear that. That’s why I asked you to stay here tonight. I will tell you everything once Jack is asleep. Now let’s just go and join Jack’s celebration. I don’t want him to become sad.” Bella agreed and helped me to put the pizzas on the plates. Three of us enjoyed the pizza party. We danced without making Jack tired. We ate pizza and Jack also had an ice cream which Bella topped with hot chocolate sauce so as to make the ice cream less cold. I kept my worries at the back of my head and danced for my little prince. I just know one thing that I will do anything to save my child and that means if I have to go back to the past and face my dears, I will do that. By around 9 Bella took Jack to his bed. I have never allowed Jack to sleep in a separate room as I always feared about health. Jack insisted to sleep alone when he was three. So I made a kid's room just next to my room and built a door from my room to his. I also installed cameras and microphones in his room so that I could monitor all his moves even when I am away from him. By the time Bella made Jack sleep, I cleared all the mess and went to take a shower. When I came out Bella was waiting on my bed. I asked her to take a shower first before we talk. When she came out I gave her one of my nightdresses and went to check on Jack. I didn’t know how to tell Bella about my situation. But Bella knows everything and she is the only one who could help me in this situation. I went back and found Bella sitting on the balcony holding two cups of coffee. She knows me well. She knows that I take coffee when I get tensed. “Eva, have it first and then we can talk.” She handed over one of the cups to me. I sat next to her and took a sip. “Bella, you know everything about me, even about Jack’s father. You are the only person in this whole world who knows me completely. I trust you with my life.” Bella silently watched me giving permission to open my heart. “Dr. Hershman gave me detailed information about Jack’s condition and the success chances of his surgery. Only one doctor assured 95 percent success. Others just guarantee 80-85 percent chance.” I said. “So, what’s the problem? You should take Jack to that doctor.” Bella said. “The doctor is in New York and I have to take Jack to him in one week's time as he will be available only for the next two months. Jack’s surgery needs time.” I said. “There will be no problem to leave in one week. I am sure other doctors will be happy to help you to make your appointments. They all know about Jack. You just have to book the tickets for both of you.” She said. “Bella, the problem is not about leaving in one month. The problem is the doctor who has agreed to treat Jack. He is the only one who could guarantee the maximum chance to save my child. His name is Dr. Edward Raymond.” Bella sat shocked hearing the name. “Eva, you mean that the doctor who agreed is the same Dr. Edward Raymond you know!” Bella asked unbelievingly and I nodded my head. “You mean that you have to take Jack to Dr. Edward Raymond, your father.” I sat silently agreeing to her words. 
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