Not Sophie

1621 Words
Getting to the Golden Lily was relatively easy, even though it was quite far away from what she knew and meant more reasons to piss Mom off by coming late, but getting him out of the car was harder. He practically refused to come out at first, whining about how badly his head hurt before he suddenly looked at her, muttering something about her not leaving and then sticking unto her like they were glued together. It was the first time she was being close to anyone, a man for that matter, especially a nice looking one so no one could blame her if she liked the proximity. Nine mentally slapped that thought away. When they got in, her eyes flew to the gold plated walls and glass ceilings, plus the air smelled like something you had to pay for actually breathing in. Goddess. "Um, excuse me," Nine turned to the receptionist, who had a completely astounded look on her face like they were two big rats in her establishment. Two very wild, untamed rats. She nearly laughed at the thought because she had experience with things like that but she didn't, instead she said with the most dignified voice she had, "I'm here to order a room," The lady's eyes stared at Nine for a full minute before turning to the still hooded male with his shades still on and had all his weight on her, which was to prevent Nine's escape then slowly, turned back to Nine, speaking carefully, "I think you're in the wrong establishment—" "I am," Nine stated, "He's not. Don't rich people always know each other?" "Well, he's covered—" "Yeah, well, don't judge a book by its covers, I think," Nine said, then turned to look at him. "We're here. What do you want?" He mumbled his answer, though it was loud enough for her to hear. "You," Nine could feel the woman's eyes widen at the outright statement, while her cheeks filled up with heat, but she ignored this and said, "We're at the hotel. I'm sure you want to sleep or something, so you can just—" "You're talking too much," His face now buried itself into her neck. "I like you more when you're quiet." Goddess, why did he smell so nice? "I think you both should—" "Hold on," Nine cut in. This was getting ridiculous, staying here was beginning to feel like she was dreaming. She was in a hotel she'd never be able to afford in five years, no matter how hard she worked, with a man who seemed to actually want her. It was time to wake up. Her hands moved into his pockets swiftly and in a second, she brought out a gold card that had a weird emblem of a cross on it and set it on the counter. "There you go. I'm sure that's got to have a lot of money," The woman stared at the card. Nine didn't think it would be possible for her eyes to increase in size, but they did as she stared at it, then back at him. The look on her eyes didn't hold the same disgust and irritation it had before. It held something close to respect, and fear. Mostly fear. "Of course," She was at her computer now, quickly typing before presenting her with a key. "Please, have a nice stay." Her whole demeanor had changed. Not that it really mattered as she took the keys, Nine knew money could bring out the angels in people, even if it was for a short while. As they got to the room with the number of the key on its door, she opened it, again entering one of her dream states again. The room looked like an apartment of its own. A crazily expensive one, and the bed. It wouldn't be bad if she laid on it for a few seconds, would it? "Sophie," Right. She had nearly forgotten about the man still holding her. "I'm not Sophie," She stated. Though she wasn't the least offended. Not like she cared if she was a Genevieve, she had enough money. If he called her a donkey, she wouldn't even bat an eye. "Come on," They both staggered to the bed before she placed him on it. He fell first, bed sinking in a way that reminded Nine of how her bed were literal bricks before she tried moving away, and felt his hand clamp itself around her wrist. She tugged, cursing at his strength even though she could swear normal men with the amount of alcohol they had taken should have had their lights out by now before she was suddenly pulled to the bed and had him on her. Nine backtracked, her brain freezing as it took the situation in front of her. There was a man, a drunk man, on her body, who had more strength on her without even trying and she couldn't move. "What are you—" "Sophie," His voice became tinier as he bent down to her neck and began to sniff it and let out small pants. "W-Why are you always trying to leave me?" At those words, her brain kicked up, causing her to try shoving him off, but he didn't even move an inch, instead he had her hands pinned above her head with one hand and the other pushing her legs open like Nine wasn't using all of her power to keep them shut as she screamed, "I'm not Sophie! I swear, I'm Nine! My name's—" He paused, now looking at her face. Nine's heart rose and fell now as she stared at him. Her whole body still tried to wriggle out of his grasp before he bent down, his body now between hers and used his free hand to touch her face. His touch was gentle, the first gentle she had ever gotten. "It's okay, Soph. I'd make it feel good. I'd make you love me." The first tear fell. No one had ever spoken to her so nicely before, and this would be her first time. First time anyone was looking her with something close to devotion. First time someone was touching her. First time someone would want to have anything to do with her. It broke her heart more than the thought of what he was about to do to her did. "Please. Please, you don't have to—" He kissed her. She tried to clamp her mouth shut, but he bit on her lip causing her to gasp and give him access. He tasted of alcohol, and something else. Something else that made her want to kiss him back, but she didn't, instead, she cried, cried because she knew deep down, the only reason he wanted something to do with her, was because he thought she was someone else. He pulled away now and looked at her, his eyes worried. "It's okay, Sophie. Don't— Don't cry. You don't look— B-Beautiful when you— Cry." "I'm not—" She felt more tears fall. "I'm not Sophie," But he didn't seem to hear. Instead, he kept staring at her. "You are very beautiful." And before she could think twice of it, he thrusted in. Nine screamed, screamed so loud at the intrusion, at his side, at everything, and as if that was what her body needed, it fought to get him off, fought to stop the pain, but she couldn't do that. Instead, it seemed like the more she tried fighting him off, the more determined he was to keep her below him. Terror paralyzed her. Her eyes were wide as she stared unseeing at the ceiling.. His c**k was big and since she was not aroused and had never done this before, felt her body burn from the searing pain it caused as he pushed deep into her and heard him growl deep in his throat. There was nothing else to do, nothing that she could do than to lay down helplessly as he started thrusting into her. They became deeper and harder, and in a flash, she was lifted up, her legs splayed out in the air as he slammed into her from beneath. She felt his hands on her breasts, his tongue in her neck and him still inside in her, filling her up so much that she felt she would burst. Her voice turned hoarse as he increased his pace. It hurt, it hurt so much. Like sandpaper being dragged across her skin. Her eyes flew to the ceiling as more tears fell. Nine had always hated herself, for who she was, what she was, but she hadn't hated herself more than she did now. She hated herself for being weak. For putting herself into this mess. For being Nine. His head went to her neck now, sniffing again as he went faster now, mumbling something incoherently under his breath while her whole body felt numb. Everything and everywhere hurt. "f**k, I think— I think I'm going to c*m," He took his head away from her neck and looked at her. There were tears in his eyes, but there weren't sad ones. He looked... Happy. "I love you so much, Sophie." In that instant, Nine had found something she hated more than herself. That name. A second later, she felt him release into her, the warmth coating every part of her wall. Was she disgusted? She was. Did she feel like dying? She did, but Nine let him do what he wanted, and when he was done, let him roll off her body and fall beside her, finally out like a light.
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