Chapter 7

607 Words

Best trick of any outlaw gang is spare horses stashed partway along the planned escape route. When a posse gets thrown together, they lack the planning we do, and we outrun them every time because we change mounts while they wear out theirs. So on the Kettner job, we leave Virgil and Dewey with eight of Noble’s stock just outside Mercy while the rest of us go onto get us some money. Leland and Harry stay out front with the horses to keep watch while Wade, Evan, and me go inside quiet like, just cowboys looking to do business. When it’s down to just two customers and the one clerk, we pull down our masks and Wade calls out “throw up your hands.” The deed is then done. Evan and Wade keep order while I throw cash into sacks, and there’s a good lot of it. With two sacks full, I go out front,

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