Chapter VIII

1051 Words
"Do you think it's some kind of a curse?" Collin crossed his arms and leaned on the wall. "I'm not sure. But I won't drop the idea unless I'll found an explanation to it." She sat on the edge of her bed, facing Collin. "You believe in me, right? You're not thinking that I'm crazy?" She silently hoped that he does. "Believing the story was hard," he said. "But I believe you. If that's what you say." He stood straight and sauntered towards her. Her lips stretched from ear to ear. She only need one person who believes in her, and not a thousand people who have doubts in their hearts. "Do you want to swim?" He stared down at her and playfully pinched her cheeks. Rosette looked up to meet his gaze. Her thoughts formed an image about the ashes that was thrown into the water. She shook her head to erase it. "I'll pass." She did not want to swim in a sea full of burned bodies. "What about we go to the lighthouse? Some says it's like a portal because it has the four elements. I want to climb the top of it," he said. "I like that." She captured his hands and borrowed his strength to stand. "Wait, I'll take a bath first. What about you?" "Of course. I'll come back when I'm done. Don't lock the door for me." Collin claimed her lips before he pulled back. He winked at her as he retreated and went out of the room. She got some clothes from her luggage and went into the bathroom. She bathed for almost thirty minutes then put on her clothes. She was drying her hair with a towel as she stepped out from the bathroom. "What are you doing!?" she exclaimed. Collin was already inside of the room, picking up a thing or two from her luggage. Blood went up to her face. "Where did you get these? This isn't yours, is it?" he asked. He lifted his hand to show what he meant. She dashed towards him and grabbed the things from his hand. She put them back to her luggage and locked them up. She was trembling when Collin held her shoulders, forcing her to face him. "Look at me, Rozi!" The weight on his voice stung her eyes. Her rapid heartbeat almost deafened her. She looked into his accusing eyes and it melted all her confidence. "You stole them?" he asked in a low voice. "I... I c-can't resist the urge." She dropped her gaze down to his chest and lost her thoughts into the depth. She remained steady even after Collin released her. "You better return them," Collin said. She could hear his disappointment in his voice. Rosette played with her cold and trembling hand. There was no confidence left in her to lift her eyes to Collin. "Don't worry, I'll help you," he whispered from the back of her ear as he wrapped his arms around her. "Let's forget it for now." He turned her around and wiped her eyes with his thumbs. "I'm sorry," she mumbled, her eyes were unmoving to avoid his gaze. Collin guided her to the bed and let her sit. He moved around the room, looking for something. When he found it, he stood in front of her and started combing her hair. His gesture melted her heart. She felt her cheeks heated up when she thought of hugging him. She was thankful that he never changed even after knowing the dirty side of her. Rosette did not know for how long the islanders took care of Melvin's body. 'Cause the moment they stepped out of her room, the door in her right was already closed. They went on with their plan after asking Sally to pack some foods for them. It was past eleven when they reached the entrance of the lighthouse. She hesitated to go in for a moment after seing the cracks on the wall. But Collin insisted. "It's not cracks," he announced after touching the wall of the lighthouse. "This was painted." "Really?" She mirrored his action and her hand agreed with what he said. She have not touched a single crack... just a plain painted wall. "You're right." It amazed her. They climed up the spiral staircase that was about two hundred feet in height. They passed by the two rooms before they reached the gallery deck. "Can you take a picture of me?" she asked Collin as she handed her phone to him. "Sure, babe!" he agreed. He took five poses of her on the deck. The sun was already up in the ceter and its rays was all over it. They have decided to go up in the lantern room and eat their lunch. "Where's your phone? Don't you want me to take a photo of you?" she asked him after finishing the last bite of her pork. "I forgot it in your room." He picked the water bottle and handed it to her. "Let's just use my phone then." She smiled and pointed the camera at him. He stood up and posed near the lantern. He then offered his hand to her and took a photo of them. They stayed in there for awhile, enjoying the view. When the clock striked two, she thought about the composition. So she induced Collin to go home. They arrived at the hostel with only two and a half hours left before six. She stepped in to her room immediately while Collin was in the dining, returning the things they borrowed. She took out the composition and started walking to Anthony's room. She looked around if someone noticed her and faced the door in front. She slowly opened the door and peeped in. When no one was there, she entered in a swift motion and locked the door from inside. She went near the bookshelf and successfully returned the composition on its place. She was about to go out when she got curious about what Anthony's bedroom looked like or if he was there. She stepped back until she could reach the knob of his bedroom door. She leaned her left ear to catch any sign of movement from the other side of the room. And there was none.
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