Chapter XIV

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"Join us!" Collin shouted. "We still have time to enjoy before ten or even after that," he added. Most of them who joined were at the same age group as them. From teenagers to the ones at their twenty's. Other islanders brought foods and drinks to share with everyone. They had formed a big circle as they widened the bonfire. They ate and talked and there were some continued singing. She met more and more as hours passed by. When the power went off, they sent the teenagers back to their homes. While the older ones remained. They chitchatted as they drunk. Only six islanders stayed with them as the night deepened. Four of them were women. "Haven't you noticed something weird in the hostel?" asked the girl named Ruby. "Something like capturing a girl in his camera?" She pointed Collin who was leaning on her shoulder and did not let go of her left hand. "The soul of Melody?" shouted the other girl who was a bit tipsy. "Who is Melody? Did someone die in there before?" She focused her eyes on Patricia. But the girl covered her mouth like there was something wrong with what she said. "Yup. That was ten years ago. And Melody vanished like a bubble when their parents died," Trinity said. The guy in her right side kept on trying to shut her mouth with a hand. But Trinity managed to dodge it every time. "You are too loud! What if he hears you?" Marcus' sharp gaze darted to the girl as he warned her in a whisper yell. "Who?" Rosette moved her head from Trinity to Marcus. She raised her brows in no particular person and waited for someone to answer her question. "The old caretaker of the hostel." It was Jude who answered her. "He is the weirdest person in this island followed by Anthony." His lips moved with so much firmness. "Is that so?" Collin butted in as he straightened his body to drink some more. "I was thinking the opposite." "That's enough, babe." Rosette grabbed the beer from Collin's hand when she noticed his ears down to his neck were painted red. And he barely open his bloodshot eyes. "Kiss me first." He whispered in her ear and protruded his lips when he leaned again on her shoulder. "You're really drunk. Shall we go home now?" Rosette whispered back. She turned her head away but her hand lifted up and stroked his face. "Nope. We stay here until morning. What's the use of these pillow and that blanket?" Collin pointed at their back. His pronunciation was still clear, like there was no sign of tipsiness. She closed her mouth and just nodded to him. When she looked back at the people across them, her cheeks heated up. All eyes were on her and Collin. Rosette faked a cough and straightened her back. "Back to the topic," she paused as she thought what to ask. "No one saw what really happened to Melody, right?" She raised her eyebrows to them. "Yes. But Rolly kept on saying that she's dead... that she committed suicide right after their parents died," Trinity answered her when no one dared to open up. "What's the cause of their parents' death?" Rosette asked again. "No one knew." Trinity dropped her shoulders momentarily. Silence followed. "Wait, I know!" Marcus raised his right hand. All eyes darted to him. "My father told me that he saw their dead body bathed with blood. And that Rolly burned them without asking for help." He hugged his body like he felt cold by thinking about it. Marcus' words caught the attention of everyone around him. Their jaws slacked and some of them had their eyes widened in disbelief. They were eager to hear more of it, but no one asked. "Bathed with blood? You mean, they got killed? Or they ended their lives like everyone else in this island?" Rosette managed to ask after a few seconds. "I forgot to ask." Marcus scratched his temple and smiled shyly. The blaze of the bonfire weakened and they were out of coconut husks. Jude and Ruby volunteered to get some while the two other girls, Patricia and Mina decided to go home. Trinity and Marcus remained seated across her. "Have you ever mingled with her when she was still alive?" She tried an eye to eye contact as she raised her brows to the two. "Actually, No. She is somewhat preserved and this guy," Trinity paused as she pointed Marcus, "Bullies her. So, she keeps her distance." Rosette nodded. "How about Anthony? What do you know about him?" "Why are you asking about him, huh?" Collin's half-closed eyes lifted up to her. He bit his lower lip as he glared. She ignored him and fixed her eyes again to Marcus and Trinity. "Never mind him," she said when Collin moved away and continued staring at her with his hand supporting his head. Rosette smiled awkwardly. Trinity hold back her giggle and tried to be serious. "All we know is that, he was not born with blind eyes." "Yup," Marcus agreed. "Their parents blamed Melody for it... But despite his disability, he was still able to compete in his Piano Competitions." "He plays piano?" The white of her eyes showed more as it expanded. 'So, that explains him holding a trophy,' Rosette thought the moment she remembered the picture. She had never seen a piano neither at the hostel nor at Anthony's room. "Where could it be?" "Are you thinking that Anthony while I am here beside you?" Collin surmised from her silence while glaring at her. "For real, Rosette?" She knew that he was serious by hearing him calling her first name. "Of course not!" Rosette scowled. Collin grimaced before turning his head in opposite way. "What are you guys talking about?" The voice of a man interrupted them. Jude and Ruby came back with dried husks in their hands. Just on time before the fire died out. Marcus helped them in keeping the fire blazing. "Are you guys quarreling?" Ruby asked. Her eyes jumped from Collin to her. Trinity giggled. "He was jealous," she answered. "Jealous of who?" Ruby cross-questioned. "We were just talking about Anthony and here he thought that her girlfriend is interested in that man," Trinity explained. "Which is not true!" Rosette interjected, rolling her eyeballs. "I think both of you need time," Jude suggested. He protruded his lips and signaled to the three to move. "I don't want to go home yet."Trinity made a face. "You don't need to." Rosette smiled at them as she stood up. "We'll just talk in a distance. Please excuse us." She took a step and tapped Collin's shoulder, urging him to stand.
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