Chapter 1

1997 Words
St. Therese International stood as a beacon of opulence, where every detail, from the meticulously manicured lawns to the towering stone facades, echoed a legacy of privilege. Within its halls, the elite of society roamed, their status marked by the pristine white short-sleeved button-downs paired with impeccably tailored black pants, adorned with the school crest for the boys, and the graceful white blouses, pleated black skirts, and black ribbons bearing the crest for the girls. Ninety percent of the students attending were elite children from rich families, and the school operated in a segregated environment with its own rules and system maintained largely by the students themselves. Abused by the most popular and wealthiest kids themselves. Enter Luna Prieto, the epitome of sophistication and privilege, her cascading curls framing her flawless features as she glided through the corridors. Her uniform was impeccable, every detail perfectly in place, complemented by her designer bag and shoes that spoke volumes of her affluent upbringing. Her gaze, sharp as a blade, homed in on a lone figure amidst the sea of affluence. With a flick of her wrist, she dismissed her entourage and sauntered over to where Elena Sunico stood alone, clutching her worn textbooks. “Well, well, well, if it isn't the charity case of St. Therese,” Luna drawled, her voice dripping with disdain. “Still dressed in our sacred uniform as if you belong here, I see.” Elena met Luna's withering gaze with a composed expression. A poor scholarship student, she has currently been the target of Luna’s displeasure for the past year. “I may not be rich, Luna, but I earned my place here just like everyone else,” she answered calmly. Luna's lips curled into a disdainful sneer as she stepped closer, her designer bag dangling from her perfectly manicured fingers. “Oh, how quaint. But let's not delude ourselves, Elena. You'll never truly belong in our world. And to think you had the audacity to catch Jonathan's eye…” “I've already told you that there's nothing between Jonathan and me,” Elena countered. “Even if there is, which there really isn’t, it's none of your business.” Luna's laughter cut through the air like a whip, the sound causing everyone else in the hall to freeze. “None of my business? Please, Elena, we both know that everything that happens within these walls is my business. And just because your peasant parents scraped together enough pennies to give you a taste of luxury doesn’t mean you get to act freely in this place.” Though her words cut deep, Elena held Luna's gaze steady. “I still have just as much right to be here as anyone else.” Luna's smirk widened, a cruel twist of her lips. “You may have slipped through the cracks, but don't delude yourself into thinking you belong here. You'll never be one of us. So do yourself a favor and just leave.” “What bullshit.” Luna and Elena turned as I marched onto the scene. “Who the hell do you think you are, telling Elena to leave?” I demanded, planting myself firmly between them. “Are you the owner of this school?” "This doesn't concern you, Coline," Luna clipped. "It's between Elena and me.” “Like hell it doesn’t,” I returned. “If you’re pissed that Jonathan is ignoring you, why do you keep taking it out on her? She didn’t do anything wrong.” She glowered at me. “Who the hell are you to stick your nose in?” “I’m her best friend,” I declared. “Of course, I’ll stick my nose in if you cause problems to Elena again.” I felt a hand touch my shoulder. “Coline, don’t,” Elena begged softly. “I’m sorry, Elena,” I muttered to her. “I tried not to interfere like you asked me to, but I just couldn’t help it. I can’t stand listening to her insult you.” “Insult her?” Luna scoffed. “I’m only telling the truth.” I glared at her. “No. You were being a bitch.” Luna’s eyes narrowed in response. “Excuse me?” “You heard me.” Her gaze hardened as she locked eyes with me, but before either of us could utter another word, the sound of approaching footsteps drew our attention. It was Jonathan Fernazo, the most popular and sought-after guy in school. And now he was storming towards us, his gaze hard and angry. "What's going on here?” he demanded. “Elena? Are you alright?” Elena tensed visibly. “I’m fine. What are you doing here?” “See how rude she is, Jonathan?” Luna interjected. “That’s why you shouldn’t be talking to trash like her.” But Jonathan seemed to tune out Luna's words, his attention focused solely on Elena. “Let’s talk, Elena,” he said firmly. Elena kept her gaze down when she said, “We have nothing more to say to each other.” “Elena, please,” he implored, his tone softer now. Elena met his gaze briefly before turning away. “Just leave me alone, Jonathan.” Then she walked away, I followed closely behind her, feeling the weight of Luna’s angry stare and Jonathan’s concerned gaze burning into our backs. As we walked, I could feel my pulse still racing with anger. But as I glanced over at Elena who was walking calmly beside me, I realized that my anger was insignificant compared to what she was dealing with. “Elena?” I began cautiously. She offered me a sideways smile. “Yes?” “I’m sorry for jumping in like that. I know you wanted me to stay out of it.” “It’s fine. You just can’t seem to help yourself,” she teased. I chuckled. “You know I can’t. I know I promised to let you fight your own battles, but I can't help but worry about you.” Elena sighed, her gaze drifting ahead as if she was looking at something far away. “I’m fine, Coline. Really. Luna’s words don’t bother me anymore. She’s just... Luna. It’s what she does.” Though it was one of the things I admired her for, her uncanny ability to brush off the nastiness, to rise above it, was both comforting and frustrating. “Where have you been, anyway?” she asked me curiously. I sighed, feeling the last remnants of my anger dissipate. “The faculty room. The teacher was just telling me about the new student coming in today.” “A new student? But it’s been three days since the school year started.” “I know. But the teacher didn’t say much. And you should know. I heard the new kid is Luna’s twin brother.” She stopped to look at me, perplexed. “She has a twin?” Her expression made me chuckle. “Yeah. He’s been studying at a boarding school overseas since elementary school. That’s why I don’t understand why he’s finishing high school here with only a year left.” “Maybe something happened at his old school?” “Probably,” I grumbled. “As if one spawn of Satan wasn’t enough. Now we're getting the complete twin set.” Elena laughed. “I’m sure he won’t be so bad.” “Oh, it’s like you to stay optimistic. I’m sure he will be just as bad. He’s Luna’s twin. He’s got her psycho genes.” “Didn’t you tell me their parents were nice?” “They are, but I guess their ancestors must have done something wrong to punish them with little sadists for children. I’ve never met him, but rumors say that his glare is so sharp it can cut like a real knife,” I said, exaggerating for effect. Bemused, Elena asked, “Well, why haven’t you met him? Didn’t you say Luna’s family and yours are friendly?” “I probably met him when we were kids, but it’s been so long. He’s practically lived most of his life overseas. And he never shows up at his family’s gatherings, or if he did, I wouldn’t know since I wouldn’t recognize him if I did meet him.” “What do you mean?” Elena asked, her brows furrowing. “He isn’t on social media,” I explained. “I heard he despises media exposure, so there’s not a single proper picture of the guy, not even in Luna’s social media accounts. He’s a complete enigma.” “Why doesn’t that interest you? You like reading mystery novels.” I shrugged. “I really don’t give a damn about the Prieto siblings. Hey, after school today, do you want to go have crepes with me?” I suggested, turning the topic. “A cafe just opened uptown, and reviews said they have really good crepes.” Elena shook her head. “You know I can’t afford anything uptown, be it a crepe or a notebook.” “Who said you’re paying?” She gave me a look as we continued walking. “I thought you also promised not to spend money on me anymore.” “Yeah, on stuff, but not on food!” I argued, linking my arm with hers playfully. “Come on, Elena.” “A young lady like you will never understand a commoner’s life,” Elena sighed, her tone tinged with resignation. “And that’s why you should give up and take advantage of me like I told you,” I insisted with a grin. “Give someone an inch, and they’ll take a mile,” she muttered, her expression softening. “I haven’t even repaid you yet for the dress you bought for me last summer.” My heart skipped a beat at the mention of last summer. Of a memory of thick arms and warm muscles that I could still feel on my back. Immediately, I forced out a laugh and that memory away. “And I told you to forget it,” I replied to Elena lightly, masking the turmoil churning within me. As we approached our classroom, I noticed Luna standing outside the door, and my irritation flared. Luna belonged in another classroom, and her presence there was like a red flag waving right in my face. She just couldn’t seem to leave Elena alone, could she? And how the heck did she get there so fast? “What does she want now?” I grumbled, charging ahead, leaving Elena trailing behind. “Coline, stop,” Elena called out, but I didn’t need her to tell me twice. I had already stopped. Because as I neared the classroom, someone stepped out, halting me in my tracks. The blood drained from my face. Memories flooded back with painful clarity, and I felt my breath catch as my stomach twisted into a knot. Tall and handsome, with dark hair that fell effortlessly over his dark hazel eyes. A magnetic presence that had everyone's gaze drawn to him like moths to a flame. But despite the attention he garnered, his eyes were fixed solely on me. Oh, God. An ice-cold feeling flushed through me as I met his gaze, recognizing the flicker of recognition in his eyes. My mouth was dry, and I needed to blink but couldn’t. I was frozen as he stared at me with intense dark hazel eyes, his gaze sweeping over me. “You can’t be tired already”, his voice rumbled into my ear as I was sliding down the wave, the pleasure slowly subsiding. “Not when the night has just begun…” Oh my God, I thought hysterically, it can’t be him. His gaze moved to my face, recognition flickering in his eyes. “It’s you,” he murmured. “Isn’t it?” Damn it. It was him.
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