#3 - Feeling Very Unsatisfied

1351 Words
Adrian "So are we going to talk about what happened in your suite, or are we going to finish what we started?" Courtney purred as her hand shot out towards my chest. I caught it just inches shy of my chest. "Don't" I snapped. "We are doing neither." Because that would require me to think about my ex-wife. Not that I had been able to forget that award-winning performance of the betrayed wife she'd put up, the best act she'd put on during our three regrettable years together. "Tell Jenny to have White come through as soon as he gets here." I dismissed Courtney and ignored the look of disappointment that graced her face. I was so not in the mood to deal with her right now. And what we started? I wasn't proud that I had taken advantage of the situation I found myself in with Courtney, but that did not mean I was starting anything with her. The sound of the door to my office shutting echoed in perfect sync with my office drawer closing, the annoyance of its contents prickling at my soul. I glared at the thought of the neatly folded bow in there before stomping to my mini bar and pouring myself a drink. I downed everything in one gulp and repeated that a couple more times, but it was not enough to erase Lily from my mind. The feeling of satisfaction I'd felt at her being hurt over my decision not to protest her demand for a divorce was already gone. I hated what was left. "Mr. Frost?" "What?!" I hissed at my personal assistant standing at the open door to my office. "Mr. White is here for you." Jenny smiled, ignoring my foul mood as she'd done many times before. "Send him in." I walked back to my desk, one more drink in hand and waited for my lawyer to come through as I remained eager to close this chapter completely. "No arguments?" The man had barely taken his seat before I demanded for updates. Given that my ex-wife had been the one to ask for the divorce, I expected that she would have crazy demands too, but there was no way in hell I would be bowing to her. But that didn't make me a monster either, so I'd had a fair divorce settlement drawn up, where I declared that she'd get a few million plus a couple of properties too. "No arguments, except one." The man's deep steady voice echoed throughout my office. I felt annoyance prickle at his response. I wanted this over quickly. "And what is that?" "She wants nothing of what you offered." My lawyer shifted in his seat. I knew there was more. "I'm sorry, what?" I blinked at the man, not quite believing what just came out of his mouth. "In her letter, Mrs Frost- I mean your ex wife says she wants nothing that reminds her of you." Nothing that reminded her of me? Was that not what she'd been after all these years? Why she married me and why she'd held on even when I had remained cold towards her? Why she'd easily asked for the divorce without bothering to ask what was going on? "What do you mean, her letter? I thought you met up with Lily and her lawyers." I shot the man an annoyed look. For all the experience he boasted of, this should have been a simple matter to close, yet here he was giving me terrible excuses. "I actually got her demands before I even had a chance to contact Mrs. Frost or her lawyers." White shifted in his seat once more. "And to be honest, I don't think she hired or had any lawyers to represent her." "She didn't even get to see what I was offering?" My eyes widened at my lawyer. And what did he mean Lily hadn't engaged anyone to represent her? "That doesn't make any sense. I know Lily-" my words died down in my throat when my lawyer placed something on my office desk. Two familiar rings. Her engagement ring and wedding band. "These were delivered to me through the mail, together with her demands just this morning." My lawyer said, sending my mouth hanging open. She was giving them back and so quickly too? Both were worth a small fortune and if she was unwilling to take my offer, selling just those two things would keep her pretty comfortable for a while, longer if she chose the stinky simple life she lived before my grandfather ever laid his eyes on her. "I'm sorry Mr. Frost." I'm sorry Mr. Frost. He felt sorry for me? I glared at the man. No one got to say that to me unless they were apologizing, damn it! "Set up another meeting." I demanded, but the man only fidgeted some more. "Will that be a problem, Jeff?" "That is kind of the reason why I'm here." He placed a single piece of paper in front of me. Another letter? "I'm here for your signature." I scanned the document in Lily's perfect handwriting, my temper flaring with each word. "She wants me to sign a no-contact agreement?!" I thundered. The damned thing would keep me from looking for her, forbidding me to even look her way if we were to bump into each other. Of course I had no intentions of doing either of those things, but I would be damned if I gave in to her like this. Who did she think she was? "Once signed you are a free man." Jeff said and for someone who'd wanted this over quickly, I'd never hated anything my lawyer had to say. "If she wants me to sign it, let her come here herself and get it." Jeff blinked at me. "Is there a problem?" he asked. "I thought you'd be pleased." Yeah, so did I, but nothing had gone my way and I was feeling very unsatisfied. "What the hell did you do?!" My grandfather burst into my office, interrupting my own grinding of my teeth. "Jeff?" his blazing eyes darted between me and the lawyer in a heartbeat. I'd never seen him this angry before. Despite both our fiery attitudes though, I sat back in my seat and stared back at the man knowing why he was here. "Lily left me, it wasn't the other way round." "And?" My grandfather gave me the weirdest look. "And she no longer wants to be with me." I surprisingly grumbled. "So what if she no longer wants to live under the same roof as you?" "So nothing." I barked. "The divorce is final-" "Don't you dare utter that word in my presence. Did you forget about my conditions?" A wrinkled finger pointed sharply in my face and I couldn't help but sneer. Because how the hell could I forget the reason the last three years of my life had been miserable. A bitter taste filled my mouth at the thought and left me growling. "Let's not forget that she left me-" "Well I don't see you putting up a fight either." The old man cut me off, glaring. "I vowed to make her happy and if that means letting her go..." "Adrian Frost, did you think it would be that easy? Did you think that being half a husband would get you off the hook?" I ground my teeth, hating the fact that I could never say no to my grandfather. "Arranged marriages are so ancient and are doomed to fail and even knowing this I went ahead and did this to please you-" "Please me?" my grandfather blazed. "If you had picked her yourself and dated as I had asked, you would have known her and fallen in love." Love... Such an overrated word. The prickling idea of it had me reaching for a pen and stabbing Lily's letter with my signature even if I didn't want to. Handing it to Jeff, I turned to my grandfather with a scowl. "She was never interested in falling in love with me."
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