#24 - His Wife?

1465 Words
Lily "Your wife? What the hell did you tell them?" I asked, exasperated, fighting the urge to stare at Adrian's perfect backside while he led me out of the house 'to talk'. Murder him was my preferred action at the moment, but I didn't want to stain the beautiful carpeted floors of Beatrice's lovely house. Maybe I could do just that once we stepped outside. His Wife? Anger flared at the thought that Adrian had used me to coerce Beatrice to sell her beloved home to him. "When had he become this heartless?" Adrian halted and whirled toward me, eyes blazing. I realized then that I'd spoken out loud. I shot him a defiant look, intent on letting him know I wouldn't apologise for my words. "Forcing that poor woman out of her house," I said pointing behind me. "...is heartless." I justified. "I paid much more than the property is worth," he growled after one long intense beat of staring at me. "Money? It's always about money with you." I let out a bitter chuckle as memories of why our marriage was doomed to fail assaulted me. "You think that makes up for destroying people's lives?" I continued, my voice a mix of anger and hurt. "You think throwing money around can fix everything?" Adrian's jaw tightened, and he took a step closer, his muscled frame towering over me in the hallway. "I never said that," he said, his voice low and controlled. "Beatrice is happy-" I scoffed, crossing my arms defensively. "What else did you expect her to do when a man who can destroy her entire life with a snap of his fingers decided he wanted her most prized possession?" His gaze softened slightly, but his posture remained rigid. "I told her the truth." "Huh?" "You asked what I told them and I just said I told them the truth." Adrian replied calmly. "Which is?" I shifted on feet, hating how breathless I sounded. "Buyer, seller confidentiality," he stated firmly, his gaze unwavering. I bristled. "Confidentiality? Maybe you should have thought of that before you dragged me into this deal without my consent." "I didn't drag you anywhere," he retorted. "I only stated my reasons for wanting this house, which by the way Beatrice found acceptable." Reasons? What the hell were those? "You have to give it back." I demanded, not caring that this was probably the best house listing there was in Radiant Springs at the moment. If he wanted privacy, he could buy the damn hotel in town for all I cared as long as Beatrice got to keep her house that had been in her family for generations. As long as I didn't have to be faced with having only Margaret and Marjorie's house between us. I didn't want to have to be forced to be all neighbourly with him...and her. "Lily, dear?" Beatrice's voice interrupted our staredown. "I won't let you get away with this," I warned, but Adrian only stared, silently challenging me. I felt his intense gaze as I walked away to find Beatrice. She and her daughter, the woman who'd opened for me earlier, were here to pack a few of Beatrice's treasured belongings that she refused to entrust to the movers. Adrian had stepped out of the house to give them some privacy the time he'd been doing his press ups in her garden. "Need help with something?" I asked, stepping into the well-tended garden. All I wanted was to apologize for what she was being put through by my ex-husband. "These little beauties will always need a woman's touch." Beatrice caressed some beautiful blooms, a faraway look on her face. Did they remind her of some fond moments? I knew plants tended to do that when the bond with their owner was strong. "Beatrice," I shook my head before she continued, not wanting to lie to her and make promises I couldn't keep. "I-" A shake of her daughter's head who appeared in the doorway to the back stopped my protest. "I promise to give them as much love as I can." "I know you will, dear." She patted my hand. "You are a natural at this and it makes me so glad that your family will get to enjoy all of this now." I watched, throat tight as Beatrice disappeared into the house. If only she knew. "I'm guessing you are not the wife?" I jumped, startled by Beatrice's daughter. "How did you know?" I asked, sighing and relaxing myself. "Just...there is no ring and you looked about ready to murder him for claiming you were." She smiled. "I'm Sam, by the way." "Lily, his ex-wife," I introduced myself, taking the hand Sam held out to me for a shake. "I'm sorry that this had to happen to your mother." Sam shrugged. "I'm not." "You are not?" I blinked at Beatrice's daughter. "I've wanted her to leave this place for a long time, to move in with me," Sam looked back at the house, contentment in her gaze. "Thanks to Adrian she finally found a reason to give it up." "Our family," I said with a hint of sarcasm. "I wish it were true, though." "Well you know what they say about wishes." Sam winked, making my eyes go wide. "Oh, no, I wasn't—" "If you aren't now, you will soon. I know I would if I wasn't taken. He's quite the catch." She grinned. "Besides, I think he only has eyes for a certain someone." Sam shot me a knowing look. She was wrong, but I didn't bother correcting her. "And getting four times what this place is worth was an offer neither me nor my mother could shoot down." "Four times?" I blinked at the woman. When Adrian claimed he'd paid much more for the house, four times what this place was worth did not even cross my mind. "It's not my place to say anything, but give him another chance," Sam urged gently before disappearing into the house too, leaving me prickling at the idea of everyone suggesting Adrian deserved another chance. Needing to escape the relentless opinions, I headed towards the small garden gate that led to Marjorie and Margaret's garden. Glad when I found it open, I slipped through and shot past the Malone's yard before the twins stopped me for anything. God knew, I'd had enough of the ongoing meddling. The Cozy Cask was filled with patrons unwinding over beer, food, and conversation later that evening when I stepped through its doors for my date with Stella and Derby. The music was soothing, just right after a hard day's work. It wouldn't last long, though; I knew it would soon crank up once enough people had enough beer in their system. I spotted Derby and Stella just as they spotted me. I was glad they had chosen a table tucked away in a darker corner of the place. Stella shot to her feet, her lips curving into that welcoming smile that instantly made me feel included in the Finnegan fold. "You came!" She beamed at me as she pulled me into a hug, her excitement unwinding some of the tension I'd been carrying all day. "Ooh, what's got you so wound up, babe?" The younger Finnegan gave my shoulders a gentle squeeze, her eyes assessing while her nose crinkled in curiosity. Yep, she was just like Derby in that department. They were both painfully observant. I wondered, like always, if they inherited that trait from their mother or father. "Can I have a beer instead?" I pleaded. I didn't think I could stomach one more word about Adrian and his noble deeds, which I was bound to get once I narrated his latest stunt. "Hmmm..." Stella gave it a thought, a wicked smile playing at her lips. "You need to let loose while you have your beer." "No," I shook my head, but Stella was already dragging me and Derby out of our seats. "Hey Carl," Stella purred at the bartender, leaning over the counter, her mini skirt hitching up, revealing more of her great legs. What I would give to have such confidence. "Why don't you crank this baby up, me and the ladies want to dance." "Sure, thing, sweetheart." Carl smiled, his gaze going past Stella to... Derby? I turned to look at my mayor friend, wanting to find out what that was about, but I found a pair of eyes fixed on me instead. What was he doing here? "You want to make him jealous?" Stella whispered beside me. Of course she had already caught up with the drama surrounding me and Adrian. "Don't you dare say no." "I wasn't." I snagged my beer and walked towards the dance floor.
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