Abrupt meeting

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Chapter 1 Gabriel POV Running and running until my lungs feel like they're on fire. Anyone who knows me knows I hate exercising but I’m running for a reason. I’m being chased thanks to my dear old dad who oddly enough I’ve never met him in person. I do know that he is a mafia leader of the Monti family and before you ask no my last name is definitely not Monti. My mom was one of many mistresses dear old dad had she was just the only one he was so careless with. He definitely didn’t want me born but my mom refused to get rid of me. He told her she can keep me as long as she never contacted him again and threatened to kill her if anybody found out the truth. Well, I can’t really say threatened imagine my shock when I came home to see my mom being brutally murdered and the men standing around her are the ones chasing me. I found out about my dad in a very unintentional way. I came home from college a day earlier than planned. I walked in and saw them in a very compromising situation. I hurried out of there before either of them realized I was there. I came back later that night and talked to my mom. That’s when she told me the truth about my dad and how since I went off to college they picked back up where they left off at and that he is the love of her life. I asked her about him, and she told me everything how he runs a mafia, how he has two sons and how now that his wife is dead, he can slowly start bringing mom around, but they will never tell the boys that I’m his real son. It was crazy learning I have siblings that will never know who I am. My mother must have knew something was going to happen because yesterday when I came in from work she made me sit down she said “ life can be dangerous sometimes so I always want you to have a backup plan so take this folder in here is a separate bank account no one knows about and information and updated pictures of your brothers I know I told you what your dad said to me back when we found out about you but incase anything ever happens to me and him you will have an escape route I love you very much baby boy now that we’re done with that conversation I would like to talk to you about this house do you want to keep it because you know I’m moving in with your father next week”. I thought it was just because she was moving out that she was acting so weird, she must have known dear old dad was going to kill her because I found out the truth about him. I’m exhausted, I don’t know how much longer I can run for. My mom and I lived in a rural part of town on the outskirts and now I’ve made it to the middle of town I’m running past a café when I see someone who looks familiar. I run in and sure enough in the café right by the window is my brothers and some other guys I don’t know I run straight towards them “ I have never been more glad to see people in my life I would introduce myself but I have very little time all you need to know is I’m your brother Salvatore and Luca now I need to hide” I dove under the table and hide under the booth behind their feet I can hear them talking one of them say “ what the f**k does he mean he’s your brother” “I don’t know I’m f*****g confused you think he telling the truth Sal” I’m guessing Luca said that “ you and I both know Domonic is a f*****g scumbag of a father I don’t put anything past him we will question him in a second I think I see what he was running from” Salvatore said I see legs moving towards the table and I’m terrified that they're going to give me up but I hear Salvatore say “Hello gentlemen I’m afraid today is your unlucky day because you're in the wrong territory and you know what I’m allowed to do to you if I catch you in my territory right?” There was a small pause. I’m holding my breath hoping they won’t hear me “oh um sorry we didn’t recognize you we were looking for someone uh we will be leaving now” one of the guys chasing me says. I see the feet scurrying away I stay under for about 5 more minutes until someone kick me “ get your ass out here and explain now” I got up and looked around theirs 6 people looking back at me “ okay so umm my mom and your dad uh… you know and made me then your dad didn’t want your mom to find out about me so he threatened her that was 23 years ago well I guess since I been away at college they decided to rekindle things and then I came and found my mom dead and those guys standing around her waiting for me to arrive” I said trying to explain things in a quick way “ So how did you find out about us and how do you even know about who your father is if your mom wasn’t supposed to say anything?” Salvatore asked me “well I walked in on them uhm...” “f*****g, having s*x , sleeping together okay come on your 23 not f*****g 5 just say the s**t” The guy sitting next to Salvatore said he was tall bulky and tattoos everywhere and his eyes were grey he was beautiful but also scary looking he had to be over 6 feet tall I’m only 5’4 I thought I got it from my mom but maybe not because Luca looks short to at least one of the shortest ones at the table. “ uhm... yeah that anyways I guess your father was going to move my mother in your house and she gave me a folder with all the information about you and Luca in case anything happened I thought she was just being weird about moving out but I guess she actually had something to worry about I can’t believe she’s dead” I think now the shock and adrenaline is running out and full on panic is setting in my breathing picks up my head feels like its spinning my mom is dead, f*****g DEAD!. What am I supposed to do now? She’s the only family I have. I’m all alone how am I going to get through this do I call the police, how do you plan a funeral, I don’t know what to do. I feel myself falling to the floor, I’m rocking back and forth I can’t believe she’s gone. “ hey calm down you're not alone we got you, your our family now we will take care of everything” I turned my head and Luca is sitting on the floor with me he smiled at me I didn’t even know I said all of that out loud “ what’s your name anyways brother?’’ he asked “ my name is Gabriel”

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