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NABEEL's POV. I kept going through the papers spread on my table without touching them. My heart just couldn't be at ease. Here I was in Abuja with Fareedah, thinking that everything would be okay. But I just got tangled up the more with Husnah's thoughts in my mind now and then. If only I could do something to stop myself from thinking about her... I would've done that without a second thought. I kept pacing around from one side to the other on my chair. My heart felt very heavy and I just couldn't seemed to focus on anything. My phone buzzed, it was a call. I heaved a heavy sigh before picking it up. Reedah! "Reedah" I chirped in slowly, because I just couldn't bring myself to talk loudly. "Baby, can you get me some cheese while coming back? The one over here is too small to my liking". "Sure Reedah. I will, it's a goodbye then". I said attempting to end the call. "Wait baby!", she said quickly, "I also want you to buy me a new phone, I'm tired of this one baby". What the hell was wrong with Reedah? These days she had not been caring about my happiness or sadness anymore. Why? This wasn't the Reedah I got married to. She didn't even seemed to understand that I was sad and not in one of my best moods so far!. "I'll get a new one for you tomorrow. Bye for now, I'm very busy". I said and quickly ended the call. Then I scrolled through my contacts to call Fahad. My eyes suddenly rested on Husnah's number. My heart skipped a beat. 'What's wrong with me?'. I wondered. I tried as much as I could to force myself into calling her but I just couldn't. I didn't know why but I felt my heart beat increasing. Click. I dialed her number, praying silently that she shouldn't ignore or decline it. 'And if she brings up the issue tomorrow, I'll end it all by making it clear that I called but she didn't pick up!". What a silly excuse I've got? To my uttermost dismay, she picked the call. "Salamu alaikoom" she chirped in. Wasn't she having the sweetest voice on earth? "Wa alaikumus salaam, how are you?" I asked. "I'm fine, ina wuni?" "Lafiya. Hope everything is okay over there?" "Yes teddy bear. I'm just missing your hands over my body, those tight hugs and kisses. I'm missing you hell nuts teddy bear". My jaw dropped! What the hell was Husnah planning again? I thought everything about such game had ended? What was happening then? Thence I made up my mind to go with the flow. "I missed you more. Those giggles and pouts. You always look damn cute when pouting, Sweetest soul!". I replied back. "I missed this voice so much" she said, almost like crying "I wanna feel your arms around me, I wanna sit on your laps and kiss your jaw, kiss those beards and kiss your lips. I'm missing the hell out of you!" This were the most sweetest words someone has ever said to me. Not even Reedah who claimed to love me, and I felt a warm feeling creeping into me, penetrating through my heart and soul. My heart felt heavy. 'O Lord! This girl is not gonna be the end of me!'. "Don't make me loose my senses please Asma... I am drooling already" I said weakly, I had to go home now. Reedah could help. "When are you coming back?" I heard her sweet voice asking again. "Next week In Shaa Allah. I can't wait to feel you in my arms". "I can't wait too teddy bear. Take care of yourself for me please. Love you way too much" She said. "Blow me a kiss please" I heard myself said that... I didn't even know when the words popped out. "Where do you want me to kiss you teddy bear? Name it". "I wanna feel those lips on me, kiss me anywhere Asma, just anywhere" I replied, my voice hoarse. "Okay, I'm sending them all over you. Feel them... Muuuuaaaaahhhhh! Bye" ...and she ended the call. God! If I had married Husnah out of love, how could she take care of me? I couldn't even imagined. This was just a game and she played it way too cool. 'Mehn! I have to do something!'. *** *** *** HUSNAH's POV. A feeling 'like my world just crumbled' crept into me as I listened to Amrah's words. Did she just said Nabeel and reedah are in the states? That couldn't be possible! 'I never knew Nabeel hate me this much, at least I'm his wife and I have every right to know his whereabouts. Why would I hear it from a friend of mine? What will she think of me?'. I let out a lazy smile, as I opened my mouth to make up a lie, my phone rang. Alas! It was Nabeel. This was the right time to clear Amrah's doubts. I then picked up the call (The above conversation took place). As soon as I ended the call, I smiled. Why would Amrah lie to me?. "I'm sorry babe. I totally lost it while talking to my teddy bear. So what were you saying?" I asked, sounding more like I forgot what she just told me about Nabeel and Fareedah being in the states. Amrah seemed lost, as she kept staring into the space. 'What's wrong with her? God knows I'm beginning to loose my trust in her'. I had to clap my hands twice to her face before she came back to her senses. She blinked twice before popping out a lazy smile. Damn! She looked like a witch!. "Are you okay babe?" I asked, faking a concerned face. "Ye... yeah, I'm ok..ay" she stammered, "I have to get going, got a lot of things to do at home". I gave her a quizzical look and nodded. "Sure babe, lemme see you off". *** A week later... I laid down on my bed being the lazy me that Saturday morning. It had been 3hrs since I woke up but I was still in bed, my w*****d library seemed so dull and I was just too tired of reading. My phone buzzed, a message alert. "Hey, how you? Good I guess. Our flight will be landing soon, felt it'll be cool if I tell you about it. Bye". That was Nabeel. 'Pttffss! Like I give a damn about you guys coming back or not!'. My tommy gave a loud rumble and I smiled at myself. 'Someone is hungry!'. I stood up and walk to the kitchen. A three quarter shorts and a vest like top on me. My hair all mess from the morning nap I took. I looked around the kitchen, what should I even cook now? I just didn't know. I opened the deep freezer by my side and caught a glimpse of mushrooms, 'Damn! It's been long I eat them'. "I'm gonna cook BEEF AND MUSHROOM CASSEROLE" I said happily and then popped in my earpiece. 'Cooking and singing... damn! Way too cool!'. I scrolled down to a song by little mix and Jason derulo. 'Mehn! I am so inlove with the song'. "When you hold me in the street," "And you kissed me on the dance floor", "I wish that it could be like that" "Why can't it be like that" "Cuz am yours". I took out a bowl and cut the beef into little pieces, and then another bowl with flour and added some salt and maggi with spices. "Why can't you hold me, in the street?" "Why can't i kiss you on the dance floor?" I fried some oil with some onions "I wish that it could be like that," "Why can't we be like that?" Took the beef meat I cut into pieces and dipped it into the floor before adding it into the hot oil. "cuz am yourssssss!" I sang along with the song as I made breakfast. Mehn! I loved beef and mushroom casserole!. By the time I finished, I was already salivating. I arranged my breakfast on the dining table and skipped into my room to take a shower. I looked dull. I took a quick shower, applied a little kohl to my eyes and put on a loose fitted gown, pink with touches of white. Yeah, I looked cute even without the make up!. ... Two hours later... I was in the garden, reading one of my favorite book of Sidney Sheldon, "A Stranger In The Mirror". I was so engrossed into my reading that I didn't even noticed when two cars parked in our parking lot. I heard a loud shout, and I instantly knew who it was. Amal!. I quickly stood up, forgetting that I haven't tied my head gear, I ran towards where I still heard her voice shouting my name. "I'm gonna squeeze you alive Amal" I shouted back, adding my pace. Thence, I noticed Nabeel's car as I was about entering my side. Guess they are back. Matsalar su!. I salaamed at the doorstep to my living room and then entered. My eyes locked up with Nabeel's eyes. What the hell was he doing here? I asked myself. I saw Fahad, Amrah and Amal too. 'Damn! Ina fareedah?'. I wondered. "Are you gonna stand there and keep looking at me? Come on, lemme feel you in my arms" Nabeel said, standing up. 'Should I put up with this game? I just don't know what else to do'. I wallowed in thoughts.
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