
The Bullied Luna


Elena is forced to marry the Alpha as an atonement for her parent's sins. All she dreams of doing is to escape the wicked claws of the cruel alpha. She is maltreated and abused by the family of the alpha. Will her fated match be her savior or will she go through another miserable experience?

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ELENA Whack! The sudden smack to her cheek caused her to recoil leaving a burning sensation that had Elena Lightwood tearing up. Lowering her head to cause her hair to fall and hide her face frame, she waited patiently for the barrage of insults that were soon to follow suit. "Like seriously Elena, it's not that hard!" Cherilyn Dirk frowned and brought her face to a distasteful scowl with her hands on her hips for good measure. "It's just breakfast, simple toast! You've been doing this for years and you still suck at it! You'd think after more than a decade of doing this you'd be good for something but I guess you just had to prove me wrong, you annoying waste of birth, even that w***e your mum couldn't stand you." This was cruel, especially coming from Cherilyn- Cher, as she liked having the name of her favorite singer. Cher knew this part of what she said stung the most. Elena never knew her mother,Camille, she died at childbirth. That fateful moonless night, twenty one years ago sealed the fate of poor Elena in more ways than one. Since then, she has been in the "care" of the Alpha family. Though easier and she was granted reprieve when she was younger, after being fostered from one pack family to another repeatedly, she was later settled at the Alpha family's house and started working and waiting on the Alpha's daughter at a very young age,something Cherilyn loved and learned quite quickly how to boss her around from her step mother Carolynn. Elena was just a year younger yet Cherilyn and Carolynn- whom the Alpha remarried after his wife's unfortunate demise the same night Elena's mother Camille died of childbirth. "You clean this mess up disgusting pig!" Cher's voice sounded just as they could her the tell tale clicking of Carolynn's heels "Sweetie,is everything okay?" Her stepmother asked as she entered the room and saw the food on the floor "Did Elena ruin your breakfast again?" "Of course she did!" Cherilyn retorted. "I don't even know why I try every morning" "Awwwn honey don't be annoyed" she pulled Cherilyn away to console her whilst Elena pulled the kept mop and bucket hidden close by to clean the mess. At least the plate missed her face this time. She had plenty of scars from plates on her face and the rest on her body everywhere from Cherilyn and her family's cruelty in forms of bruises and cuts leaving scarred tissues and broken bones which healed poorly with no attention from the pack healers. Thankfully,her supernatural ability as a shifter helped her heal to the best of its ability. Elena always chanted words of positivity regardless of the bruises. " So sweetie, what are your plans for today?" Elena saw their shoes as they moved into the adjoining kitchen to the counter. She guessed that Cherilyn would make a smoothie as usual as she doesn't eat breakfast in the morning. It was just her way of humiliating Elena, her very own daily ritual. She never once actually ate breakfast, most of the food either ended up on the floor or splattered across Elena's shirt. Once, she made Elena crawl on the floor and eat the poured food cackling at how she was behaving like a dog. As bad as it seemed, it was actually a good morning for Elena considering she got off nicely. Once Elena picked up the larger pieces of broken glass and toast, she moved quickly not wanting to eavesdrop. "Well, I'm hanging out with Ashley and Bonnie," Cherilyn said. "we're going to the beach" "Oooooh that sounds like fun" Carolynn swung herself across the kitchen island as Cherilyn started working the blender. Elena was almost done with cleaning up the mess but she needed to go get the broom. She walked on tiptoes as she cleaned because Cherilyn warned her about her steps being too loud and she was acting like an "overweight bull in a china shop". Cherilyn loved calling her names even though Elena was a tiny runt who barely had enough to eat whilst she was a buxom blonde with beautiful curves. Not that Elena minded she barely had enough to eat anyway to worry about her appearance. Elena did not even care about boys,her worries were mainly for her and about her survival. The only driving force that woke her every morning was to take life and its existence one day at a time. She went back to the mess, packed it up and threw everything in the trash without making a sound before she went to get the mop and bucket. She was going to mop the whole floor anyway so she might as well mop right now whilst cleaning the remnant of an egg yolk. Sherilyn and Carolynn were chatting as Sherilyn drank a protein shake-which smelt a lot like fruits with a tinge of spoiled fruit to Elena's sharpnose. Even though she was banned from ever shifting, she still had all the qualities of a wolf- which included the sharp sense of smell from a great distance. She walked close to them as she held her breath wondering what in the world that woman had put in her drink that smelled so terribly. "We'll probably check out the guys that are there," Cherilyn was saying. "Matt and Tyler have been checking us out lately. They're dorks but kinda cute." She giggled as she flipped her hair off her shoulder Cherilyn style. Carolynn,who hadn't waited long at all after Alpha Scott's wife's death to make a move on him, grinned at Cherilyn who was more like a friend than a child she had to parent. "That Tyler is so hot, I love how muscular he is" "Definitely," Cherilyn said. "He had broad shoulders and look at those muscles" Elena was getting the mopping soap from under the cabinet just behind Sherilyn and had to pause to move a few other things around. Sherilyn misinterpreted the lack of movement, "Seriously,Elena, stop eavesdropping! Are you back there fantasizing about Tyler? As if it want anything to do with you stupid b**** " Elena said nothing as usual she kept her head down and got the items she needed, quietly wishing for when they would leave the house. She set her bucket in the deep sink running it with warm water and ignoring their conversation which had turned towards her. "Just imagine though?" Carolynn laughed. "Elena and Tyler on a date? You should tell him I said that" "Oh please stop" Cherilyn was snorting with laughter and tears in her eyes at this point. "Tyler would absolutely die if I said it, I mean have you seen her?" "Pathetic little thing" Carolynn eyed Elena with disgust. Cherilyn turned around and dumped all the fruit peels and trash directly into the mop bucket."Oops," she turned around sharing a wicked grin with her step mother and tossed the cup with half filled smoothie on the already swept floor. Elena was trying not to be angry at this point but it was hard. It was hard enough that she had to drag the bucket that was already full to the brim with water and now Cherilyn was hell bent on making life difficult for her. Elena dumped the bucket of water after fishing out the litter of fruit peels in it. On the bright side, the ladies seemed to have had their fun and seemed to be leaving the house now. At least she'll soon be left in silence. In there nobody judged her. She found peace in the silence as she wouldn't get judged, hurt or made a mockery of. Lifting the bucket of filled water for the second time she got down to work and started humming a tune she was not too sure of the lyrics. It was a memory of the first song she had ever heard. Maybe it was her mother that sang it to her. When she was younger, she used to dream about her mother holding her, rocking her and singing her to sleep. She never told anyone though. Neither did she hum the tune when she had company. She had the next few hours of peace to complete her chores and after that she'll secretly do some training exercises. While she looked like a weakling, that was far from the actual truth. She had a secret she was keeping from the world and she wasn't the cowardly weakling everyone thought she was. Very soon, one day she'll show the world. She'll show them she wasn't a weak dodder flower.

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