Thuvia, Maid of Mars-2

1981 Words

"Do the maids of Helium pay court to their men?" asked Thuvia. "You are playing with me!" exclaimed Carthoris. "Say that you are but playing, and that after all you love me, Thuvia!" "I cannot tell you that, Carthoris, for I am promised to another." Her tone was level, but was there not within it the hint of an infinite depth of sadness? Who may say? "Promised to another?" Carthoris scarcely breathed the words. His face went almost white, and then his head came up as befitted him in whose veins flowed the blood of the overlord of a world. "Carthoris of Helium wishes you every happiness with the man of your choice," he said. "With——" and then he hesitated, waiting for her to fill in the name. "Kulan Tith, Jeddak of Kaol," she replied. "My father's friend and Ptarth's most puissant all

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