The Chessmen of Mars-3

1955 Words

"Tara of Helium, I love you!" he said. The girl drew herself to her full height. "The Jed of Gathol forgets himself!" she exclaimed haughtily. "The Jed of Gathol would forget everything but you, Tara of Helium," he replied. Fiercely he pressed the soft hand that he still retained from the last position of the dance. "I love you, Tara of Helium," he repeated. "Why should your ears refuse to hear what your eyes but just now did not refuse to see—and answer?" "What meanest thou?" she cried. "Are the men of Gathol such boors, then?" "They are neither boors nor fools," he replied quietly. "They know when they love a woman—and when she loves them." Tara of Helium stamped her little foot in anger. "Go!" she said, "before it is necessary to acquaint my father with the dishonour of his guest."

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