The Chessmen of Mars-12

2026 Words

Tara of Helium saw her last chance fading into oblivion. There would never be another after today. She cast about for some pretext to lure him even a little nearer to the hills. "It is very little that I ask," she said. "Tonight you will want me to sing to you. It will be the last time. If you do not let me go and see what those kaldanes are doing I shall never sing to you again." Ghek hesitated. "I will hold you by the arm all the time, then," he said. "Why, of course, if you wish," she assented. "Come!" The two moved toward the workers and the hills. The little party was digging tubers from the ground. She had noted this and that nearly always they were stooped low over their work, the hideous eyes bent upon the upturned soil. She led Ghek quite close to them, pretending that she wis

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