The Chessmen of Mars-25

2060 Words

"But why should they feel contempt for those who have suffered the misfortune of falling into their hands?" queried Tara. "I do not know," said Lan-O; "A-Kor says that he believes that it is because their country has never been invaded by a victorious foe. In their stealthy raids never have they been defeated, because they have never waited to face a powerful force; and so they have come to believe themselves invincible, and the other peoples are held in contempt as inferior in valour and the practice of arms." "Yet A-Kor is one of them," said Tara. "He is a son of O-Tar, the jeddak," replied Lan-O; "but his mother was a high born Gatholian, captured and made slave by O-Tar, and A-Kor boasts that in his veins runs only the blood of his mother, and indeed is he different from the others.

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