Chapter Five - The Angry Arrogant Jerk!

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Danielle’s heart constricted with panic upon realizing his intentions. Was Loretta right in her assumptions? Would he sleep with her now until she conceived his heir? Her face paled considerably, and she beat upon his back. “Put me down right away, Mr. Cromwell. This wasn’t what I had agreed to.” He marched into the elevator, paying no heed to her protests. Thankfully, there wasn’t anyone around to witness the melodrama. “Mr. Cromwell, you’re taking advantage of your power.” Her thrashing didn’t have any effect on him. “I will do as I please. Don’t forget you’ve signed a contract with me.” He strode out of the elevator with her on his shoulder, straight to his car parked at the side. “You forced me to sign it.” “I gave you time to read it.” Danielle glared at the arrogant man’s hot ass, wondering what she saw in him exactly. He was the most dominating creature alive! “Yes, only five minutes to read a ten-page legal scroll that contained only one point repeatedly. I shouldn’t have any claims on you. As if I’m dying to claim you!” Danielle could feel the curious glances of everyone as he dumped her in the passenger seat. Did she see his lips twitch with amusement for a fraction of a second? So, he found it amusing? It made her angrier, and she fidgeted with the door of his Ferrari, but he seemed to have locked it again. “This is kidnapping,” she muttered as he got into the driver’s seat. “I didn’t realize you would be so desperate to get into my pants!” He just gave her an exasperated look before driving away towards an unknown life. “Any normal person would go for artificial insemination with his surrogate! Aren’t you afraid I’ll pass germs to you? Are you in the habit of sleeping with random women, hoping to get an heir from them?” Despite her angry rantings, he drove on with a grim look on his face. How could he remain silent while she wanted to bang her head in frustration? “Creepy man and his eternal silence!” she muttered, watching the car whiz past the familiar neighborhood. "Let me warn you, I have STD. Let’s do this artificially or you’ll be at a risk!” she blabbered nervously while he rolled his eyes and drove on. “Do you have hearing impairment? You didn’t when we met earlier. You could hear me call out your order even from the last cubicle.” It was out of her mouth before she could stop herself. She clamped her mouth shut and looked warily at his reaction. She didn’t wish to remind him about their precious encounters at the cafe when she was younger. “What do you mean? Are you daydreaming or what?” he asked in a bored tone. “No. You seem to possess a peanut-sized brain with zero memory!” He gave her a warning look before concentrating on the road, but Danielle was nervous. Her stressed and panicked brain could only think of one thing. Escape! Danielle couldn’t let him use her this way. She couldn’t let him use her for his physical needs and then discard her later. She had agreed to only bear his heir, not to have s*x with him. It would have been different if he loved her, but he didn’t. He hated her! “I would be cautious if I were you. Control that runaway tongue of yours or I won’t be responsible for the consequences.” “Are you sure you aren’t associated with the mafia? They use the same tone on innocent people like us,” she gritted out, hoping he would just tire of her and drop his idea. “I’m worse. I’m sure you wouldn’t like to know, Danielle.” She grunted with disgust and turned to face him. “I’m Ms. Hartford for you. And after the way you threw me out of your house the last time, I will not set foot there again.” He grunted in response, and she wanted to celebrate the tiny victory. Why couldn’t he drop the idea? “You’ll live there for a while with me.” Danielle’s mouth hung open, and she searched her brain for a way out. “Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for me so badly! I won’t live with you at all. Just drop me here, Mr. Cromwell.” He steered the car off the road and turned to face her, his face livid with fury. “Let me get this straight with you. I’ve tolerated enough nonsense from you, Danielle.” She opened her mouth to grit out a sassy retort when he touched his forefinger to her lips in warning. “Shh! Not a word!” Danielle’s eyes widened as an electric current shot down her body at his touch. “Don’t touch me!” she ground out, jerking her head away. He lost his composure and grabbed her neck, pinning her to the seat. “Stop fighting me and listen, will you?” he barked in frustration. She sputtered and grabbed hold of his hand to extricate herself. “Stop, you’re killing me. I’ll call the cops,” she shrieked in panic. Knox rolled his eyes at her reaction and released her. He hadn’t expected her to put up a fight for something all women were dying to enjoy with him. He was offering it to her on a golden platter along with 30 million dollars, yet she was fighting tooth and nail with him. Was she crazy? Didn’t she realize he would really bring her down on the streets if she didn’t comply? This seemed far more difficult than he had envisaged. “I’m not dying to touch someone like you. You’re not even my type. I’m in a fix because of you and your business. So stop this fight immediately and cooperate. I’m doing it for my grandfather’s sake. He wants to get me married for an heir, but I don’t believe in marriage. So, I’ll give him an heir for my mental peace. This isn’t about anything else. You’re the last person on earth I’d fall for. So just shut your runaway mouth and comply. I’ll not go for artificial insemination since I’m paying you a f*cking fortune. Am I clear?” His eyes darkened with fury as he watched the hurt in her eyes. Served her right for jumping to her stupid conclusions. Maybe now she would know her position. He hated such good-diggers! Maybe his retort had put her in her place. He steered the car towards his mansion without a glance in her direction. He would give her some time to settle down before doing the deed with her. Once she conceived, he would dump her in her dingy apartment until she gave birth to his heir. He would take his child and throw the money in her face, never to see her again in this life! It was a simple plan. What could go wrong? He stopped at a signal when his phone buzzed with a message from his twin, Andrea. Grandpa is still at the notorious party with his prospective old bride!–Andrea. Knox rolled his eyes, a wave of fury coursing through his body. It was time to stop the old man from committing the gravest mistake possible. Didn’t he learn his lesson after the bitter war between him and his deceased wife, their granny? Even the relationship between their parents was strained. There hardly went a day when they weren’t traumatized by the bitter fight between their parents. The whole family had witnessed it all, hadn’t they? Their parents had transformed the house into a battlefield! He and Andrea had been so miserable until they died in an accident! Why was his grandpa again going through the same s**t? Marrying someone he didn’t love would again leave him vulnerable and heartbroken. It was different when he was younger, but now at seventy; it was akin to committing suicide. No, he had to stop his grandpa. He wouldn’t surrender to his grandpa’s wishes and marry, but he would definitely give him an heir. Maybe, once his grandpa saw the proof of his intentions, he would stop. He messaged Andrea to inform her of his intentions. I’m on my way to the party to stop Grandpa. Just send me the address. I’ll bring him home. Don’t worry.–Knox. His phone buzzed with an incoming message from Andrea. It was the address of the place his grandpa went to. With a grim look on his face, he steered the car towards the address Andrea had sent. His hatred for Danielle Hartford multiplied, and he refused to even look in her direction. How could she set his grandpa up with her granny’s cheap buddies? His house wasn’t an old age home to shelter her granny’s homeless friends. If it weren’t for Grandpa’s wish for an heir, he would have taught the cheap woman a lesson. The best way would have been to sue her precious business. He stopped the car and got off, storming towards the party with a confused Danielle following him inside. He yanked the door open and walked in to see his grandpa kissing an old lady! Knox Cromwell lost his mind and gripped Danielle’s hand. “You’ll pay for this,” he seethed with hatred in his eyes.
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