Chapter Two-A Shocking Proposal

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“Why did you have to leave without seeing Vincent Cromwell? He’s the client, not his grandson,” scolded Loretta after taking an update from her. Danielle couldn’t tell her about her exact state of seeing Knox after so many years. It would take her some time, but she would definitely overcome her inhibitions. “No need to get so worked up. Vincent Cromwell called to announce that he would come down here for a discussion.” Loretta’s eyes widened, and she stopped complaining for a change. “When?” “Whenever he’s free, I guess.” They waited patiently all day, but Vincent Cromwell did not call, nor did he come down for a discussion as promised. Both friends were terribly disappointed as now Happy Matchmakers did not have a single client! Their only client, Robert Franklin, finally settled down with the woman Loretta chose for him and cleared their dues. “It’s just not happening, Lori. We have to think outside the box. We have to provide more services for today’s busy professionals, not just matrimonial services.” “Do you mean escort services?” asked a shocked Loretta. “No. Maybe dating services. We can match portfolios and set people up on a date. We can make unique and innovative arrangements to provide a memorable experience to our clients.” “That’s an excellent idea, Dani. Let’s plan this and then we could spend a little on ads. I’m sure we would hit the jackpot with this!” Loretta clapped her hands with glee. “Don’t get your hopes up. We have perpetual bad luck in everything we do, remember? Let’s just give this a try without expecting a miracle to happen overnight. If it works, fine else, we have to think of something else,” said Danielle. It was this fighting spirit that Loretta admired the most in her friend. Despite all hardships, Danielle never gave up. For the next two days, they were busy planning their next move. Vincent Cromwell hadn’t contacted them and both friends tried hard to ignore the disappointment. However, on a brighter note, they had a few inquiries about their newly adopted service. “I have an appointment with Dynamic Dates for a collaboration. Let’s see if they agree to organize dates for our clients on a commission. We have two clients now because of this new dating service. I’m glad that we’re starting it. I could do with one for myself,” said a tired Loretta, as they took a break in between work to grab a quick lunch. “Are you kidding me? We can’t date our clients! That’s the Golden rule,” scoffed Danielle, absolutely horrified by her friend’s suggestion. “Says who? I could do anything to seduce Steven McGrath. He’s so hot!” said Loretta, with a dreamy look in her eyes. Danielle shook her out of her reverie. “Forget Steven McGrath, Lori. He’s our star catch. We will get famous if we can please him.” Loretta nodded, knowing her friend was right. They would grow old making perfect matches for others. Steven McGrath was a famous criminal lawyer, but sadly, he didn’t have the time to find himself a date. Therefore, at thirty-two, he was a grumpy, nerdy, hostile, unapproachable man who really needed a cheerful woman in his life. “I know, but who will date him other than silly old me?” grumbled Loretta. “You will find someone of your age, Lori. Mr. McGrath, is ten years older than you.” “How about Ryan Woodbridge? I think he’s perfect for you, Dani. Don’t deny that you like him,” said Loretta with a chuckle. “Benefits of opening a dating service! No wonder you look so happy!” Danielle froze on hearing the booming, rich voice she had heard two days ago. Knox Zachary Cromwell. What was he doing here? After the way he kicked her out of his house, she hadn’t expected to meet the man ever in her life. His arrogance and rude behavior had infuriated her, and she had sworn to have nothing to do with him ever. He wasn’t worth crushing upon! She pinned him with a glare to show how unwelcome he was in her office. There was no place here for the likes of him. “Your opinion is not needed, Mr. Cromwell. You can see yourself out.” However, her words fell on deaf ears as he strode into the office as if he owned the place. Loretta looked like she would faint any minute after seeing the hottest creature walk inside. So this was the culprit who had snatched an important client out of their hands. “I haven’t come here to see myself out, Ms. Hartford.” He pulled a chair and sat down in front of a seething Danielle. “And you are?” he asked Loretta, giving her his attention instead. Jealousy coursed through Danielle’s body and she stood up furiously, slamming her hands on the table with annoyance. “That’s Loretta Knightley, my business partner. I really don’t have time for this. If you can’t get out, you’re most welcome to sit here and wait for me all day.” Loretta’s jaws dropped to the floor as she looked at the two of them. There was a strange awkwardness in the air, and she felt claustrophobic in their presence. “I’m off to meet Dynamic Dates. Bye, see you later, Dani.” She rushed out before her friend could stop her. Danielle seethed even more after Loretta escaped instead of helping her out. “Sit down, Ms. Hartford. I’m not here to date, obviously.” Danielle glared at him even more. How dare he judge her line of work! “Then why are you here?” she asked, controlling her temper a little. “Sit.” “I’m busy, so just come to the point.” Danielle didn’t bend and comply this time. This was her territory, and no one had the right to order her around here. A nerve twitched near his temples as he tried to restrain his annoyance. “My grandfather will visit you this week and request for dates. He wants to marry the one he is compatible with. I want you to decline him.” “Why would I? For me, he’s a client. Instead of pleading with me, why don’t you put some sense in your grandfather’s head?” said Danielle impatiently. Knox scowled at her with disgust. “How can I when you keep sending him pictures of prospective brides? This is the most underhanded ploy to get clients. Don’t you think so?” His angry insinuation made her jaws drop to the floor. As far as she knew, they hadn’t at all interacted with Vincent Cromwell in the last two days. What was she missing here? Surely he was mistaken. “I’m sure you are mistaken, Mr. Cromwell. We had no interaction with him for the last two days.” He scoffed at her words, narrowing his eyes to give her a suspicious look. “Mistaken? I have proof. Thank your lucky stars I’m not suing you.” “We are a respectable business, Mr. Cromwell. We do not function the way you are implying. I would suggest you talk to your grandfather instead of me. Maybe you can convince him better. You may leave now, since I have a client to meet.” Her words seemed to aggravate him and he banged his fist on her table. “Don’t you dare use that attitude on me! I’m still being nice to you. Don’t force me to destroy you and your precious business. It won’t take much effort on my part.” Danielle hesitated as a sense of dread hit her hard. He didn’t look like he was giving out useless threats. “On second thoughts, I have another proposition that might interest you more.” She looked at him warily, knowing he couldn’t offer her anything good. Her phone buzzed with an incoming message from Loretta. Bad news! Dynamic Dates has declined a collaboration with us.–Loretta. Steven McGrath got married last evening, and Ryan Woodbridge has moved away to Australia. He called to cancel his deal with us. The other two clients have canceled their meetings as well. So we have no clients now.–Loretta. She didn’t let the disappointment show on her face as she replied to her friend. It’s just a passing phase. We’ll deal with it.–Danielle. “Any problem?” Danielle shook her head vigorously. But it wasn’t easy to deceive Knox. He looked around her shabby office knowingly. “If you’re going through a difficult time, stop using my grandfather as a ladder. I can solve your financial issues if you agree with my proposition. Will thirty million dollars be enough to tide you over?” Danielle’s jaws dropped to the floor at his announcement. “I wasn’t using your grandfather as a ladder. What proposition are you talking about? Why would you give me so much money?” She gave him a clueless look. “I want something in return, obviously. I want you to bear my child, my biological son, to be the future heir to my business empire. It’s the only way to stop my grandfather’s marriage plans. There won’t be a marriage involved between you and me. You will give me my heir and get out of my life forever. You will have no claim upon anything in the future apart from the thirty million dollars I mentioned.” His eyes glittered with confidence while Danielle sat frozen in her seat. She hadn’t expected this at all. “So, you want a surrogate mother?” He shook his head while his gaze swept up her body. “Sort of. So if you agree, we can complete the legal formalities.” Danielle chewed her lips, thinking about his offer. It was true the money involved was huge and would solve all their problems, but what if she didn’t conceive a baby boy? “What if I conceive a baby girl?” she asked in confusion. “We’ll try again until you give me a male heir.” Danielle frowned at his narrow mindset. “What if I decline your proposal?” She got up to dismiss the arrogant man. Knox Cromwell followed suit, his eyes flashing with hatred. “I will ruin your business, your reputation, forever. I’ll bring you down to the streets. So be ready tomorrow at 11. I’ll come down with my lawyer.” He whirled around and stormed out of the office without waiting for her decision. It seemed she had no way out of the situation she was in!
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