Chapter 9-1

843 Words

Chapter 9 “Well, it’s a small step, but I think you are headed in the right direction,” Bobby said as we clinked glasses in celebration. I had just finished telling him about the whole Kellan picture thing, and we decided to go out for a drink and celebrate. Okay, not really celebrate, but it had been so long since we had actually gone out that this seemed like a perfectly good reason as any. “It’s just a silly picture though, and some small talk. Which, if you think about it, really doesn’t mean anything. I still don’t know what Kellan’s preference is. He makes jokes, but nothing that makes me really say a-ha. But that isn’t the only thing that happened today. I actually had a moment with Charlie.” “Oh, do tell,” Bobby said sarcastically. “I know, but I guess he’s not all that bad.”

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