2775 Words

CHAPTER TWO Brynn’s snow boots clomped against the day lodge floor like cement blocks. She’d changed out of her practice gear but moved slow, trying not to limp. Her hip ached. She’d caught an edge, and the fresh snow couldn’t cushion the hard fall. Her bruise, however, hadn’t hurt as much as Coach Frederick yelling at her and then telling her to talk to Ryland Guyer. She’d skied straight to Coach Tolliver and asked if she had to speak with him. Tolliver had said do it. An elephant pressed on Brynn’s chest. Anxiety spiraled. Not what she needed before a make-or-break competition. Don’t panic. A few minutes spent with the last person she wanted to talk to again wouldn’t matter. She needed to grab a coffee first. The heat would warm her. The caffeine would clear her head. She needed a

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