
1490 Words
I can hear the rustling sounds of the leaves and the soft whispers of the wind. Everything feels so light and vague. My vision was hazy and unclear.  The rays of light were trying to peek out of the green trees as some managed to touch my skin with its warmth. I can somehow see it but not clearly. I felt a light hand cupped my cheek and caressed it softly. And in that moment, I couldn't ask for anything more than this. The way the hand brushed against my cheek gave me the familiar feeling of safety. I don't even remember the last time I felt this secure feeling. But here... Everyday seemed so peaceful and happy. "Sunshine..." I heard a soft whisper. And I felt the hair in my body rise when I heard the tenderness and intensity of his voice. There was a silhouette of a man in front of me. His face was a blur, but somewhat familiar...everything here is familiar. I almost shivered at the familiarity that I'm feeling. "I'm sorry." That's when I heard something snap from the back of my head. Then I realized that this is the place... The place I was hurt the most. How naïve of me to think that this place could bring me the safety that I longed to have. Because I knew for a fact that there was no such place. Everywhere I go is a refuge. Everywhere I go would be a danger zone as long as I'm there. "Your mother and I love you,"  Masuyo niyang hinalikan ang noo ko. Tila ba puno ng pagmamahal ng isang ama sa kaniyang anak. A kiss full of lies. And in that moment, I felt like I was really back there again. I felt like I was back to that child who did nothing but love her parents and stupidly believed every lie they said. "You know that, right?" I closed my eyes and felt his warmth. Never wanting to let go of it. I longed for it. I want to feel their comfort again. "You are too beautiful to shed a tear, my sunshine." He caressed the skin under my eye wiping the tears that I don't think will stop falling soon. I pursed my trembling lips into a hard line habang dinadama ang mga galaw niyang puno ng pagaaruga. I wanted to stop him and push him away but my body wasn't responding. I want them to stop because they're still hurting me. No matter what I tell myself, I'm still feeling the same pain they inflicted on me years ago. I'm still not numb. And I hate it... "We'll come back for you, we promise," I can see the warm smile he's showing me, but my rage for them is burning. Liars. He held the back of my neck, leaning his forehead against mine. His wife held his shoulder, tears raining down on her beautiful unclear face. She was looking away, refusing to look at me. Her child. She knows she was leaving me. She knows that it'll hurt me, but they still did. It was so easy for them to lie to me. It was so easy for them to leave me... "In the far darkest side..." He said as I closed my eyes and felt his lips touching my small nose, and I braced myself for the biggest lie they fed me. "'re my light." I whispered as I closed my eyes tightly shut. I bit my lip and dug my teeth deep.  I hated myself for responding. That I let those words slip from my lips and believe them. And the next thing I know...I was left alone in the dark.  I was unmoving. Waiting for them to come back and do as they promised. How I waited so long for your light to shine at me while I was suffering in the dark for god knows how long... But you never came. The surroundings changed. From a beautiful place to a place my eyes couldn't comprehend. But it was dark... and painful. You have no idea how scared I was... I can hear cries. Screeching screams that always made me close my eyes and cover my ears. Their cries of pain did not just linger in my ears, but it was etched inside my mind.  I closed my eyes as I felt my heart clench hearing the loud screams.  Everything is so familiar. "Help!" It's everything that reminds me of my nightmares. Everything that hell brings. "No... Please!" There was a fire spreading, the heat was burning my skin. But despite that, the surrounding was still dark... The fire... it only made everything darker for me. "Stop!" I can feel an excruciating pain struck somewhere inside my flesh. It felt like my skin was being ripped off from my body. It was hot. Cold. Then hot again. It wasn't killing me, nor was my body bruised. But the pain was there. It was inevitable. "N-No..." The tremors... it's all familiar! I want it to stop! It felt like every inch of me was trembling for something I don't know. From the fire? From the loss? From the cold... I couldn't stop it. I just want all of this to stop! "Is anyone here? Anyone... please..." I kept on looking for someone. Anyone...I don't know. I just wanted someone to take away the pain. I'm scared. I'm scared but I was still waiting for them. I've always been waiting for them despite the rising anger inside of me towards them. Fear... I hated how afraid I was. I hated myself for desperately asking someone else to save me. For relying on someone else for my safety... I despise my self for not being able to fight and save myself. And maybe, I did. Maybe I hated myself more than I hated my parents. I kept on crying until I heard a clattering sound of metal. Naglilikot ang mga nanlalaki kong mga mata nang maramdaman ang malamig na bakal na dumapo sa balat ko. "No... No! It hurts! Make it stop! Please, no more!" Umawang ang labi ko at halos maputol ang litid ko sa malakas kong sigaw.  I was begging for all of it to stop. I want this nightmare to stop!  Napapitlag ako nang marinig muli ang tunog ng mga bakal na umikot sa isip ko. The sound of metal was ringing in my ear. Loud enough to make me lose my sanity. "Mom... Dad." I hated how my voice trembled when I called for their name. I held my face with both of my hand as my shaking lips were parted. I felt something wet drip onto my hands until the mixture of my tears and saliva started to rain down on my palms, pathetic horse whimpers coming out of my mouth. This is the memory of the days I was weak and feeble. Too innocent and naïve, gullible and stupid for their words.  A rustling sound came from my right. I was scared for my life.  "W-Who's there? W-Who are you? What do you want from me?" But despite all this fear, I manage to channel all of that to make me stronger. It became the burning determination inside me. "Come with us." A woman's voice echoed. And when I raised my head, a light was peeking through the dark. I made decisions I had to make to make up for the agonizing events that shattered my young heart. "We'll help you," My mind made up a decision for my stupid young broken heart who can't do anything without relying on someone else. "What's your name?"  That's when I started to feel the thirst. "Quianna..." For revenge. "Take my hand, Quianna. We'll help you." I chose to fight, no longer for them, but against them. "Fight with us..." They will no longer be my light. They will all just be a figment of the dark void in my life. They will drown inside my darkness. All this familiarity gave me a match, and it's waiting to be lit. Once the cold started, I won't be needing it, but if it's what hurts them... then I'll burn everything they worked hard on for to the ground. With my shaking hands I reached for the light. I stood with my feeble knees and tried to walk despite tumbling down every step. Until finally... "Kill her!" - Hi guys! So ito na po ang prologue. I don't know if it made you curious enough as to what's about to happen in the story, but I assure you that this story can offer a lot more than you expect! To clarify lang ah, the prologue is just a dream. Thank you for reading this far Scarlettear_
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