Saturday Dawn

508 Words
Saturday DawnGiving Ms. Grover the weekend off is most appreciated. And I am clear to work my wickedness in the kitchen. I prepare a box lunch to be consumed during the sail and then the promised elaborate meal for dinner. Reggie won’t be eating it, but an empty cooler would be conspicuous... not only to Reggie but to the myriad of investigators my plot will draw. So before dawn, while Reggie sleeps, I take the time to prepare, assuring that the salad is just perfect... to suit my goals. Yes, more online research has suggested any number of emetics which can be added to various foods to induce vomiting. The simplest... Iris. Taking a long blade from that growing in our penthouse greenhouse, when one slices it, the strand of common plant can be added to a salad and becomes unnoticeable. It will not harm. And when covered with Reggie’s favorite dressing, balsamic vinaigrette, the bitter flavor will be disguised. Within hours the consumption thereof will have Reggie retching. Poor Reggie will feel quite sick. And I will be there to help. Me, his loyal wife. She who has so often been scorned. I do not wish to be deemed vengeful, but I know where Reggie keeps all the records to his secret checking account that he uses to buy silence. A well locked draw in his office den, he mistakenly left it open only once and that was all it required. Yes, I peeked. What wife wouldn’t? I noted the sizeable cancelled checks and also noted a certain videotape. Reggie... you were recorded! How could a man of reasonable intelligence be so easily duped? As stated, I am sure he’s the moth around the candle, knowing he’s going to get burned but fluttering away in the attractive light. Why would he leave the drawer unlocked? Well, there will be no more checks written to blackmailing bimbos and no more videotapes to be purchased! “Almost ready?” Reggie’s voice drawing me from my reverie. My husband pokes his head into the kitchen just as I place the last of the preparations into the cooler. “Get the car, dear, and I’ll be downstairs in a moment.” Reggie departs to begin the journey. No such thing as jumping into a car and driving off in posh Manhattan. Our swank Fifth Avenue coop apartment is convenient, but traveling by auto requires a few minutes to retrieve the car and position it where the doorman will help us load. I use the time to text message Monica MacDonald by cell phone, alerting her that I am on schedule. The morning sun suggests good sailing and I smile to myself. It is a smug smile. Yes, I rather enjoyed inducing that raging hard on the other night, bringing Reggie to full stand, playing the role of innocent ingénue as he was forced to wheedle and cajole me away from dessert. I coyly ceded, and he took me quite deeply. Reggie is a strong lover... accomplished would be an appropriate term. Ultimately his p***s tip did knead my anterior fornix. My climax was most orgiastic... A wife should not have to share such.
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