Chapter 8: Findor’s with Gloria-2

585 Words

“He did what?” Gloria asked, staring at me across her second Bloody Mary at Findor’s. I loved Findor’s on Downing Street and thought it robustly quaint, very French, and inexpensive for a chic lunch. The two of us should have been going to Findor’s all along. The place felt crowded because of its tiny eating area. Café-like tables and wrought-iron chairs decorated a white, marble floor. Baroque windows overlooked Downing Street in the city and part of the Ohio River. I didn’t know anyone who worked there, which made me comfortable. “Miller broke into my house,” I told Gloria for the second time. Then I shared my Miller story with her from beginning to end. “He’s out of his mind. I was threatened.” “Sounds pesky.” “Pesky?” I raised an eyebrow, questioning her word choice. “Yes, pesky,

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