Chapter 6 - Fire In My Dream

2268 Words
Rhiannon I slowly opened my eyes, staring into the darkness around me. I was lying down, and when I looked up all I saw were stars and the full moon, yet nothing was illuminated. Why couldn't I see anything? I sat up and curled my legs under me. I could feel the tall grass surrounding me and hear a slight breeze blowing it around. Ok, so, I'm in a field. The last thing that I remembered was looking at Gram and knowing that she drugged my tea. I don't know what the hell she put in it, but it knocked me out, and good. "She's going to get a piece of my mind when I wake up. My anxiety wasn't even that bad!" Irritation crept through me. But I was also curious as to how the hell she got whatever it was she gave me, when she didn't even go into town. That woman has her ways. I remember a strong scent of lavender and lemon balm. The smell that calms my nerves while awakening my soul. And I had also felt tingles on my face before I fully gave into the darkness. She must have slipped me some really good to make my face tingle. "Wait, if I'm knocked out, how is it that I'm having a conversation with myself?" I wondered aloud. Realistically, if I'm still knocked out, I should be dead to the world. Not coherently talking to myself. I looked around in my dream state, trying to see if it was at least a place that I recognized. It felt familiar, but without being able to see, I was basically out of luck. "Why the can't I see anything? There's a full moon, it shouldn't be this difficult." I exhaled sharply. I was starting to get irritated, and getting irritated at nothing wasn't going to do me any good. It would just piss me off and I wouldn't be able to figure anything out. I decided to stand up and see if I could ...... oh hell, I didn't even know what I thought I could do. I slowly spun in a circle, looking in the distance for something, someone, anything really. That's when I caught a faint smell of smoke. "Well, at least there's someone else out here!" A part of me was happy I wasn't alone, but the other part of me knew better than to be excited. I can't just go trusting the first person I come across. Trust must be earned, not given. ", you're dreaming, remember? It doesn't matter if you trust them or not!" I slowly started making my way through the field and towards the smell of smoke. I expected to trip over something. A rock, groundhog hole, an ant hill. Anything. But I didn't. It was like I was floating. "That's because you're dreaming, dumbass! We JUST went over this!" I scoffed at myself aloud. If I'm alone I might as well talk to myself for company, right? I shook my head and softly chuckled, thinking how crazy I must sound and look right now. I finally made it to a tree line. "Great, woods, as if walking through a field when I can't see isn't hard enough. Now I get to try to make my way through trees without getting lost!" I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, tightly closing my eyes. "Why can't I just wake up!" I felt a gentle breeze come from behind me and blow into the woods. I swear I heard a faint whisper. "Follow us." the voice quietly said from the trees. It was almost inaudible. Another soft whisper. "Now". Ok, this dream is messed up. I continued on with my dream journey. What's the worst that could happen, right? I made my way through the trees, and as I did the smell of smoke got stronger. After what felt like forever, I made it to the end of the woods. Things were finally becoming clearer and I vaguely saw a narrow river. On the other side of the river looked to be a small town. "I know that town. That's the neighboring town that burned down years ago." It happened when I was just a baby, but I remember learning about it in history class. I put all of my focus on learning while I was at school, and having a photographic-like memory helped. The memory from my history book is as clear as if I had the book in front of me at this very moment. "Leave it to me to have a dream about something I learned in school!" I said out loud as I put my hand to my head. I've seriously got to be the only one this pathi-sad. I could see an orange-red glow from the town, and knew it was from a fire. Not knowing if the river would swallow me whole and carry me away to who knows where, I took my chances that in my own dream I'd be ok. As I crossed the river I was shocked that I could feel the cold water, but yet my boots and jeans stayed dry. I bent over and touched the water. The cool liquid moved around my fingers, but once I lifted my hand, there wasn't a drop of water to be seen. "This is so fu.cking cool." I said with an amazed smile. I thought for sure I'd be carried away by the ripping current, yet I crossed it without any issues. The closer I got to the town, I could start to hear yelling. I could see the fire at the far end of the town and it looked like they were having a bon fire. "But what's with all the yelling?" I decided to use my 'inside voice' from here on out, as I didn't know what was going on but I didn't want to alert anyone to my existence. By now, I had completely forgotten that I was dreaming. I cut through someone's back yard, and as I went to turn a corner to make my way to the front of the house someone quickly ran past me, scaring the out of me in the process. "Ahhh!" I screamed out, then immediately regretted it, fearing someone had heard me. I put one hand up to my racing heart and used the other to cover my mouth as I watched a young woman with black hair running away, carrying something like a football. Her lack of a reaction to my presence reminded me that I was still dreaming. "No one must be able to hear me, because, well, I'm dreaming, duh." I made fun of myself for my brief absentmindedness. A couple of seconds later, she turned briefly to look behind her, as if making sure no one was following her, her eyes glowing blue. "Well, isn't that cool." That's when I noticed it. She wasn't carrying a football, she was carrying a baby. I went to follow her when something stopped me. "What the! I should be able to go where I want in my own damned dream!" I grumbled in protest as another soft breeze hit me, blowing towards the fire. "Not yet" the familiar whisper said as it blew by. I rolled my eyes and went towards the fire, sighing in irritation. As I approached, standing just a few yards away from the crowd, the reality of what I was seeing hit. It wasn't a town party. Far from it. It looked like the entire town was in front of the huge fire, yelling and screaming in fits of rage. Throwing rocks and sticks at a man and woman that were on their knees on the ground with their hands tied behind their backs and their mouths gagged. They looked sad, and defeated maybe, but not afraid. The man's hair was dirty blonde and his handsome face was red with anger. The woman was beautiful, with long silver blonde hair. Despite her situation, she radiated confidence. A few feet off to the side of them was a small group of 5 others in the same position. 3 men and 2 women. There was a group of men standing nearby with their arms folded across their chests, and they looked to be standing guard over the group of people on their knees. My mind was racing. "What could they have possibly done? Surely it had to be something horrible. Murder, kidnapping, trafficking?" One of the women in the crowd spoke above the rest, "If they don't tell us what they did with that thing, we're wasting our time!" "Kill them both!" One of the men yelled loudly. Followed by the majority of the crowd yelling in agreement. "Kill them AND their ranking officers!" "Yeah! What they created only means doom for our pack!" "It's going to want to over power our REAL Alpha as soon as it's old enough! We can't allow it to live!" "What the are they talking about? What they're saying doesn't make any sense." Different scenarios raced through my mind. "It's an abomination! We MUST find it!" "QUIET!" a man from behind the crowd yelled. Everyone stopped talking, the only sound was that of the flames calling out to the sky above. As he walked forward, the crowd parted and bowed to him. He was taller, athletic built, with an oval shaped face and golden brown hair that looked to be slicked back. His teal blue eyes were somewhat sunken in and didn't complement his sightly pale skin tone. He really looked creepy. He stopped in front of the couple with his hands on his waist, tucking his thumbs in his old leather belt in a cocky and arrogant manner. "Well, well, look at the two of you." An evil grin matched his eyes of death. "Are you prepared to tell us the truth? Or are you willing to risk your lives for secrecy?" Mr. Eerie flicked his hand and one of the men standing guard walked forward and removed the gags from the couple's mouths. "We will NEVER tell you ANYTHING! " the man exclaimed through gritted teeth. "THEN. YOU. WILL. DIE!" Mr. Creepo screamed each word by itself. He went up to the man, swiped his hand across his neck, and stood back with a smile on his face as blood poured from the man's now limp & lifeless body. "What the!" I yelled as I went to turn away, but I heard the blonde woman scream. I couldn't help but look back towards her, my heart racing. "NO! JOHN!" The woman yelled in emotional pain as the group of 5 people struggled to escape their captors, but failed. "I'd rather die, than live to help a disgusting fraud like you!" Tears flowed from her eyes. Mr. Macabre chuckled, walked up to the woman, and back-handed her in the face. Her head moved from the hit, but she didn't cry out in pain. Instead, she turned her face back to look him in the eyes and spit out the blood that formed in her mouth. "Why is everyone allowing this?!" I harshly whispered out. I don't even know that man or what's going on, but I can't stand him. "As you wish, princess." Mr. Ghoul said with a monotone voice. He then walked up to her and leaned down towards her ear. As she stayed kneeling, rigid with pride, the wind blew his whispers to me. "Giselle, you could have joined me, but now you'll never breath again, and she'll still eventually be mine." He stood, nodded his head at the men standing guard by the other 5 people still tied, though they were no longer trying to break free. Instead, they were all kneeling proudly. "Yes, Alpha Stumpf." The 5 men said in unison as they each walked up behind a captor. Then, I heard the sound of 6 necks being broken in unison, and watched in horror as their bodies fell. The cracking noise echoed inside of me. "Oh, my, God! I think I'm going to be sick!" I tried desperately to control my breathing. As I turned to dry heave, I saw the black-haired woman that ran past me earlier had returned. She was standing in someone's back yard, out of view from everyone around the fire, and no longer had the baby. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, this is the only way." I somehow managed to hear her words and I watched as she turned away from what was happening in town, lit a matchbook, and dropped it. A ring of fire made it's way around the small town, catching houses and other buildings on fire. I moved to the center of the main road, watching everything around me, completely stunned. Before I knew it, the entire town was ablaze. Everyone was screaming, but this time in fear and pain. There was no escape for them. I looked over to find the black-haired woman and saw her lying on the ground, burning. I looked back down the main road and saw a wolf slowly walking down the center of it towards me. It was large, white with black on the edge of it's ears and the tips of its hair, giving it a silver appearance. I was staring into its beautiful multi-colored eyes when I heard a regal female voice calmly say "In time." "What?" I asked loudly. Did I hear it correctly? Was that the wolf talking? Then, the wolf started ringing.
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