Chapter 8 - Call Me Rhi

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Julia "What?!? What do you mean the land is yours?!?" Rhiannon was clearly surprised. There's so many things about herself, her past, and her future that she doesn't know about. I worry about revealing too much to her too soon. She'd grown up not knowing a single thing about the mysteries around us. I looked at Seth. It's moments like this I'm thankful to be able to communicate with whomever I want, if only they'd always listen to me. But I digress. "Pup, you opened this can of worms before you should have. She just woke up after receiving a memory from the past that she thinks was just a dream." Yes, I was irritated at the damn horny and impatient wolf. "I know. The conversation got away from me. I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean it". His eyes held remorse and I could tell that it was an accident, but it happened all the same. I sighed, took a sip of my coffee, and looked at Rhiannon. I guess early baby steps are better than no steps. This will be a long day. "Well, dear, like Seth said, my land isn't mine. It has always belonged to the Salvatore family." I have to be careful with how I choose to word things. I need to get her to have an open mind and for things to make sense. Rhi sat there munching on a slice of bacon, her expression told me she was in thought. She turned to look me in the eyes. "Then why do you live here? Why did you let me grow up thinking that it's all your land?" "I've been very good friends with the family for many years. Since LONG before you were even born. In gratitude for our friendship, they offered to have this cabin built and for me to live here until, well, whenever I choose to leave. And I never told you because you were a child. Who actually owned the land you were allowed to play on was of no concern." Rhi grabbed another slice of bacon, bit off the end, and used the rest of it to point at Seth. "So how much land do you actually own?" she asked him, waving around the bacon while she was talking. Some days, I don't know what I'm going to do with that girl. Once she understands everything, we're going to have to work on her manners. She's not used to behaving properly in public, and it shows. I sighed as I enjoyed my coffee and listened to their conversation. Keeping alert in case I needed to redirect the topic. Seth I chuckled to myself when Rhiannon pointed the bacon at me, waving it around as she talked. I'm honestly surprised Julia didn't say anything to her about it. I loved her cute little quirks and laid-back ways. "By the time all of the parcels are added up we probably own somewhere around a thousand acres, probably a little more." Her beautiful blue eyes went wide. "Wait, what other parcels does your family own?" she asked me while leaning back in her chair. "Well, there's this large lot of Julia's, we own 2 of her neighbors, and the small pa ... uh, town that's next to the one you live in." "Watch what you say, Seth." Julia was quick to get in my head to remind me to be cautious. "Your family owns a town?!? What's the point of having so much land? ..... wait, how do you know what town I live in?" "I told him where you live, Rhi." Julia didn't let me answer that one. I guess telling Rhiannon that I have followed her home and watched her when I felt like she might need me wouldn't have been a good answer. Not like I could do anything during one of her attacks, anyway. It would have just freaked her out more having a stranger break into her house. That damn suffocating house. "We don't only own the town, my family built it as well. We run it to a degree, making sure there is structure, that everything runs smoothly, and everyone is safe and successful. Everyone has their own jobs, it operates just like the town you live in. Only if anything happens to go wrong, we all help one another. We have so much land so that everyone can enjoy it. They farm the land, raise livestock, and enjoy it as they wish. As long as they respect the land, it's open to all of those residing on it." Rhiannon smiled at me. Goddess her smile was beautiful. "That sounds awesome! I think I was raised in the wrong town." She finished the little bit that was left of her breakfast. If only she knew how right she was. "Good job, pup. That was as close to the truth as you could have gotten without telling her you're the Alpha and the people are your pack." Julia said as she got up to take her dishes to the sink. "Did I just get a compliment?!" I smiled before finishing my own meal. Julia snorted out loud. "Don't get used to it, pup". "Bless you, Gram." Rhiannon's voice broke up our private conversation. "Well, since all of this land is yours, how about we get outside and you show me around?" She held my gaze, waiting for a reply. I looked at Julia. She nodded her head, silently warning me. "If you run into anyone, just tell them to watch themselves so they don't turn this into a disaster." "Yes, ma'am" I replied to Julia before looking at Rhiannon, "It would be my pleasure. I just have to call my dad and let him know I won't be in the office at all today". I got up and took our empty dishes to the sink, letting her finish her coffee. "If you'll excuse me, I'll be back in a couple of minutes." I pulled out my phone and opened the door, walking outside to go over a few business things with dad while Rhiannon got around. "I guess I should bring my shotgun just in case we see any more wolves that won't leave us alone." I heard Rhiannon's voice say to Julia as the front door was shutting. Wait until the pack finds out about this. I won't live it down. I'm probably the only Alpha that's been shot by his Luna. "Well, at least you're the only one to live to tell the tale," Lucius replied with humor in his voice. "That's reassuring. I'm happy you're amused over something that's your fault." I rolled my eyes. Damned wolf. Rhiannon "Dear, I don't think that you need to worry about anything attacking you in these woods." Gram calmly replied as she got the sink ready to do the dishes. "So you admit that there ARE wolves in these woods?!?" I knew it! I knew I wasn't crazy. "Yes, there are. Usually they're smart enough to stay away from any humans that visit the land. Obviously, you must have caught the attention of one of them". She almost sounded irritated about the entire situation. Amar walked up and laid by her feet. He's such a loyal companion for her. "Shouldn't they be called in? I mean, wolves aren't known to be in this area." "NO!" Gram uncharacteristically exclaimed. "No, don't ever call and report them in. The wolves have lived here peacefully for longer than I have. Calling them in will just bring unwanted attention and people to this land." She said in a serious and almost nervous tone. Which I found extremely odd. "Um, ok. I won't report them Gram, don't worry. Ok?" I put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring glance. "I'm going to go to my room while I wait for Seth to get off of the phone." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went to my room to send Tim a message. I promised I would, and since I didn't know how the day would go, I figured I'd take advantage of the opportunity. Me I promised I'd send you a message later, but I'm going to be outside most of the day. I don't know when I'd have a free moment and didn't want you waiting. Tim Not a problem. I was thinking. How about I take you out on a date when you get back? Me What? Why would you want to do that? Seriously. If any of the girls see him out with me, he'll be the laughing stock of the school. Tim Well, to make it up to you, obviously. Nothing serious. Maybe just dinner and a movie? "I could do dinner and a movie." I said quietly aloud as I debated everything in my head. Me Sure. But, what if someone sees us? I'm not exactly popular. Tim Let me worry about them. The rustic lavender and lemon balm scent became a little stronger and I looked over at my open window and inhaled. The breeze must be blowing it in from one of Gram's gardens. Me Ok. As long as you're ok with it. I'll let you know when I get back. Tim Sounds good! It's a date. "It's a date." I repeated to myself as I heard a gentle knock on my bedroom door. "Doors open." I said as I stood up, putting my phone in my pocket, and put my long hair in a messy bun on top of my head. Seth slowly opened the door and stood there smiling at me. He really was a handsome and kind man. I would never stand a chance with someone like him. But would I take advantage of the time I'll be able to be around him? "You bet I'll take advantage of any time with his fine ass." I thought as I returned his smile. "Ready, Miss Rhiannon?" he asked as he held his arm open, gesturing for me to take it. My smile grew. "Please, call me Rhi." My reply came out in a bashful tone. I could feel my face redden as I walked up to him and looped my arm in his. I typically only let Gram call me Rhi, but, I felt a connection with Seth. Like he was someone I could trust. Probably because Gram seemed to trust him. I felt soft tingles when our skin touched again. Ok, it's him! It didn't happen with Gram, so it's not me! He must be full of electrons or something.
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